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Everything posted by baldamundo

  1. Anyone else having an issue where procedural tanks switched to mono-propellant end up with liquid fuel/oxidiser as well as the mono-propellant? It looks fine in the VAB, but the extra propellants are there once you launch. I'm running a lot of other mods and the most obvious possible cause is Configurable Containers, but I've not yet had a chance to do any tests on a cleaner install.
  2. FWIW, I've been running Anomaly Surveyor on my latest SETI career mode playthrough, and have gotten as far as the Minmus monolith and it all seems to work fine still.
  3. Thanks for the detailed replies, everyone - a lot of useful info! I think the real difficulty that I'm having is that I lose huge amounts of ablator in the upper atmosphere, but it barely seems to slow me down at all. You say that 20km periapsis is best for simple craft like a pod with heatshield, is that regardless of what apoapsis you're returning from? And does that imply it's not ideal for larger or heavier craft? Wasn't the SR71's top speed more affected by the limitations of jet engines than atmospheric heating? The rocket powered X-15 reached almost Mach 7 iirc. Would you agree with DStaal's advice that you shouldn't be going faster than around Mach 4 below 30km? And am I right in understanding that the difference with spaceplanes compared to heatshields, is that since they aren't ablating, they can survive being heated for longer, but are more vulnerable to rapid heating, which is why they use a shallow reentry? And is the pitch angle a balance between trying to maximise drag but without overly compromising stability? What sort of apoapsis would that be a return from? Doing some testing with a 2.5t probe (not including the heatshield) coming in from a very low orbit, and there's no way I can survive a 40km periapsis without stacking multiple heatshields. With a 1.875m heatshield, all 300 ablator is used up by 70km, and with a 2.5m heatshield, all 800 is gone by 63km. My real problem seems to be that I start losing significant amounts of ablator from about 85km, but my velocity is barely affected before I hit 60km. Only using up 25% of your ablator?? Clearly I'm doing something horribly wrong in that case. BTW, what sort of pitch angles are sensible if you're trying to reduce g-forces on a capsule with a lifting re-entry? EDIT: Done some more tests with the Eve lander. With 0km and -90km periapses, I still get through an entire 2.5m heatshield, but with a -150km periapsis, it survives with 75/800 ablator remaining.
  4. Oooh. Didn't realise this already had its own release thread! Probably a stupid question, but which versions of KCT, MagiCore and StageRecovery is it compatible with? Haven't quite kept up with the development of them lately - am I best off just grabbing the latest dev versions of each from the Jenkins page? And should it be safe to install on an existing career save? EDIT: Whoops, didn't see this;
  5. So I remember atmospheric heating being a bit of a joke back when it was introduced in 1.0 - even with difficulty set to max and Deadly Reentry installed, it was child's play to survive reentry. However, I'm really struggling with the current version, and most of the threads I can find are either out-dated, unclear, or actually contradictory, so I have some questions. FWIW I currently have re-entry heat set to 100% and the latest version of Deadly Re-entry installed (although I'm not clear on how much difference that makes!) and am playing in the stock Kerbol system. How exactly does your trajectory relate to re-entry heating? The 'common sense' assumption seems to be that a shallower trajectory is safer, but I've also seen people argue that it exposes you to heating for longer, therefore total re-entry heating is greater. Is it basically the case that a steep trajectory minimises heating, while a shallow trajectory minimises speed and g-forces? How is re-entry heat determined? Presumably the higher the speed and the denser the atmosphere are the key variables. How exactly do angle of attack and your vessel's aerodynamics affect heating? What about mass/weight? Does having radiators affect re-entry heating at all? How exactly do heatshields work? Is there a certain temperature threshold at which they stop increasing in temperature and start burning ablator instead? What determines the rate of ablation? Why is it that once the ablator is used up, the part seems to explode instantaneously, rather than only when it reaches its temperature limit? What's the deal with spaceplanes? If I ever get above about Mach 3.5, I start exploding. Is this a simple function of velocity vs altitude/pressure? If so, is there a guide somewhere as to what speeds are safe at which altitudes? Does angle of attack make a difference, and if so how? What about the shape of your plane? Any tips for surviving EVE reentry? Do people generally consider reentry balanced at 100% reentry heat setting with Deadly Reentry installed? Should I just give up and turn it down? Or should I uninstall Deadly Reentry? Does anyone have any recommended thermal settings?. Really appreciate any help people can give, so thanks! Have a feeling there were some other questions I've forgotten as well... EDIT: Forgot to ask, are there other decent strategies for plausible re-entry vehicles besides heatshielded capsules and shuttle-style spaceplanes?
