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Everything posted by Rath

  1. Or maybe he could hyper edit them into being a pair of worlds orbiting the wun, ejected by the explosion
  2. Or maybe a early cruise missile launcher track.
  3. Try to get omnivore for cell stage because the creature stage ability is AMAZING - - - Updated - - - theres a city stage ICBM ability Stages are: cell (current one) creature (go on land) tribal (either assimilate or destroy all the other tribes) city (similar to tribal, but more advanced) space (fly around, open ended) - - - Updated - - - Gregroxmun could wander these questions way better. Even his name comes from spore--the grox are a group of super aggressive people who inhabit the galactic core and occasionally abduct creatures in creature and tribal stage. - - - Updated - - - @yargjay9991There is the jet, which allows for really fast movement in cell stage. Next add a herbivore mouth so you can eat plants.
  4. Click the random button - - - Updated - - - Pick something cool
  5. I distinctly remember jumping a number of horses.
  6. Rath


    Some of my grandfathers buddies from work helped build the Apollo computer module(no, really), and they went to JPL for some reason related to that.
  7. Nothing to gaudy please. But to me the armband thing conjures up images of the concentration camps my best friends grand parents met in.
  8. Making it good, but incredibly expensive and bottom attach node wool have engine return vechicle worth it. This will make the amount of people who use shuttles bigger.
  9. I like it. maybe have a 'unify' VAB/SPH widget like ofset
  10. I'm sure that the suit has a air composition tester to make sure no dangerous gases enter the air supply, a little (probably default--knowing kerbfleet) could convert it to a breathalyzer
  11. I have no skill at programming, but I find that writing these fun so here is another one. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sDwGh4n3-zPDQ1jYjtgBH4rMrK3h39fLeEQ3nDGxJd0/edit The older game concepts page is here and the thread is somewhere too. https://docs.google.com/a/cdnis.edu.hk/document/d/1E5iPO4NrXEv2TNNn1xYRwOoGyqkOt9QGoruwWgM0C0c/edit?usp=drive_web
  12. I'm thinking that the jets should only work for stack attach, but this means that if we get stock hinges you could use the same engine for VTOL and forward and only rotate the nozzle.
  13. I love mods. Some people don't. And I use lots of struts.
  14. This is one of the most profound question ever. It is even on par with "what were those guys hassling Luke at mos eisley trying to accomplish?" - - - Updated - - - You just described a normal mining drill
  15. I'm thinking of tilting a really long one 90 degrees and using it to help launch spaceplanes.
  16. Maybe for the jets we could have a really big and heavy nuclear jet.
  17. Jets: have the the current parts be much lighter and be titled 'nozzle' parts. Then, add new 'engine' parts, which are, at smallest, the size of the thinnest 1.25m tank, and at largest the size of the FL-800. There would be 3-4 engine types, maybe with a really thin electric engine thrown in. Any engine could be combined with any nozzle to get a 'jet' with very diffrent stats. Turboramjet nozzle+low speed engine= High alt/low speed or something like that. Nuclear Engines: Nuclear engines could have two buttons--a 'start reactor' and a 'activate engine', the reactor has a very long spool up time and the engine only works at full capacity when the reactor is fully spooled up. This makes nukes more interesting and let's them be buffed a little while still having a downside. When the reactor is spoolling up, it produces lots of heat, but upon the activation of the engine it all god away. This is realistic and, IMHO fun.
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