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Everything posted by Dunrana

  1. I hadn't heard of Seveneves before, I'll have to look it up. There are so few science fiction authors that even care about orbits, it's ridiculous.
  2. Does anyone have, or is anyone working on a mod to add Honor-Harrington-style Impeller wedges to the game? I would to see a impeller wedge as a sort of ultra-late game part. For anyone not familiar with the impeller drive, here’s the wiki page. http://honorverse.wikia.com/wiki/Impeller_drive As a side note, I highly recommend the series, as it is the only series I know of that gets spacecraft maneuvers even moderately “right”.
  3. The download link is giving me a 404 error. I REALLY want to try this challenge with my New Horisons install.
  4. Or just produce a "New Horizons 2.0 Light" that doesn't include those planets, then release the full version later.
  5. I made a quick run out to Jool to test the new parts. Everything works Great. Though something (not sure what) is bugging me about the imaging platform, and the Electrostatic and Ionization Experiment just seems too small.
  6. I’m foreseeing a very near future where this mod is installed for every play through I make on KSP. The Voyager Imaging Platform in particular was desperately needed. Also, sorry for the slightly rude first post. It Wasn’t intentional. My PC ate the bit where I said how awesome this mod is.
  7. Maybe you should convert the textures to.dds rather than .mbm. That way they would be smaller. Also if they were .dds I might try making a alternate texture pack for those who can’t stand the gold foil texture, not that I’m any good with textures.
  8. In a fit of utter boredom, I went and made configs that turn minmus and kerbin from Uncharted lands into additional worlds circling around Sonnah. Yes, I am that bored. I'm not moving to 1.1 till there's a New Horizons mod for it!
  9. First, I anxiously await the 1.1 release. second, i recently discovered that the old kerbal dust experiment still works in 1.1, and made a few science definitions for it. would you want me to send them to you?
  10. There needs to me a version of the SIGINT dish that serves as an antenna. a really, really, long rang antenna. as in "call home from another solar system" long range.
  11. I've been messing with the "Frog" upper stage recently. if anyone is interested, I might try to get Albert to release a updated version of the "Frog" along with the much smaller "Tree-Frog" upper stage I made myself.
  12. First of all, I must say I’ve been using this mod for ages, and I love it. Second, is there a chance we could see a hard x-ray imager similar to that carried by the Japanese Hitomi satellite? I’d love to see that in KSP.
  13. This may only be a theoretical model, but I'm getting excited. When can we have this for Kopernicus?
  14. Actually, I still have a "Insystem Mod" that I use, but as many of the planets in it come from the New Horisons mod, it would be complicated and pointless to publish. so the easiest and best solution is to use New Horizons.
  15. I will risk making a little Foreshadowing. I have seen some of the things that may come to Munar Surfaces Experiment package, and they are great!
  16. even a planatary nebula is pretty epic in scale, and likely too much for the KSP engine to handle in a suitably realistic way. That said, it would be pretty cool. i just don't believe the game can really handle it.
  17. http://imgur.com/15cu0QO I just made a landing on Habis. Now i need to retrieve my poor kerbals. you might want to consider a more subdued color scheme. the colors in this pack are bright enough to set them a little too far apart from stock.
  18. Any chance we could make some sort of normal map for a star? Maybe even a solar atmosphere? I'm thinking it would be terribly cool to see a star like Betelgeuse with massive convection bubbles rising and falling. - - - Updated - - - I think it might just be simpler to include nebulae by editing the skybox. think about how big a nebula is compared to a normal solar system. KSP just isn't made to handle any object, let alone a particle effect 50 light years in diameter.
  19. I decided to give this mod a try, and was pleasantly surprised. This mod is TREMENDOUS and should be in the stock game!
  20. May I suggest making eve, moho, duna, and jool accessible initially? those planets visible to the unaided eye would probably be known to the kerbals from antiquity, much like their earth counterparts.
  21. a excellent idea, I can't wait to see what kind of planet packs can be made based around this.
  22. There's nothing stopping you from continuing the journey after achieving Eagle. that said, there is no reason to rush it ether. I got my eagle scout two DAYS before I turned eighteen. The truly Important part is the Skills and the Knowledge you pick up as you earn the ranks.
  23. I just noticed this thread, and thought I would mention that AlbertKermin and I both hold the rank of Eagle Scout.
  24. they should send spacex a trophy for "the most Kerbal-ish Launch Failure in History"
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