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Everything posted by Izny

  1. Dont think a locally hosted rig, single point of failure, busfactor 1, is a great idea to be honest.
  2. The silence is deafening.
  3. Kerbal Space Program domain expires On: 2026-04-14. They will forget to renew the contract, domain will get sniped by tokyo domaintrolls, and it will remain for sale till the end of times. Let the record state i called this The 502 errors of the forum part of the domain tells me they already forgot about the server hosting the forum, and already forgot to include it in several routers.
  4. I've been giving the mods a hard time. Now i feel bad about it. Apologies. This whole situation sucks for everyone.
  5. Forumserver hamsters just needs some regular feeding is all.
  6. serves me right for buying ANOTHER early access game and be left with an unfinished clunky bugfest... XD
  7. He drowned kerbals and burned down kerbal space program. Kerbals are meant to do that themselves, and he took that away from them. Moar torches and pitchforks!
  8. Don't you dare take away my dreams
  9. Kick, slap, smack, punt and more stuff like that. People who lie should be ruined indeed, over way less than 50 bucks. [snip] it's not about the money, it's about the part where humans should not condone lying at all.
  10. that font... we should have known everything would go moobs up looking at the inability to fix a font indeed. now, my real gripe: docking ports being some kind of kraken device. the times i've seen my craft spaghettify itself when trying to add a rescue capsule...
  11. Does linked-in have a review system? yelp his career so his only next job available is creative director of crayons in the closed ward or something.
  12. I guess linkedin is now the official place to get your status updates. Someone should fire this bunch of amat.... oh.
  13. Since all other things get locked since it's deemed off-topic, let's make a thread where it is specifically on topic. Day 1 of KSP2 being without devs. Not a peep from the studios or anyone involved. It's Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
  14. Izny


    O hey, they moved it.
  15. Someone forgot to put coal in the tender. Hypetrain not moving.
  16. Izny


    They're working hard to make sure no one will post anything anymore, yes. Everything gets removed or locked. It is true ofc, that the cleanest forum is one where no one post. So with that in mind, they're doing a fantastic job
  17. inb4 this thread gets locked too I wish i listened to the warnings.
  18. Just gimme all the names, and i'll make sure to curse everyone involved. *starts raising fist in anger* No but seriously... maybe it's a good thing all involved have been sacked... ESPECIALLY the people who specifically told the devteam NOT to contact any of the devs of the previous game, and there's a special place in hell for the person who decided to not allow contact with harvester. Now that i think of it... the reason for that must be that they never started KSP2 from the ground up, but used the old code instead, and they didn't want anyone to know that they lied from the beginning. Curse them. All of them.
  19. Drummers... dont' get me started about drummers... but yeah, valid points. I need more names of the devs, so i can aim my anger at all the names.
  20. If he hadn't failed, T2 would have had no reason to sack the team and cancel the project. never let a graphics guy in charge of mechanics. it's the same as not letting a guitarplayer in charge of the endmix of an album. in both cases you'll end up with something unplayable. stop defending this guy, he does not deserve it.
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