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Everything posted by Hotel26

  1. This has really been working well for me: 216 deg (180 + 36) before the target, lower Pe to 55km. This works no matter starting from 70km or 120 km. 36 deg before the target, now at/around 55 km burn retro until Pe is -280km (to put the trajectory onto the target) or somewhat less if room is needed for a final burn At peak heat, burn off whatever fuel is left except I now lock-off a small reserve tank of fuel for the final cushioned touch-down What I like about 55 km is that the friction at that thin atmosphere doesn't push heat up too much (no thermo-bars) and not more than natural radiation can cope with. What else I like about 55 km is that all craft seem to be able to still maneuver freely (retro, prograde, radial out, etc) so that this "circularization" burn can be performed retrograde, and then the craft can adopt its final re-entry profile. What more I like about 55 km, from whatever altitude you got there, if you set it as periapsis 180 degrees earlier, then your retro burn is going to reduce it to circular orbit, followed by the Ap as you burn further. That's very predictable, whereas any de-orbit burn at some altitude followed by a slow-down burn at e.g. 55 km is going to rotate the orbit in ways that are variable as far as touch-down point. When you are dealing with craft that will augur in if descent is too steep, or burn up if too shallow, Predictability is money-to-the-bank. People use "Tobruk" (~110W) as a reference point for the final descent arc into KSC and it is 36 degrees uprange for an easterly approach. (That makes 70E (180 degrees earlier) the point for the initial de-orbit maneuver.) I've been doing westerly landings lately, and here's a factoid: landing on the equator (about 70 klicks) north of Dessert Runway is about 36 degrees west of Tobruk. Same aiming point. Initial de-orbit maneuver at 110E. For a westerly touch-down at KSC, the 55km Pe final approach point is 40W which is coincidentally at the tip of the peninsula to the east of KSC. (In addition, as most people no doubt already know 36 degrees target uprange is a good time to launch directly to intercept!) This is my latest lifter, Blister. I discovered it could "body-surf", even though its re-entry approach is wholly retrograde. This helped avoid burn-up around the 1,400 m/s mark. So I added the dual "wings" and have been ratcheting them higher, closer to the putative CoM near empty. It's actually capable now of levelling off descent. You can fly it like a glider, only backwards. And you can extend or kill the glide as you need. Another landing, also at KSC, also a westerly approach (I'm assembling a space station in a 180-degree incline). And a touch-down at my Alexandria base about 400m from the closest parked craft (leftmost). Landing within physics range saves me sending a salvage team and bringing survivors back as my rules permit direct recovery once within physics range of a Kerbal. One other thing I've learned, retro-fitting my Titan fuel tanker for re-entry recovery: while I've always thought air brakes are next to useless on returning space-craft (that are not horizontally-landing SSTOs), I've discovered that they are very effective when used at peak heat, when low enough, atmosphere thick enough and speed is say in the 800-1200 m/s range. They're a useful stepping stone in getting the chutes out safely. I thought I'd report back here what I've learned lately investigating this. I'm sure most people are ahead of me on this subject and have their tried-and-true methods that they prefer, but it's always interesting to compare notes, yes?
  2. I claim the Great Barrier Reef (such as it is): I know, I know. "Where is it?" Wise guys... "That's not a landmark!!!?? That's a watermark..." Ha ha ha. Yeah, I get it... This world-famous (now) coral reef is located close to a barren coast and is in the company of some other islands, which also appear to have reefs. It's in the Southern Hemisphere. (Yeah, I think everyone knew that.) And it's in the tropics. If you were to fly a very fast Panther-powered jet (that one is a little beauty, let me tell you, it is H/VTOL and so easy to park at e.g. Walmart) -- oh yeah, in a line between two of the principal launch sites on Kerbin... OK, I think I've blurted out enough. Not so fast!! I haven't taken a depth-sounding at this location yet. So, here's the challenge: how deep is it? UND... is it possible to plant a flag underwater???? Mwahahahaa. Explorers got to know... Silly me. Of course it is possible. https://i.imgur.com/Hcg5ePr.png How did you do that, Smokey? Just plant it...??
