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Everything posted by Hotel26

  1. Hello, Retro Starship! No maps as such and Article VI (6) would imply that a location may not be listed on a map until it has had at least 5 Visitations. After that time, co-ordinates and mapping would be completely valid. What we do have are the Discoverer links in the Landmark table in the Original Post, which link to the original publication of a Discovery. Recently, however, a Treasure Map of all Kerbin summits over the height of 6,000 meters was found and it certainly has added a new interest to Exploration!
  2. I borrowed the name from your "Brutal mode" attempt on it in the Climbing 6000s... So +10 for you for the discovery and I'll take +5 for visitation. And I think we can both agree this one is Brutal!!
  3. This is Mt Brutality. I wrecked the plane landing. Jack Kerman disembarked and then slid 415 meters, narrowly averting a proper plummet from the back face of this cruel mountain. The top is at 6,143 meters (if I recall). (You can see a rather large and well-known lake in the background.) That's Lake Summer in the background!! And that's the wrecked Spark... I figure I am going to get +4 for visitation of Lake Summer? And get challenged over Mt Brutality...?
  4. Nope. Stayed tuned and I'll get you an overhead shot. I think it's pretty circular... @Pds314 here it is:
  5. Very, very nice job. I watched your Race 1 video with eyes focused only on the altimeter the whole way and you kept it under 175m the whole time. Well done!
  6. I must say: I am inspired by the work ethic of new member, @Pds314 Bravo, sir! Well, I was hoping to find Summer Lake! But, not one lake, but two. Clearly not the place under scrutiny. Lake Double Disappointment, then. (No, I'm not land-marking this one...) Ahem. As much as I am inclined to get all pompous and such and spout Article IV ("Give some clues about how to get there, couched in terms of (e.g.) an initial heading from KSC, followed by flowery description of landmarks along the way."), I note that oAsAo worked it out and arrived at the place. Harumph. I will keep exploring! I claim Iceland for the Regent: Flowery prose follows... "Smallest Arktik (or Antarktik!!!!) island on Kerbin...??" (The Royal Fact-Checkers may contradict me, but close enough...) It's actually a nice place, for a chess tournament. Possibly not enough bowling alleys for recreation... St Andrews is "the largest island in the largest lake on Kerbin". (Concise enough?) It's about big enough for an 18-hole course and a 5-star hotel and conference center. In five years playing KSP, I had never been within line-of-sight of this lake. "Exploration is great, mate!" This is Gravity Lake and you may have seen the documentary in which Sandra Kerman took a dip here. True story! Some kind of craft about six months ago re-entering for an unplanned/uncontrolled landing, no chutes. Mission Kontrol (late at night) became fascinated with whether the hapless craft would under/over-shoot the lake. Nobody bet on splash-down, but that's what happened: true dead center of the lake. Everyone was amazed. No survivor, though, because this is real-life and no chutes, duh. Meanwhile the KSP "reset vessel budget back to minimum and wipe out all debris on next boot" bug took over and wiped out any evidence of the scene that Forensics could return to. No one could find the lake again until some bright spark commissioned Kayak Club to find it. Yup. Now for the flowery prose. "It's a big enough lake with steep sides, pretty close to circular, with no other lakes nearby. Naturally it's close to the equator and it's after KSC and before Netherania, KSC's opposite marker." I can add to this that, if you're an Explorer like me, you will never go on Expedition without a mini-sub. I can say, thereby, that Gravity Lake is about 130m deep and this is how you will know you will have visited the True Landmark! Since Mt Snowtip hasn't gone into the Leaderboard yet, I think I am going to a) rename it to Mt Pinocchio and b) send Capt. Kilroy Kerman in a Spark to land upon it and plant a flag to officially record the discovery.
  7. Referring to the Pds314 Treasure Map and the two locations in grid location -3,-1: Mt Snowtip Pinocchio (6,039m): and this is Mt Imposition: Just before swinging around on course for the summit, I got lucky and saw this on a neighboring peak:
  8. Nice shot! Lovely place! Rule 4: "Give some clues about how to get there". And not exactly stated, but "Finders, Namers", which mean you get to name the place! Yay. What would you like to call it?! Good job! Now you have a clue in the height of this place that could be connected to the Treasure Map, however, please give us a clue how to get to this particular site (and not the coordinates themselves (see Rule III)). If you like, take a look at the links in the Discoverer column of the Landmarks table in the Original Post to see how some Explorers have couched their clues. They can sometimes be quite an entertaining (or annoying) puzzle that stimulates the "thrill of the chase"! (I'll be updating the Leaderboard/Landmarks table first thing tomorrow morning.)
