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Everything posted by olekopyto

  2. WE NEED A LINK! BTW, if anybody downloaded it pls upload it somewhere and put liknk in here!
  3. I ate peanuts and swollen horribly!
  4. https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/469 It's has an RT config!
  5. Kerbal Stuff was just shut down! It was the only nice mod page on the entire internet, it was so much better than Curse, mainly because: It had Random Mod button, witch made me discover many new, lovely mods, It had nice, very Kerbal design with was easy to navigate, It was handcrafted and it had heart (and possibly liver) put into it, It was much more professional than Curse I will be really nice if somebody revived it, that feeling of something lost forever is killing me. It really is! <img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/45bb569edfcf14a03e9448397cd4ff27/tumblr_mh6v96548x1qhoi9qo1_r1_500.jpg">
  6. Did you use diffrent ships to send Val or Bob to space? BTW, I detect a little feminism!
  7. I tried having it turned off and on, in both cases it didn't work
  8. i tried every thing, still dark as night
  9. Hi, i got a small bug with grass colours on kerbin the grass seems off and darken than ksc grass and it persists in flight scene and in orbit. Here is the picture:
  10. These "Terrain Shifts" are very common, and dangerous only to rovers and small Kerbals, so dont worry. Half of Gilly disapearing seems to be an memory issue, try deleting memory-eating mods like B9 Aerospace (That plane you've got there appears to be made out of those parts), KW Rocketry, KSP Interstellar and especially Sido's Urania System (this one is a great memory sucker, even with ATM). And be sure to install Active Texture Managment! I hope that will help.
  11. Old Interstellar (0.90 and below) has tendency to interfere with jet engines and intakes, try installing newer version of Interstellar If this does not help, well, you need to get rid off Interstellar all together, i hope this will not need to happen.
  12. I experienced this bug, swithing between map mode and game works sometimes.
  13. I have a problem, i finished all contracts from Pre 60's pack and i wait for contracts from other mission packs to show up. So i wait for an entire year and none of Vostok or Mercury missions show up. I am not happy of this beacuse half of my stock contracts had expired, and oh Bob is crying
  14. Hi, i cant wait for the 1.0.5 release, this mod is soooooooooo much better than Astronomers pack in terms of visuals and memory consumpcion!
  15. I more liked the old blue solar panels. How to make them come back?
  16. Hi! When is this mod going to be updated to 1.0.5 beacuse i like the stock Mk1 Cockpit and the Wheesley jet engine is not scaled properly. I tried deleting the cockpit and Wheesley files but then they do show up in editor and spacecraft, please help!
  17. Hi I have a problem. The problem is that i accidentally deleteted files of this part. All i need is for somone to send files of that cockpit, or at least the "mk1Cockpits" folder. Folder Photo:
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