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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. The button printed 10 and the button printed 12 I use for quicksave/load respectively.
  2. I honestly couldn't care less if it's OP or not. KSP is still fun to play, and the vector doesn't change that, OP or not.
  3. Aaand back to our regularly scheduled story-stealing transcription. Rocket lifting off of pad: Wernher: Ach du lieber Strudel, such a fairing! Perhaps you should leave the heavy lifter design to me, ja? Much less wibble-wobble with cargo bay-und many, many struts! Gene: Much better! You're go for launch, Kenlie! Clauselle: Ohhh, la laa... Sarge: You can start your turn now, sir. 'Sir'? Oh, you mean me! Sarge thing, Sure! Lisa: I forgot how much I hate liftoff! Melbe: I forgot how much I love it! YEEE HA! Nizmo: Waitt a minute-we're actually going to space? New page: Spacecraft is heading into space: Melbe: Yep-assuming good ol' Kenlie up there don't crash us! Shee-oot, Nizmo! Where'd you think we were going? Nizmo: I just though, you know, seeing as Wernher just threw a bunch of parts together is five minutes... maybe they'd test it first? Sarge: This is the test sir... welcome to Kerbfleet. Nizmo: ...meep. New page: Spacecraft deploying from lifter cargo bay: Dilsby: Nice flying, Looty. I have you on visual. So, what are we calling this... thing? Kenlie: Good question, Comder! It's even longer than the Longboat! *Spacecraft is now deployed fully* Clauselle: D'accord! It resembles an enormous... flying baguette! Lisa: Ha haa! *snort* Good one, Clauselle! Gene: ...please, tell me we're not going to call it that. As always, story is Kuzzter's.
  4. Highlights: I got Thing Explainer, Mission Control: inventing the groundwork for spaceflight, and Go, Flight! The unsung heroes of mission control, 1965-1992. I also got some lilliput two-part epoxy modeling putty and some of that bare metal foil.
  5. The hardest part was scaling the hat to the right size: http://ezgif.com/overlay
  6. Truth! Lying makes a better a story, but that kind of "silly misunderstanding" story rubs me the wrong way. Truth!
  7. It's possible, but very silly. Point an spacecraft as heavy as an x-wing towards a planet and go into warp. The energy released is about 2.517*1017 kilojules.
  8. @pandoras kitten May have done the best one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/101715-rotary-winged-vtol-rocket-with-free-spinning-center-section-inspired-by-roton-rotary-amp-triebflugel/
  9. It would have to be a very big sleigh, considering the size of the present.
  10. http://kerbalx.com/Mad_Rocket_Scientist/AMRSD-Jetpack
  11. Cooled oil burning rocket engine.
  12. How to you get hydrogen to undergo fusion?
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