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Everything posted by baldamundo

  1. Yeah, CKAN thinks it's still only compatible for 0.90 at the minute
  2. Ahhh, that's fair enough This really makes a huge difference, btw! If you pare it down massively to just the minimum of what you need (rather than e.g. trying to stick loads of different science experiment on a single probe) it cuts the weight down massively, and when your probe's super light, getting orbital becomes a hell of a lot easier. EDIT: BTW, am I right in remembering that SETI balance used to have a couple of handy procedural items like a procedural hydrogen fuel cell? Any chance of that coming back to ctt before 1.1? And on that note, any chance the procedural probe core could be updated to have some battery storage scaling to its volume? Atm different sized probe cores all seem to be functionally identical, as far as I can tell?
  3. Aha! This is exactly what I needed! Thanks for the tips! Am I reading it right that the ratio of the heights is approx 4:11:4? And the bottom part is just a straight cylinder. And the ratio of base diameters is something like 2.7:2.7:1.4? And by 'rotational twittering', do you mean just in order to get the engines vertical?
  4. Are there any mods which add these? I've been experimenting with using regular procedural fuel tanks in cone shapes which work okay, but it's tricky getting them to fit exactly and they never look quite right (I presume because the R7 boosters weren't just regular cones?). I realise there's plenty of mods that add R-7 style boosters, but I'm very careful about part-bloat and much prefer more versatile and especially procedural parts where available. Does anything like this exist?
  5. Hey. Couple of minor interface usability tweaks I thought I might suggest: could we have 'x'/'close window' buttons in the corners in the various menus and windows of this mod? When you're using them all a lot, I find it's often a lot easier than having to hunt down the menu that opened it in order to close it. The trickiest is, I think, the windows in the editor, where it's something like there's a window that opens a window that opens another window...and if you close the middle window, you have to open it again just to close the third window. With the build lists/queues, if the names of your designs are too long, it adds a scrollable bar at the bottom. Obviously, that's really handy, but the times and 'cancel/launch/etc' buttons are included in the scrollable list, meaning every time you want to see the time you have to scroll to the end. Since the 'time' and 'launch' bits are of a fixed length and aren't going to get any longer, there's no real need to have them included in the scrollable section. I know nothing about the coding of this stuff, so I don't know if it's a simple tweak, but I'd certainly find it very handy! Any chance we could get the 'rollout' and 'launch' buttons working directly from the tracking station? I know this is a weirdly specific request, but if I alt tab while in the space centre, it always pauses my timewarp, so I find the best way of passing time between launches is going into the tracking station, hitting "warp until complete" and then alt+tabbing for a minute. Saving having the extra loading screen from tracking station->space centre->launchpad would actually save a lot of time altogether (at least given how much time I spend playing this mod... ). Alternatively, if someone knows how to stop alt+tabbing interrupting timewarp at the space centre, that would be grand too P.S. I have so much love for this mod <3
  6. Do these use a lot of RAM? Really tempted to reinstall this (used to use it back in 0.90, took a long break from KSP since) but I already have such mod bloat...hmmm....decisions, decisions...
  7. Made one of my first big cargo planes. Fairly standard two-engine turboprop thing, looking a bit like one of these or that sort of thing. Flied pretty well on the first test, to be honest. The only issue was that I was getting an awful lot of wobble on the pitch-axis whenever I manually pitched up - especially while turning. Is this just an inevitable feature of flying a big plane without using a joystick (I do realise there are on-screen joystick mods) or are there some features and design tricks I'm missing for increased pitch-axis (longitudinal ?) stability? I can upload some screenshots of the plane later, but it basically looks like a C-160, or any two-engine turboprop cargo plane, but with a relatively small and probably poorly designed tail.
  8. How are these in terms of RAM load? I'm very tempted to pick up the Soviet Probes back at least. Are the pieces very modular/how well do they fit with stock stuff?
  9. For ....'s sake. Finally manage to make this plane have all of the control surfaces working correctly, then as soon as the fuel tanks get half empty the wings' pitch and roll controls immediately flip into inverse and it spins wildly out of control.
  10. Yeah, I realise that doesn't help, but turns out my issue was much worse than that - had my control surfaces (on the same wing!) moving in opposite directions and working against each other. Thought it was something screwy about detecting position relative to centre of mass when attached to a swept wing, but that would only explain the pitch getting inverted, not the roll, I think? Seems massively inconsistent as well - can't figure out what;s causing some of them to be inverted some of the time. Even managed to build one where trying to roll just made a pair of ailerons move in the same direction - i.e. making it just pitch and not roll at all. And no real idea what's causing it or how to get around it except maybe don't build such small swept delta wings...