  9. There's no evidence to suggest that Kerbals are an evolved life form. I'll back that up. They sprang into existence without females. Remember that? More like a meme, truth be told. They live in a virtual world, too. One that I suspect doesn't exist without our minds, but on the other hand, isn't constrained by our own physical requirements. How do we know how they derive sustenance? Truth be told, they have proven to be radiation- (and trauma-) hardened to an extent our species can never hope to match. How do we know what waste products they produce and how those are to be disposed and/or recycled? I hypothesize that Kerbals were created by an antecedent, sapient, highly-intelligent species that realized that, it, itself -- designed haphazardly by evolutionary processes -- could never make the voyage (permanently) into space -- and indeed never has. Kerbals are more likely electronic/animatronic, in all likelihood. How and why do we think their technology should be constrained by our own limited progress??! Have Kerbals not already greatly surpassed our own space program and exceeded our present abilities in ways we can only dimly imagine? What do we really know about the spiritual significance of the Kraken that inhabit the Kerballar verse. How dare we speculate about the parameters of the Kerbal Space Program and its entities!? Let's keep "humankind" and what we pitifully call "real life" out of it and enjoy what has been given to us through the receiving end of a telescope with joy and gratitude. The existence of many more mods than any human can count in a lifetime proves there is a benevolent Ultimate Force that wants us all to get along and not split hairs. Is that so much to ask?
  10. Then a Mighty Explorer are Thee -- and Welcome to Kayak Club, Good Sir! Summer Lake it is and an Entry will be made in The Great Book. Therefore it will forever be remembered as Pds314's Summer Lake. You will receive Credits into your account as soon as some Brave Adventurer ventures there. Your clues are a Challenge, Indeed, but I am sure Many Happy Campers from This Squadron will flock/frolic there soon enough... "Keep your compass boxed and your powder dry". Good Hunting and Welcome. Oh gee, and what's that I see, in the background? (Monocle to good eye.) My, it does look like Summer Lake, doesn't it! This could be what we term, here at Kayak Club, a "twofer". Yummy. Summer Mountain? Mt Summer? Summer Lake Mountain...? Hmmm mmmm. "Finders, namers." Veritably, a Clue to one of The Famous Thirteen!!
  11. NOTICE To All Prestigious Kerbin Explorers Be it known on this date that Pds314 has intentionally or otherwise thrown down the gauntlet and/or issued a challenge to the Members of This Here Notorious Exploration Club. To wit, please consult the citation below and make Very Particular Note of Ye Treasure Map hidden within, that appears to denote the locations of Fourteen (14) mountains on Kerbin exceeding 6,000m in height: It is of course with no doubt nor any fear of contradiction that we can claim discovery of the TALLEST of those Fourteen (the True Keverest) -- which leaves us the Small Matter of the other Thirteen (13). I personally will be Pulling Out All Stops to bag myself a mountain or two (and name them!), so, for other Explorers looking for a new Adventure: "here t'is", I say! Let's get busy, chaps! Just remember the Golden Rules, I and X: "Mum's the word lest some other blighters bag our rightful claim!" And just in clarification, our own rules apply. We don't have to scale these mountains personally, nor employ rickshaws to ascend the heights (hot & sweaty business, that) -- airplanes and cameras are all the Modern Day Explorer requires... Gad. That didn't take long. "Pds314 likes this" Gentlemen. We have a leak in our organization.
  12. Race 1: 01m 00s Pretty slow to land. Done over, I'd align with the runway better and dive harder. It's not clear whether you have to go fully to the R27 end before landing... I think the OP Race 2 entry may NOT have? Incidentally, for the record and assistance of others, the VAB is just under 176m MSL. That's one feature of this run I was really pleased with: don't think the altitude went over 175m the whole way until clear of the VAB... UPDATE: I predict the winner of Race 1 is going to clock in, under 40s... Request for Rule Clarification: @Klapaucius a stipulation about chutes: permitted or not. (My recommendation is do not permit them.)
  13. See this post at the end of page 7 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/190112-kayak-club/&do=findComment&comment=3747463
  14. @Klapaucius Well, this is the one, ^, that was in contention. Check out also the album, which makes it even clearer. My terrain settings (and in 1.7.3) are a separate issue. My mileage varies a lot, apparently. But there's not much doubt that @oAsAo nailed it (and has been awarded the points). All good and thank you for your input.
  15. I'll take a crack also at Target Island: What an outstandingly beautiful view!! Thank you, @Castille7 (and @swjr-swis for the landing field)
  16. All right; while we are speaking of Jeb Atoll: Or perhaps more recognizable like this: A matter of perspective? Close-up of the airplane with the atoll quite distant. In any case, @Klapaucius will have to definitively decide the matter and it can be done, if necessary, through the private communication [PM] of coordinates.
