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Everything posted by Wuwuk

  1. Hello. I import .mu file (ship part) in a blender, change it (just change geometry) and exported it back to .mu file. It can be added to the VAB, but it becomes inactive and it can no longer do anything. Even if you do not change the file, and it just exported back to .mu file, it still becomes inactive in the VAB. How correctly export to .mu? What am i doing wrong? - - - Updated - - - One more question, If I change the part of the ship, adding to it a single mesh (a small ledge on the body). How correctly add it (mesh), what would it be seen in the KSP?
  2. New R-7 is amazing. I certainly understand that the naz* planes is bad, but the missile V-2 is an important milestone in the history of rocketry. I would like to use it. In Taerobee is only X-1 and it can not be installed through a scan.
  3. Sure, I can try to make them myself. I would really help if I knew what part of what belongs to. Some parts I can identify, for example: Proton or Soyuz and N1, with other parts its not so easy . Names and descriptions some of the parts, are far from original names. For example, to build Antares from parts of Ariane-V is not quite correct . I barely guessed that NLV is Black Arrow. Until now, I was not able to correct assembly Black Arrow .
  4. What kind of a spaceship NLV? Cool, waiting: Antares with Cygnus Ariane with ATV Fuji Gemini ISS Nauka, Pirs & Poisk, Rassvet, Zarya, Zvezda Venera 9 and Sputnik 1. Or, please give a link to the working craft files with these crafts for tantares 29.1 and tantares lv 13.
  5. Thank you, cool craft files. Also need to add: Antares with Cygnus Ariane with ATV Gemini ISS Nauka, Pirs & Poisk, Rassvet, Zarya, Zvezda Venera 9 and Sputnik 1. .
  6. Report a problem: Any raidernick mods don't download from ckan, get an error. Fix please. Raidernick placed its mods on github at https://github.com/raidernick
  7. Why I can not install any mods from raidernick through the ckan? This will be corrected, or will have to install them manually?
  8. Ok, if only cfg tweak, I'll will try in the evening. But I am not familiar with C# .
  9. The tail fin control surface has two duplicate commands: "Toggle Airbrake" work properly and "toggle Air brake" don't work (probably need to delete does not work). Cargo bay part also has two duplicate commands: "Open Cargobay Doors" don't work properly and "Open Doors" works properly.
  10. What difficulty (compared with the latest version for 0.90) DRE is configured by default?
  11. Strange, but after reentry, at a speed of 250-300 m/s, shuttle nose don't enough pitch up. And front landing gear is too much damping. CSS 1.1.3 and FAR 0.15.1.
  12. "CSS full update 4.zip", the same as "CSS HOTFIX update 4", just CSS folder, craft file and txt files. Firespitter, ETC and Gimball folder not include.
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