  3. Blister Orbital Delivery: Flight, we have a problem... Flight Control: Roger, Blister, state the nature of your problem... Blister: running into some heavy traffic up here, Flight. Think we're gonna be late for our re-entry window... Flight: Uh, OK, Blister... Flight: Blister, we're looking at the telemetry... TURN BACK! YOU ARE GOING THE WRONG WAY!! Nyuk nyuk. Call this a krakpot idea, but I'm putting a tourist space station into counter-orbit at 802 km. Quite spectacular, really. Have had to re-assign altitude of at least one opposing craft that was crossing that altitude periodically. "EAST is least, WEST is best."
  4. I do get your point... let's see if anyone else chimes in. Smokey? What are your wishes?
  5. Not at all! This is Smokey's initiative and purpleivan's project also, by contribution. Let's leave it to them with Smokey having final vote. I'm really looking forward to whatever they produce; all arguments having been heard!
  6. Well, ultimately, my preference would be to have one simple badge that declares, "I am a member of Kayak Club". That's simple enough. Having said that, we have had the notion of Explorer and Adventurer from the time of the OP. An Adventurer is someone who visits Landmarks that have been declared. This is hard enough, especially with the directions some like to give! (Myself included.) But the gold of Kayak Club are the landmarks that are truly interesting to behold, and those who discover them, the Explorers, are the lifeblood of Kayak Club. Then, I consider, that the very best Explorers will produce Landmarks that are attractive to others to attempt to find. The Validation of a Landmark is that Adventurers consider it worthwhile to make the visit. This is why Explorers get ten points, while Adventurers only get 15, divided between them. And this is why the Explorer does NOT get any points until the first Adventurer has gone to behold in person. So, if we care to have a graded system, then that's how I see it: based on the qualitative merit, not the quantitative. It is true that other "challenges" almost invariably use the linear game-scoring mechanism -- and we do have a leaderboard -- but I think Kayak Club is truly different from the usual challenge or competition. Especially since there is a symbiotic relationship between the Adventurer and the Explorer and that each of these can also be the other! I think one type of badge, certainly with different colors, and possibly (but not necessarily), including the nomenclature "Adventurer", or "Explorer", or "Navigator"[*] would be quite succinct and uncomplicated. [*] I'm not set on this term, [Master] Navigator. I had never conceived there might be a third rank, but why not? I like it. From here, with input from all members, I'll leave it to @Smokey the Bear and Judges purpleivan and Castille7 to make a final recommendation. I must say, the idea of having badges makes me very happy (thank you, Herr Smokey and Duke purpleivan!) and I will be pleased with whatever is decided.
  7. My modest proposal: Adventurer: bronze badge for Kayak membership (on the leaderboard) Explorer: silver badge for a confirmed landmark Navigator: gold badge for a landmark receiving five (5) visitations. A "confirmed landmark" is any claim that has attracted a Visitor. [I still have to reconstruct visitations to the first 15 or so entries in the Record of Landmarks. Work pending.]
  8. This one is a Thought Crime in incubation. Unless I hear an ultra persuasive argument in the next 48 hours, I think I am going to do it. I probably have a dozen at least craft in LKO at any one time. Maybe more. I recently put a KISS space station into a 45-degree incline. I'm seeing a lot of new territory. For several orbits, I watched, fascinated, (from another craft) as KISS intersected my orbit, multiple times, passing as close as 23 km in front of my craft KISS was so much fun, I want to put another one into orbit. But which orbit?? I've decided on an 802 km orbit -- in a westerly direction. Now everyone gets to see it every 15 minutes! Mwahahahaa. Conversely, riding in the cupola on KISS-W should provide some kind of low-grade meteor storm. (I think I could sell this to tourists!)
  9. Kerbal Space Kommand has received a terse communique which reads as follows: "Doctor Knievel here. Outstanding work on your recent Neptunian mission, Herr Smokey Bear. Truly impressive. Please permit me to be the last to extend to you -- well, not my congratulations, since we now seem to be pitted against each other in some form of Herculean struggle -- but the gratitude of a thankful planet for saving it from (or merely postponing?) its ultimate fate. No doubt, Herr Bear, we will cross swords again! Good luck." "P.S. about the matter of the disappearance of at least three of my laser-infected dragoons of the deep... I have to ask: do you have any pertinent knowledge of their whereabouts? Under the circumstances, I am attaching an invoice to you in the amount of... three hundred million dollars. 30 days payment, standard terms. My lawyers (evil lawyers, most naturally) will be in contact."
