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Everything posted by Rath

  1. But im mature... - - - Updated - - - One con-my friends dad doesnt write a book about a kid in north korea and does't win the pulitizer prize.
  2. 9/10-No fairing ejection seat gap.
  3. Thorium, Can be used to make reactors that are tiny for small towns, very difficult for reactors powered off it to melt down, cheaper that uranium.
  4. -Looking at your post history you really need to turn down the snark(you aren't in minecraft fourm anymore serassa)
  5. I like this idea too I semi-implement this by using save file edits to get the contracts when I want them.
  6. I dont think thats a drone... I see a cockpit. Although kerbals are basicly drones.
  7. Granted-you subscribed to a mechjeb flamewar thread I wish today wasn't my science exam.
  8. Well I was able to get a mk3 plane to circumnavigate fly with three basic jets so you just need to be tricky with your placment.
  9. 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000tons is a little hard to move...
  10. @Pontus_p I belive your problem was cause by the roid going out of physics range under 22km and getting deleted. Did you do this before 1.0?
  11. CZ-1? Google 'Chinese Space rocket' and chose the one that looked most like that. (First I googled 'Chinese rocket' but all I got was missiles and a naked old man:confused:)
  12. I hate to overuse of the K-Syndrome too, but I enjoy an occasional good one as much as the next guy(Then Regex posts after me and turns my post on its head).
  13. I like this and I have a mineing truck that you can use. It is made up of a 6kerbal front section and a trailer with a drill and ore tanks. Oh, and there are wheels too. - - - Updated - - - Psst... when I upload it I sugest that other vechiles be trailers that are compatable so we only need like 2 of these things.
  14. Why Would They Do this? The only time I can think of when this would happen in real life is going downhill and not braking and using the rotational energy to power a generator. If anything braking should consume Electricty.
  15. You get a duck instead of nothing. i wish I wasn't broke
  16. I sort of made a little mod that adds a structural version of all the wings Eg: Delta Wing Structural If anyone wants it they can have it. Shameless self promotion
  17. Granted, but the ochestra is full of axe murders. I wish today wasn't my English exam.
  18. The main problem is that it would take a lot of RAM and considering KSPs history of memory leaks, it would probably have one as well. Six that and you have all my yes
  19. And I have a transfer stage that I want to us but I don't know how much delta V it has. Take a look at long 1.25 meter tank and add a nuke to it (I have a load if other stuff on it but most of it is massless. - - - Updated - - - Sadly I'm away from the file for a while
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