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Everything posted by Iamsodarncool

  1. Can we get an option to disable the toolbar icon? My toolbar is already pretty crowded with other mods, and I only ever use this mod via the arrow next to the clock anyways.
  2. Holy excrements, is that clockwork in KSP? That's insane. I beg you for a craft file download, if not now then when you're finished. Hm. Do you think it's possible to build an analog computer in KSP? Anyone know of a way to reliably write, store and read bits of data using stock parts?
  3. Could you share some more pictures from the surfaces of planets?
  4. It's a good thing I back up absolutely everything! Here is the last version of SVE that had the hurricane in it: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B681gf5UDH4EcEJPX2dpX0NwZFU Come to think of it I could probably just add it back in myself...
  5. @Galileo could you possibly add the Laythe hurricane back in as an option for users with beefy computers? I miss it.
  6. I made a patch that allows you to dim the lights in spaceplane cockpits and cabins. Unfortunately, allowDeployLimit is valid only for ModuleAnimateGeneric. ModuleAnimateGeneric is used on the spaceplane parts, but for some reason the rocket parts use ModuleColorChanger. So you can't dim the lights on command pods or the hitchhiker can. Does anyone know a workaround for this? Would it be possible to patch ModuleAnimateGeneric into those parts? Additionally, does anyone know how to change the name of the tweakable? I'd just rather it say "Light Brightness Limit" rather than "Deploy Limit".
  7. Is there any way to force the game to display the precise value? I miss seeing it
  8. Is that first stage New Glenn inspired?
  9. Holy excrements you have changed my life. Thank you!!
  10. What??? How did you manage this? I've wanted this feature in EVE for years. Currently I just uninstall EVE when landing on Eve, then reinstall it after I've landed. Is there a way to disable cloud visibility in map view only??
  11. Hi @blackrack, would you consider re-adding the variable near clip plane? The default value is just far enough to make stuff clip in IVA.
  12. Attach them to something dense
  13. Would it be possible to add a .cfg for this mod where we can change the minimum speed at which the effect occurs? Or even more advanced parameters, like the minimum vertical speed at which it occurs?
  14. I'm getting "Sorry, we can't show this content because you do not have permission to see it." Can you repost the content? I'd really love to have short range antennas on EVA kerbals.
  15. uh... you people should not be falling asleep at your keyboard. Please, do yourself a favor and go to bed a little earlier.
  16. Oh neat. I've always wanted the pin button to be bigger, it can be hard to hit. What's the acronym then? Part Access Window?
  17. A few things in the changelog I'm confused about, would appreciate any insight into them. Where are these located? I don't see them anywhere (and pressing F/R doesn't make it obvious). What does this mean? What is a PAW?
  18. Saw this in the FAQ: Unclear on this. Was this a typo, intended to say March 16, 2017? Because that's when the prerelease came out. Or is this an announcement of a release date for the full update?
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