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Everything posted by Rath

  1. you can dim the brightness by adjusting the settings on the light but keeping the value of each color the same.
  2. I belive that if u go into advanced mode in the editor you can add new ones. *Pssst*ganeplay questions*
  3. Do you even sleep?!?!?!!!!!!?????!!?!?!!?!!??!??!!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!??!!?!
  4. When i saw this I thought that it was going to be aboult being able to chose where the buildings are.
  5. If an asteroid hits the USA and does a moderate amount of damage(say, like hitting Romney) NASA will get a lot more funding.
  6. Totally uncalled for. - - - Updated - - - And he never said he was a student.
  7. I really like this idea because lander cans, even with a heatsheild have lots poking out to they will still burn up unless you a oversized heatsheild.
  8. The LV-N didn't outclass all others. Did you mix it up with the pre-1.0 48-7S? Whoops aren't i supposed to call it the 'Nerv' and the 'Spark'
  9. Yes, the game is not too realistic; but it is belivable. This is not.
  10. Only two Died(Except of the 12 in a lab that got load krakened) in my RP save.
  11. I suggest that the LV-N has a 'start reactor' with a giant spool up time and lots of heat, and a 'Activate engine' which needs to have the reactor on, but cools it.
  12. all my yes. - - - Updated - - - let us remove the top/bottom too
  13. NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNothank you. Nice for KSPI though.
  14. No person EVER has SSTOed from Eve ore Tylo(Without glitches). so no, defenitly not 'Very Easy'. Give whackjob $20 and he might help you with it.
  15. Another thing is that there are things no one has done before (eve/tylo SSTO) so you can get a bigger sense of accomplishment.
  16. Try seeing if you have 'pay for parts part unlock on' or whatever on first.
  17. I sugest that you deploy fairings in the upper atmosphere necause they are ludicrously heavy.
  18. This is 100% impossible. An Ion engine on kerin in .90 BEFORE the thrust changes with ISP fix cannot lift off.
  19. My recently reduced the amount of money they spent on the student wi-fi because someone hacked the teacher wifi and found out the password so we can all get in.
  20. Stand outside his house until he lets you see the dev version of multiplayer/1.0.3/U5
  21. Am am I going insane? I swear last time I saw this it said something along the lines of "my computer got attacked by the kraken."
  22. I found an asteroid with 20000(Not a typo) tons of ore... It was an E class though.
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