  10. I recently modified my venerable Zephyr lifter to be partially recoverable. I keep the upper stage of spent Zephyrs in low orbit and refuel/reuse them as recyclable interplanetary boosters. But eventually I have enough in space, and more coming up from the surface. 3 I-beams did the trick. Then I thought...
  11. Paaaad, eager to see your screenshots... just a note that they are appearing to others as locked. You may be sharing private links...?
  12. Scores have been updated. The Record of Landmarks is mostly reconstructed, although numerous visitations still have to be added to the first 15 rows. Congratulations to @Pds314, sir: you have moved into 2nd rank! Thank you for your usual Nat.Geog. quality photo-shoot, @purpleivan Special thanks to @Smokey the Bear for his initiative and artwork in designing a Kayak Club emblem/badge. And, um, welcome @Dr Knievel, whomever you are... Muhahahaha.
  13. Yay! https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/468163323760834390/ Variations on this red-white scheme for the compass ring? Altho mixing preserver colors/scheme with the compass sentiment might be ultimately confusing? I would say the artistic judgement (and commitment of work) resides fully with Smokey Bear on this but no doubt some community suggestions would be fun...
  14. You may use any means to get to any part of Kerbin! We've already had one location, Lake Excalibur, claimed and the Explorer suggested a dive there. Please see https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/190112-kayak-club/&do=findComment&comment=3729901 Since you've raised this interesting subject, and in the Name of Sportsmanship, I want to issue a challenge to all Kayak Club members (and wannabes)... It just so happens that, in my Orbit production world, I have a submarine base situated... at location... muhahaha... ... 1,374 km upon the ocean floor!! A location I call... Davy Jones' Locker. Ha ha ha. #2: But, excuse me, Dr Knievel... "1,374 km" appears to be what a likely majority of the world's Most Eminent Scientists would construe as a "distance", rather than a location... most respectfully. Dr Kneivel: is that so, Number Two? "Distance". "Location". Is there really such a big difference nowadays? We're all enlightened, I'd say. Why can't we all just get along? Why do we need so many opinions about everything... #2 (now somewhat exasperated): But... Dr Knievel. Really. I've asked you before... most politely. Would you please refrain from addressing me as "Number Two". My preferred title is "Chief Intelligence Officer". And if what you really mean is a "depth", then surely you mean "meters"; not "kilometers"...? Dr Knievel: Perhaps. [stroking cat] Perhaps not. Does it matter so much to you, Number Two?? In any case: refrain from further interruption, if you will. I am issuing a challenge being broadcast to every Explorer's Guild on the planet!, fur Gott's sake Dr Knievel: It is a very easy matter for me to revisit this depth (er location). My own personal submersible is fitted with sophisticated C.H.U.M counter-measures to thwart the patrolling -- and quite ravenous, I should say! -- platoons of tiger sharks, equipped with the very latest technology in dorsal-frikkin' lasers... that protect the base, 7x24... from Unwelcome Intruders. I can have screenshots for a Claim within, uhm, [pinky] nanoseconds. (Squints menacingly at a cowering #2.) Microseconds, quite possibly... let's not quibble, mmm [conciliatory]. Therefore, the Challenge to the world: FIND Davy Jones Locker (any location >= 1.374 m in depth) within 72 hours (seventy two hours) and claim Explorer's Rights -- OR -- I claim these evil depths; I mean: this evil location; for my own unspecified purposes! (Evil ones. Most naturally.) Mu ha ha. Explorers: you have until 1107 UTC Saturday morning, April 11, to accomplish your Quest. FRAU KISSENERRRR!!!.....
  15. I love it! and I for one really appreciate your stirling contribution to the Club! Let's await the Supreme Judges ruling on this but I for one will wear this badge (in my signature) with pride if/when approved. Thank you Smokey Bear!! To all, I will clean up the mess in the Record of Landmarks and post the latest scores, later today. Thank you for your patience.
  16. "Some people with a tank did something to someone with a shopping bag."
