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Everything posted by Rath

  1. if you offset a gigantor XL so the light just sticks theough the base and deploy the panels before liftoff and allow them to snap off it looks even better
  2. Get me more Hype train tickets! Take my funds!!!! Can I preorder tickets for later updates? - - - Updated - - - Wait, WHAT.
  3. When your dates involve teaching your girlfriend to KSP
  4. When your Grandma knows orbital mechanics and you get grounded for killing jeb bob and bill
  5. Kinda off topic but why is it that evreything vexx says would be an amazing quote. Oh, and cool idea, minecraft forum needs to get this too.
  6. Actually someone made an eve ssto with a ladderdrive but I think it might be possible with massless mono prop engines loads and loads of mono prop tanks and a supercomputer
  7. I will probably just edit this out of the save file because when my orbit rockets cost 1000 funds per flight the cost of hiring a kerbal Is insignificant. (What percent of its budget does NASA give to its astronauts?)
  8. Step 1: put up a 12 part core with no crew Step 2: call it KISS (kerbal international space station) Step 3: make it massive and laggy step 4: wait for 1.0
  9. Saying "Sorry I dont thisnk I can do that."
  10. Also 1.0 is NOT the end of devleopment so they will work on it after
  11. Cool:D - - - Updated - - - Wait, for scientists work keepsthem sane??!! Its not like that for me
  12. Can you modify kerbals to have different relationships in the save file (for me to get this I need to know because I have backgrounds for my kerbals
  13. On my mun return I had my periaps at 72km and i ran out of fuel(Well actually I had before that was why i couldn't get out and push because the EVA pack ran out of fuel) Jeb is lost in interplanetary space...DANG MUN ASSIST!!!!!@#$%^&*(Even has a parachute via KAS...) TL;DR jeb missed reentry with a parechute by 5metres per second of DeltaV
  14. Well I had this 2.5metre rocket that kept failing to put a 27payload into orbit (first one of the engenes in the second stage cluster had no fuel-I fix that and then the payload spazes out in the middle of the gravity turn) So it got some RELALLY BIG boosters
  15. Maybe we could have a mk2 lab for planes and surface bases
  16. I sould get in one of my rovers(I make the rovers have a giant wheel base using i-beams) or my crew shuttle(Anything with a tested abort, really). nothing else really, I might get in my version an areis 3a if I am paid to do it (yay, Abort!).
  17. I think lay the actually has microscopic organisms living around hydrothermal vents . - - - Updated - - - I think that that would actually be xenoism because they are aliens
  18. I fear when Zekes finds this thread (ps I can run up to 1300)
  19. I think the main reason you are ripping when driving is that the SAS is trying to flip you because you are pressing w
  20. I must download this! Must get to computer soon! Why do I have to find this while on my phone! Take my rep!
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