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Everything posted by Rath

  1. Please go read the WNTS list. The things on the WNTS list may happen, however they get talked about too much and theres nothing left to say.
  2. My theory on the amazingness of the forum is that most of us are massive geeks and because the rampant dickwaddery directed at anyone slightly diffrent in the real world we all have had the same stuff happen to us. The other thing is that KSP is hard enough to minimize the number of 13yr olds on the forum (Yet i'm thirteen)
  3. More like three engines. Lvt-45 lv-909 mainsail (there is no heavy lift 1.25m engine,another thing very needed)
  4. 90% of the time spent involving this would be keeping mom away. "I took it out of the basment, threw it and I just crashed!" "It has a battery, mom. And you weren't wearing the bracelet." - - - Updated - - - I live in HK, the land of annoying mainlanders tourists with selfie sticks. Oh god, when this goes on the market I will need to get a miniature AA gun to protect my hair. - - - Updated - - - I also know my next school history project. Working 1/50 scale model of the bofors. - - - Updated - - - Or maybe a scale model hurricane/spitfire.
  5. Can we have a bunch of bubble turrets please? Like the one on the bottom of the supwrfortress (I think) and the open backed ones on heavy fighters like the beufighter.
  6. Nice idea, good for when I want to use vernors on small probes.
  7. A note to whoever decided that trolling a document with suggest was fun: I thought that the KSP forum was more mature than that, however it appears that the hard work of the moderators is all that keeps some of us in line.
  8. Counciousness might be extremely simple, however the environment that it is in (The brain) might be almost all of the cause of differences between concousnesses. Kina like the description of the data that Brian came from in the Androids Dream by john Scalzi
  9. Timewarp in multiplayer WILL HAPPEN the devs have confirmed it, calm down.
  10. I need a pretty neutral name cause I dont want to classify on side and the 'Baddies'. PS r4pt0r what do those mean? PPS what should the other star be?
  11. The storyline is that sol and some other star that everyone knows (Polaris/Sirius or something) end up going to war and players can be ground pounders tank commanders, aircraft pilots, or combat Spacecraft pilots. Each battle lasts 24 hours and anyone who logs on during that time is put in that same map with Space, air and ground troops. The storyline restarts every whenever either of the sides home planet gets captured which can only happen after each of the stars in their empire gets captured, each planet in their home system and each moon around their homeworld. - - - Updated - - - note: to stop high level people from killing all the n00bs if you destroy someone too far below your own ships level you dont get anything.
  12. I thought that I set it up so anyone with the link could view.
  13. So Im writing up a plan for a 'firmish' Sc-fi space/air/ground MMO combat game which is sorta like WW2 in space with a bunch of added stuff. The only thing I really need is a name. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E5iPO4NrXEv2TNNn1xYRwOoGyqkOt9QGoruwWgM0C0c) - - - Updated - - - I left suggest on so people can, well suggest things.
  14. Snitch on the last guy, then get beat up.*Really bad humor, I know*
  15. Some sort of alcoholic beverage called 'Hydrazine' or 'Space Pruno'
  16. I'l try to make a very simple mod with a vent part that *may* be borrowed (Stolen) from BDarmory's flares. (I'l PM BadhumtoD to ask to be allowed to use them).
  17. I was thinking about the upcoming 1 loaded vessel, 1 thread system. Because stock turret bearings almost always use two vessels this will allow much larger tank battles for the battle thread! Because most stock tanks have 1/5 of their parts in the turret this will stop the enemy tank, turret and your turret from effecting the lag because they will all be on separate threads! (This is how it works right?)
  18. it is fully possible. Aircraft and some spacecraft (I think the Shuttle vented its OMS fuel can anybody confirm?) do it.
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