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Everything posted by Iamsodarncool

  1. Collision FX Distant Object Enhancement EVE PlanetShine Scatterer SVE TextureReplacer with the KSPRC planet textures and Rareden's Skybox (by the way, does anybody know of any KSP skyboxes that are actually a high resolution? Skyboxes, including Rareden's, claim to be 8k or larger but they are VERY CLEARLY NOT
  2. I know right? Anyways here's me:
  3. I'll just copy and paste my comment here from reddit: Duna looks so good from a distance because of KSPRC, and up close EVE/SVE gives it the clouds and Scatterer gives it the atmospheric haze. I'm glad you liked the mission! I had a look at your Duna expedition and I think it's really cool
  4. Thank you! I expect the next time I need a new cruiser it'll be to go to Jool, and I'll definitely take that name under consideration when the time comes
  5. just make a career game and give yourself a ridiculous amount of funds and science
  6. Hey thanks man! It's actually only the fourth SSTO I've ever built, I'm very quickly getting better.
  7. Enjoy! http://imgur.com/a/NkeTU
  8. Finished up my trip to the Duna system! http://imgur.com/a/NkeTU
  9. Thank you very much @sebi.zzr! For anyone else who needs it, you have to disable visor reflections since the shader is broken right now.
  10. At the very least he should have a biome named after him. Maybe call a crater on Tylo "Falanghe Crater"
  11. Anybody else getting the bug where kerbals' mouths flap (like this)? Is there a known fix?
  12. That link has ugly, low resolution textures. The post I quoted says it found higher quality versions of them.
  13. Well, I was planning on buying copies of the game for my console friends.
  14. I have something like 50 different crafts saved in my current career game. A lot of them are slight variations on each other or serve similar purposes. It's an absolute mess trying to find the one I want with the default crafts list, so I'd love it if someone could make a folder system for them.
  15. Bug fixes and the ability to individually scale flight UI elements, similar to the MakeItSmall mod. Read about it in the latest devnotes.
  16. Hey, it looks like that download link is broken now. Can you reupload the files?
  17. Is there any way to disable clouds in map view only?
  18. Reading the contract description more closely, it looks like this was an intended feature. My mistake sorry @nightingale!
  19. I can get you that tomorrow, as well as the save if that would help. It was a contract that existed prior to installing the mod if that matters.
  20. So ever since I installed this mod, when I get to a waypoint for a contract then it creates a new waypoint for the contract. This goes on indefinitely (or at least for 6 waypoints, I didn't bother to go to the next) and there's no way to complete the contract. Is this a known bug or intended feature or what?
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