  6. Is there a way of changing the hotkeys? 'J' is used by procedural wings to open the wing customisation window when hovering over the part, so having it reset the orientation is really troublesome!
  7. I had the same issue after installing Old Tantares, New Tantares official release, and New Tantares github prerelease on top of each other. Can't remember exactly how I fixed it though - think I may have just reinstalled. Have you thought about either adding double-sided cheat versions, or some attachment points so as not to rely on judging the symmetry by hand? BTW, it seems like the Proton fuel tanks are quite over-priced compared to stock. I'd recommend cutting them by between a third and a half. The first stage could maybe do with having $10k or so cut as well. P.S. Has anyone done RemoteTech configs yet? May have a go at making my own if not.
  8. I can't seem to get the symmetry on the Soyuz solar panels right. Either I use radial symmetry and the solar panels are pointed in opposite directions, or I use bilateral symmetry and the antennae point in opposite directions. Am I missing something?
  9. So I didn't get the bug at all on my career game until I unlocked the Scanning Tech node of CTT. It's got the Asteroid Day Telescope, Tarsier Space Tech's telescope, Tantares' antennae, a ProbesPlus upgrade, an Orbital Science drill, and a couple of resource scanners. When I get a chance I'll try a clean install with just those mods and see if it recurs. The log from that will presumably be easier to work with, 'cause frankly my current install is stupidly over-modded so there'll be a lot else going on in the logs.
  10. If you aren't using the Kerbalism signal system (e.g. using Remotetech instead), is there anything you can do to speed up data transmission? Add more antennae?
  11. I'm pretty sure this one works currently - https://github.com/icedown/KSP-ProbeControlRoom
  12. Does this use gimballing to control the thrust vector as well, or does it only use thrust limiting? I.e. Can it control a vehicle with just a single off-centre engine if it has high enough gimballing?
  13. Does this use gimballing to control the thrust vector as well, or does it only use thrust limiting? I.e. Can it control a vehicle with just a single off-centre engine if it has high enough gimballing?
  14. Well that at least solves the mystery of why my Energia-Buran stack kept crashing
  15. Does setting it to zero disable gimballing completely? And if so, is it WAD that all engines seem to start with it set to zero?
  16. So is Planetary Base System currently the only mod to work well with Kerbalism that really adds to base or station building?
  17. Daaaaaamn. Is that liable to be a permanent state of affairs? This is probably the most painful choice between mods I've ever had to make!
  18. Have come back to this game some months later and I'm still experiencing this bug. Anyone have any idea what could be causing it? Should I just try disabling any mods I have that add science parts (which is a hell of a lot, so any way to narrow things down would be appreciated!)?
  19. What's the status of compatibility between this and MKS Kolonization atm?
  20. Always a pleasure to see the progress on this mod, Beale - especially glad to have the Proton rocket back! But is there a config somewhere to put the parts in their own category/for filter extensions? I seem to remember there was one for Old Tantares that had a separate category for each craft. And are there CLS configs yet? Cheers P.S. Your new avatar has got this song stuck in my head
  21. Getting a lot of unhandled exceptions trying to select mods to install - e.g. configurable containers or a lot of linuxguru's mods like Fusebox continued or Crew R&R. Happens when I click the little tickbox before installing, and the "apply changes" button remains greyed out so I can't install. Exception looks like this: EDIT: Uhh...Seems to have fixed itself already? If somebody's responsible for that, thanks!
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