  17. My co-worker journeyed to Hunan province in December with his wife and 5 year-old son to spend Chinese New Year with his wife's parents. This co-worker speaks quite good Mandarin, actually. He said it was a strain, though, to keep up a conversation with his wife's parents, but he made the effort. He returned to Australia and to work earlier than his wife and son. By the time they returned, in early February, I think it was, he voluntarily isolated himself at home with his family for two weeks, working from home, because the enormity of this world-wide debacle had become understood, at least in presage. He and his family were fine, colleague returned to work and I subsequently met his wife and son, briefly. (My own first two sons are half Chinese and they live in the States.) My colleague shocked me by telling me that his wife's parents were both orphans. His wife's grand-parents, all four, had been murdered in China at the same time and for the same reason. About this, I cannot say more; not here. Out of courtesy.
  18. It's under control, you can be very sure. The parameters of this disease will become fully apparent after nature has taken its course. It's the truth about the source/cause of this disease jumping to humans that will be most difficult to obtain.
  19. Truth is the first casualty in a war, not OF minds, but FOR minds, especially those numerous kind.
  20. This is Epiphany... It's an all-LF machine... twin Whiplash and twin NERVa... Total capacity is 3,380 kallons LF. 37.6t. 10 krew. But it departs KSC at sea-level with a load of only 1,620 kallons in the tanks... By the time it arrives in 722 km LKO, there are just 326 kals remaining for a pitiable 596 m/s dV... But when it's fully refueled in LKO: its dV becomes 4.688 km/s. The first epiphany (thank you, @Mars-Bound Hokie) is that the purpose of an SSTO may not just be to make orbit and return to a runway, doing no more than burning fuel and transferring passengers. The second epiphany is that if you emphasize designing an SSTO for long-range interplanetary operations, you may have to handicap yourself getting to that first, low-orbit fuel depot milestone.
  21. This is Epiphany... It's an all-LF machine... twin Whiplash and twin NERVa... Total capacity is 3,380 kallons. But it departs KSC at sea-level with a load of just 1,620 kallons in the tanks... By the time it arrives in 722 km LKO, there are only 326 kals remaining for a pitiable 596 m/s dV... But when it's fully refueled in LKO: its dV is 4.688 km/s.
  22. @Mars-Bound Hokie you may find the below results of interest. How far can various space planes go after refueling in space? Of particular interest is Cobra below (originally known as Duster). It arrives at LKO with 1.2 km/sec dV, which is a respectable reserve, but won't go far on a voyage. Yet, with refueling, it's enough to go to the Jolian system. (I'm puzzled by some of the performances, particularly that Freebird didn't do better, but will be analyzing these to glean more insight. UPDATE: it has not NERVa, but Reliants. Yech.) So here's the leaderboard, so far, showing LKO departure dV after full refueling: 4.688 km/s dV Epiphany 4.142 km/s dV Jolly Roger 3.638 km/s dV Cobra 3.224 km/s dV Atkara 1.882 km/s dV Freebird 1.373 km/s dV Jackrabbit Note that LKO to LVO [Vall] requires 2.910 km/s dV according to the subway map. [Evidently, Jackrabbit is headed for the scrap heap... I think the take-away here is that any SSTO that does not include NERV power is not going interplanetary without further assistance and some mighty special good reason for doing so.]
  23. @Mars-Bound Hokie just opened an interesting can of worms on KerbalX @ https://kerbalx.com/Hotel26/Cobra With 1.2 km/s dV arriving at LKO, is this spaceplane suited for further-afield operations? Well, now, what a wonderful question because I have my second transfer window for Jool opening up in just 24d. (The first fleet haven't even arrived yet!) And, I'm ashamed to admit, I have never even been in orbit around our sister-planet Laythe, let alone set flipper there... So I've started an exercise -- more of a "High Space Kommand initiative" really, now that the Big Wigs are involved -- to boost a few of my spaceplane candidates into orbit, refuel them and then compare them by a) dV and b) krew load. I am also somewhat interested in viability in terms of local operations [Laythe] for exploration. My preliminary appraisals are showing that Cobra may have some greyhound space legs on it. I'll be reporting back here from time to time...
  24. Try this to begin with... (And a big welcome to the KSP Forum!)
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