  11. So after a couple of hours of troubleshooting, I've worked out it seems to actually be a bug with the way KSP calculates a part's position relative to the centre of mass, causing some of my control surfaces to move in opposite directions at times. Possibly it's a procedural parts issue, but it might just be that KSP gets confused by having control surfaces on swept wings near the centre of mass http://imgur.com/gallery/02GHy - - - Updated - - - Okay, weirdest thing - the control surfaces near the chassis had their roll axis inverted but the pitch working normally, while the ones near the wingtips had their roll axis fine but the pitch axis inverted ??? EDIT: Wrong link, should have been http://imgur.com/gallery/hwkWT
  12. I don't normally have a lot of problems with spaceplane stability, but trying to work out what's wrong with my latest design is driving me insane. In level flight (with or without SAS), it's absolutely fine and pitching up or down doesn't cause any problems whatsoever. The issue is solely on the roll axis. http://imgur.com/gallery/02GHy/new (if someone wants to tell me how to do those fancy imgur embedding things, please do explain) If you try to roll, it works at first, but it's like it doesn't want to be rolled, and will start trying to roll in the opposite direction. Sometimes this reaction is so strong that it'll not only stop you from rolling in the direction you want to, but you'll actually struggle to stop yourself from rolling perpetually in the opposite direction instead! It's as if the planes roll controls actually make worse the problem they're supposed to fix. And it's definitely to do with the control surfaces. I only managed to get some stable flight by restricting the control surfaces so each set only controls one axis - e.g. the rudder for yaw, wings for pitch, fins for roll. If you enable roll controls on the wings' control surfaces, the problem gets massively, massively worse. Not only will there be a sort of bounce in the opposite of the direction you're trying to roll in, but you'll not be able to roll at all - e.g. hold down E, for a moment nothing will happen, and then you'll just slowly start spinning in the opposite direction. The problem's so severe, that if you're in stable flight with SAS enabled, and click to enable roll control on the wings, you'll very quickly find yourself spiralling uncontrollably, and the only way to bring it under control is actually to disable all roll control altogether. It's as if the plane design is naturally stabilising, but actually the roll controls are somehow dangerously counter-productive. What am I doing wrong? - - - Updated - - - I should say, I'm not using any aerodynamic mods like FAR, but the wings and wing control surfaces are from B9 Procedural Parts, the fuel tank is from Procedural Parts, and the cockpit, air intake and engine are from SXT. EDIT: Additional information - the plane is perfectly symmetrical, the centre of mass (dry and wet) is just behind the cockpit, and the centre of lift just slightly behind that. EDIT: Huh. It looks like something really screwy is going on with the orientation of the control surfaces.
  13. Ooohhh. Is there a thread with info on this somewhere? Really excited for this
  14. A bit more testing seems to confirm that it's specifically right-clicking on a command module that's breaking it. And most of the time quitting the editor and going back again fixes it...or fixes everything other than command modules :/
  15. It seems as if what often happens, is I'll try to right-click on a command module, and that seems to break it, with right-clicking on any other modules also broken thereafter.
  16. So the procedural tanks have appeared in the VAB, like they should, put all the old tanks are still there. Have I done something wrong or does the declutter.cfg need updating?
  17. How do I remove a shortcut from a folder? I feel stupid for having to ask this...
  18. I'm running an absurd amount of mods, so I realise the sensible advice is "use fewer mods" or "disable half of them and see if it starts working again", but I figured I'd ask in case this is a known problem or if it's likely to be caused by some particular type of mod. Right-clicking has always been a bit laggy for me in the editor if I'm running a bunch of mods, but lately it's gotten worse - sometimes right-clicking just flat out refuses to work at all. When it happens, it normally lasts at least for the duration of that editor session. Sometimes it lasts until I quit and reload, which I /think/ resets it. It seems as if there are some other triggers for resetting it, but I can't work out what they are reliably - but sometimes it starts working again while I'm in the editor, sometimes it starts working again after doing things outside of the editor and going back. And it's not right-clicking broken entirely - it still works to look at the part info in the sidebar (although it behaves a bit weirdly when this happens) - it's only for the context menu you get when right-clicking a part that that's been placed in the editor. And when you try to do that, it lags horribly for a bit, but the menu just never comes up. Sometimes the lag doesn't go away until you pick up a part. Right-clicking outside of the editor normally continues to work, I think, although it's still laggy. Oh, and this seems more likely to break if the part you're right-clicking is a command module, possibly just for any module with crew space, and possibly it doesn't like root parts, although that might just be co-incidence. Anyway, I'm running an awful lot of mods, so finding out what's causing it is liable to take forever, but I just thought I'd post to see if anybody else has ever had an issue like this, to see if it's a known problem, or even just to see if anyone could suggest what /sort/ of mod is likely to cause it, so I can maybe narrow it down more easily. Any info would be much appreciated! - - - Updated - - - Full mod list is http://pastebin.com/NGJj0JQH
  19. Yeah, I do realise that - sorry for going off topic! Have asked in the KAS thread now. Really love how modular and versatile you've made this stuff, btw!
  20. Thanks! And is there a setting that will keep the cable in high tension, but without pulling strongly enough to detach the electromagnet?
  21. I think they all come up in the same place if you sort it by manufacturer (sorry if I've gotten confused and that's a feature only added by the Filter Extensions mod. but if so, get Filter Extensions, it's pretty neat) - - - Updated - - - I might be just being dumb and missing a KAS feature which already exists (their documentation isn't honestly very thorough). I mean, as in, can you make the cables pull themselves so they remain with high tension, but without pulling strongly enough to risk disconnecting the magnet? I was doing it by manually adjusting the cables to the right length as the crane moved, but I feel like there must be an easier way of doing it. Also, I actually don't think I had any problem with the truck itself getting unstable...just I may need more practise actually lifting things with the IR controls without accidentally flinging them over the back
  22. That...actually sounds like something I could do. Will bookmark that and hopefully get around to it some rainy day!
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