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Everything posted by baldamundo

  1. 1.1.3. A few have reappeared (USI Tools, Regolith, Open Resource System Fork, Sounding Rockets, Community Resource Pack, Asteroid Day, Firespitter Core and Warp Drive), but things like UKS, Exploration Pack, Survival Pack etc are still missing. As for which mods I have installed...err, frankly too many to list, but the above aren't even showing up in the "Incompatible" list.
  2. Oh. I'd thought in an earlier version the autopilot functions were spread out across the tech-tree?
  3. It seems as if the Blizzy toolbar option for Quick Go To isn't working properly for me
  4. What's the status of MechJeb in the latest version of SETI Community Tech Tree? I seem to have MechJeb installed on all command pods in my career mode game and I can't for the life of me figure out which mod is doing it
  5. I'm having an issue where if I hit the "j" button to open the part parameters, it always resets the rotation. Anyone else get this? :/
  6. Is this still accurate? Right-clicking the part in-editor tells me nothing about it's air requirements, and right-clicking it in the parts list tells me e.g. "Intake Air: 10.114/sec. Max." but with no mention of "inlet area". The intakes, on the other hand, tell me "Intake Area" in square meters, "effective base speed" in m/s, "intake Atm amount" with no units and "intake air amount" with no units, but nothing in the same units as the "intake air" stat on the engine. I also can't see any in-game mention of "total recovery pressure" or "TPR" or any inlet area percentages. Am I missing something? Because I'm really not understanding how you're supposed to work out if you have enough inlets...
  7. Nope. Turns out it was the Action Group On Stage mod that was responsible...
  8. Most of RoverDude's mods (UKS, Survival Pack, etc) seem to have disappeared from CKAN?
  9. I think this was the CustomBarnKit with SETI breaking things? Updating that seemed to fix it
  10. This is kind of a weird one. Seemed to only start after updating to the latest versions of USI and KIS (unless it was KAS...) and changing some other mods around that I can't remember. Will try disabling the ones I remember to see if they're the culprit when I get a chance, but KSP takes so long to boot so may take a while. I load a saved game, click on any building (except , nothing happens, but the tooltip gets stuck to the cursor, and I can't click on any other buildings. I can open the menu, but clicking quit or trying to load a saved game do absolutely nothing (except some buttons close the menu). Using the buttons in the corner I can open the "launch vessel" screen, but clicking launch does nothing. It leaves you with basically no other option but e.g. closing KSP from the task manager. Most mod menus seem to still basically function visibly at least. Really annoying as I'd finally got the game working basically fine. Do have a hell of a lot of mods installed but this happened very suddenly and affected all of my saves (even new games). Full list of mods is: http://pastebin.com/Y9LN4QiL Will have a go disabling USI, KIS and KAS when I have the time to see if they're the issue, but posting a thread anyway in case others are having the issue or have any idea about it - would appreciate if anyone has any input!
  11. Ooooh. Thanks for this - was just looking for something able to fill the really huge void between Mk2 and Mk3. Surprisingly there don't seem to be many other mods trying to do this!
  12. Any chance you could offer the Kliper as a seperate download? Or maybe even a separate "spaceplane" pack with the new ones as well (they look awesome!)
  13. Are there up-to-date CLS configs for this floating around somewhere? If there's one's for others too would be good to know, but CLS is the main one I think! P.S. Great work as always, and good luck re the referendum (I voted remain also)! EDIT: Oops, I'm an idiot - didn't read the spoilers. Ignore me! EDIT2: BTW, the Station Science/TAC and Tweakscale config links just send you straight back to the main Tantares thread!
  14. Hmmmm, I may give the HGR 1.875m engines a try in that case, see if they fit the bill.
  15. What sort of sizes do the launch vehicle engines come in? I've been using the main Tantares pack (which is truly beautiful work, btw) for orbiters/stations/etc for a while now, but making my launch vehicles from stock, procedural parts, and SXT mainly, but after having scaled up my R-7 design (with the help of these schematics) none of my engines are the right size any more. 1.875m-2m engines seem to be what I mainly need at the minute. Is the LV pack the solution?
  16. I've since reinstalled Tweakable Everything...and it's still working fine
  17. This sounds very similar to the crashes I'm getting and I'm also using EVE via CKAN. Will try disabling it and see if it makes any difference.
  18. I was just going through the files, seeing what I could prune, and I noticed there's several engines for the Jool/Saturn-V that aren't showing up in my game. Has something gone wrong on my install? This is on my sandbox mode campaign btw.
  19. Yeah, it doesn't look like there's anything you can do about it. Not that I've found anyway, and I've spent ridiculously long troubleshooting this
  20. Because the crashes seem to happen most frequently on my busier saves and and when I'm using larger vessels, but disabling a whole bunch of mods breaks most of my saves and most of my craft files, this becomes extremely frustrating to debug. Even doing a binary search is actually quite tricky like this
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