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Everything posted by Rath

  1. Because of the way it is textured. The side you attach looks diffrent and doesn't work with snap attach. the way it looks attached to other wings is all wrong.
  2. In legitimate space programs with no respawn/reverts/quicksaves? Three. And i've been playing since .24
  3. Is this vechile made for shirtsleve planets, or mars type stuff?
  4. Piloting, or all the other stuff. If you have a ground sampler you would need controls/diagnostics on one panel, data on another. - - - Updated - - - what about storm/radiation/environment data.
  5. I wonder if I added a IR piston thing to the ant engine I could make a decoppleadble trailer. to get the alignment I think i would need to have a pair of junior docking ports that align the ant and then detach.
  6. apparently hitting a tree in a reserve tank can ammo-rack you. :/
  7. Wow. Can I use the trailer hitch in my own crafts that may be posted if I give you credit?
  8. Or, if you don't want all kerbals to respawn (Seems likley for a WAR series) open up the persistence file, scroll near the bottom and switch the Status=Dead to active or whatever the other living kerbals have listed. You can also turn them into recruits or tourists.
  9. I'm parking my DeLorean in front of the hypetrain to get it to 80MPH to go to a future where 1.05 is released.
  10. Dude, they specificlly said that it would allow boats, seaplanes and easier water landings. He does know something you dont; he read the devnotes.
  11. Would sukaree be pronounced sucre? If so, it sounds a lot like sweet in French.
  12. I've coping with a pair of cockpits with a NAS browning out the back or the gs-something helicopter turret clipped out the back. Occasionally I add a pair of Stock BD .50cal (I say there electronically controlled by the gunner) turrets on the side.
  13. For that cold fusion reactor, I will give you the rarest creature on earth. It is called the "hairus Trumpus"
  14. And I can find a college educated person who thinks that vaccines caused their child's autism, not the incompatibility if their genes with their partners. Now, to derail the thread: does a civilizations amount of technology limit the effect abject stupidity can have, or does the power added to that individual (a mideval peasant could never hope to own something as destructive as a barrel of kerosene, a Roman emperor could never hope to command a nuclear warhead) counteract any decreases? - - - Updated - - - If abject stupidity is unlimiable(in a free-ish society), this opens up so many more things aliens might want.
  15. Rover cockpit, EC fuselage thing, tructural element to make the bottom of MK2 fuselages square. Also useful for attaching wings .
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