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Everything posted by Pkmniako

  1. For all the people still here waiting for the future of this mod, I'm redoing Other Worlds here: The rework is still not finished, but you can still play with the original version, just make sure to NOT USE SIGMA BINARY, as it changed the way it worked. If you have any suggestion for the mod, please go to the new post, as this version of the mod won't be updated any longer with new content.
  2. Re-revamped Pequar. And rings: Comparison between this version and the earlier ones:
  3. Talking about Pequar. It's the next that I'm going to improve: - Current revamped heightmap is pretty simple, so I'm going to add mountain ranges aroud the sand plains and a Mars Poles-like border between the Poles and the rest of the planet. - I'm goint to redo the rings. Structure is already decided, with 3 main rings (α, β & γ) and one dust one (ε) at C3-2s orbit. This last one will have a faint yellow color, but I haven't decided the main rings' color, so leave ideas if you want! The former ones will lie between 1 and 5 Pequar's radii. I'm also unhappy with the new Crons heightmap, so I've decided to make it more similar to the original one, with a center ridge, cratered poles and scaled terrain. Tell what you think about this!
  4. Had to upload a 0.1.1 alpha version, as the first one lacked first planet Troni. You've seen nothing! EDIT: I screwed up. Have the 0.1.2. It should actually work. Thanks for the tip! (Insert okhand emoticon)
  5. Alpha 0.1 released: (Bugs must be expected) - Includes Cercani, Troni, Vassa and C2-1 And talking about C2-1...
  6. Extra GIF of Vassa Rotating: This to be modified: - All clouds spin at the same rate. I would like to have the center hurracine spin faster than the not-so-bright clouds - Texture has some monsters
  7. I've changed Vassa's Cloud Map. Sorry for the slow development, but I want the planet pack to actually have good surfaces, both heightmaps and PQSs mods. (Extra random meme)
  8. A little album of the latest things I've been doing, mainly Disole and its new clouds Album sobxa will appear when post is submitted Embed Imgur Albums seem to be on vacation, so here, take the first image of the album and click the link to see the rest...
  9. Did some lensflares for Cercani if using Scatterer. Very pleased with the results:
  10. Yet another update! This time, the rest of the bodies! With this the first phase of the mod is over. Next thing is to make the surface of every single body look correctly and not pixelated from upclose. C2-1 and C3-1 will come next.
  11. More planets! Ice caps might require some work on it. So Shiny... Surface still looks a little bit pixelated, but getting better Worst surface yet. Have to work on it.
  12. The planets height maps are indeed made with Photoshop and a heightmap database. Color maps are based on the heightmaps and also made on the same software.
  13. And yet another update! Vassa this time! Even with Scatterer and Clouds! This to do: - The same as Troni, change the PQSs mods to make it look better (Less pixelated terrain) - Change the scatterer config to make sunset clouds - Make the night side look more dark. Probably to do with the atmosphere, as it's using the old one. - Fix a few random graphical oddities
  14. This is the old mod. It's not longer being updated as I'm rebooting it in another post. Also, please, don't spam mentions so much, it can get annoying. I'll mention your mod when I first release Other_Worlds Reboot, so don't worry for the momment.
  15. Update! Troni is almost finished, as it needs some tweaking of its PQSs mods to make the surface not look so pixelated and fixing an issue with the Ocean (Lava) in Troni as it has the hitbox 4 meters above the actual 0m mark. The color ramp could be changed a little bit more to show the difference in altitude between parts of the planet.
  16. Im also changing some of the orbits to make... a little bit more sense... But the moons stay with their old parent planets. Who knows, if I have time I could do, I dont know... the later...
  17. Troni is now under construction! Here, look at the crater's mountains!: Still, way too many small craters. I have to fix that.
  18. Niko comes to town! Say hello to the new Niko, with 8192x4096 textures instead of 1024x512! What an upgrade!
  19. New Update: Nienna and Kevari. (Bigger Kevari render on main post) Say goodbye to the old Pizza'd Kevari!
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