  17. I tackled this problem on the Mun with Snowflake and KP Luna Vista. That is to say, if you want unusually huge capacity, you should assemble a refinery. (Not ask for a part.) A fully-assembled refinery is comprised of 8 ISRUs and 32 drills. (Does not cause appreciable lag on my under-powered i5...) Zippo (pictured below) can be filled by a fully-assembled Snowflake refinery in just 2 hours. Zippo transports 31,900 LF, 38,500 OX and 1,500 MP from a lunar surface refinery to a waiting orbital station. I understand you want a mobile refinery with HUGE capacity, but I don't think that's very reasonable. And KSP is as much about designing and constructing solutions as it is about anything else. If you really want a magic solution (i.e. "cheat"), then install ShipManifest and simply click the Fill button... Taking time to build infrastructure is actually fun and multiplies enjoyment.
  18. Life support is what I do during the day, Monday to Friday. So that I can play KSP the rest of the time.
  19. Imagine a spectrum with Realism at the left-hand end and Imagination at the right-hand end. Here, let me help you visualize: Realism <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------> Imagination KSP With a slider so you can adjust... The players with little imagination aren't going to stay with any game for very long, but will move on quickly. (Might I recommend Elite Dangerous? I hear it's good, though I personally don't care.) What has really distinguished KSP for me, and I think it has sprung from the original spirit intended by its creators, who played with toy rockets as kids, is the (amazing) level of Imagination (and Inspiration) it has catered for.
  20. I like it! Koolkei. I think you are going to need an airplane!! Welcome to Kayak Club!
  21. Bravo, Koolkei, that's the spirit!! Go explore, by all means. Find beautiful places or sights you think maybe no one else before You has seen. And then make a little adventure/puzzle on how to get there that makes it fun for others to retrace your steps. The feature you've found is sometimes (I think) called the K'Yangtze. It's probably TOO significant on a global scale to term as a "discovery", but go explore it and you might find some striking locations along its way!? Here's your second image: Let us know what you find!
  22. I wish Private Division well with KSP2 and that it makes it big. May KSP2 have all the "realism", weapons, multi-player, Death Stars, mayhem and whatever else people who are railing for new stuff say they want. It can be Windows-only and that suits me too. All I want for Christmas is is that PD turn over the KSP 1 source to the public domain as a gesture of good will -- or failing that -- allow a buy-out from a kick-start kind of deal organized by the many die-hard fans of KSP1. I look at how well KSP has been run by the (former?) idealogues at Squad; how superbly the talented community of KSP modders performs; the dedication of those who oversee our forum, etc, and I'm full of confidence that KSP can live forever -- or at least, outlive this grizzled writer!
  23. I've always assumed that using the Steam platform gives Squad a leg-up on Linux support. I might be wrong: is there any other delivery avenue these days for KSP other than Steam? Economics or not, "dropping" something that has been since the start(?) would cause incredible bitterness. (I speak personally.)
  24. As we close in on Page 2100 and the commencement of the 22nd Century (a few posts yet!), I just want to say: the 21st Century of What-Did-You-Do-In-KSP-Today has been tremendously fun! It's been a pleasure sharing exploits (all yours and mine) in what is almost certainly the most vibrant thread in KSP Forum. (Thank you, Xeldrak!) You'll see from the following (click and arrow for slide-show) that ground-based relay link, TARDY (pictured), is connected to NERDS, which is connected to Spark which is in turn connected to FRUIT, to LINUX, to EMACS, to CREAM, to SUGAR, to LIGHT, to DOLLR, to WHALE, to STILE, to MERGE, to LOWLY, to BLUNT, to TREES, to TURKY, to SMOKY, to LUKLA, to BLAST, to BOOST, to FLEAS, to SACKS and thence to the Kerbin KSC. And that TARDY is located at 88 49N, almost at the Top Pole. My eternal dream of having a ground-based relay network from somewhere to somewhere else is almost realized! The last step is to land a Silo base with RA-2 at the Top Pole to complete the circuit. DAMY/IDK. (Don't Ask Me Why: that's classified) Spark itself deserves special credit: Spark is a KAA relay network maintenance job and it features it's own pop-up HG relay antenna. Right now, it is filling in as a place-holder until a Victor III can bring one last ground relay into this position. (It's quite possible that @purpleivan will be inserting his monocle into the socket of his good eye and examining this design closely and exclaiming, "Hey! Wait a minute...") Just coming up with five pages of five-letter words to use as network node names was fun in itself -- and I used spare time in work review meetings to doodle out that list. SSSHH... It's sundown on this N-S line of relays right now, so I will update this post in 4h30m (high noon) with a space shot of it. Fundamentally, it looks like the stitches of a long, jagged scar performed by my dear colleague, Dr Victor Frankenstein. With a setting of 100% occlusion, it got particularly close-set on the northern ice-cap with each relay just 10-12 kms apart. KAA Communication ends Promised updates: (click & arrows)
  25. This place is too beautiful to languish any longer in obscurity -- and it has a hidden feature (that both pilots and skaters just love): I present, Lake Zamboni. The directions to find Zamboni Field are concise: 70 20 41N Good luck, and pack a pair of skates!
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