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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZCBE8ocOkAQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. Time for transcripts! *Laythe X7 is getting reentry effects while climbing *BANG!* Jeb: Whoops! Hey Bill, I thought we weren't going to put solar panels that far forward anymore? Bill: Heh. Sorry about that... so, how's she handling? I know I put the engines a bit above centerline. Jeb: Oh, it's OK. I had to burn a little RCS to hold prograde at full throttle, but it's fine now. Circularizing! Bill: Hm. Maybe I can angle them down a little more, or throw on a couple extra gyros. Anyway, you only have to get as far as the carrier. Speaking of which... New page: *Laythe X7 is approaching carrier* Jeb: Hey, Dils! I've got you on visual! Dlisby: Please don't call me that. Jeb: Why not? It's a great nickname! Dilsby: It sounds like I'm a pickle! Jeb: I know! That's what makes it so great. Who doesn't like pickles? Picklby: Well I don't need a nickname, OK? It's Dilsby, or Comder. Now zero your forward and start thrusting lateral. Jeb: You got it, Dils! Dilsby: *Ahem* Jeb: -by! New page: *Laythe X7 docks with carrier* Dlisby: It worked! L-dock secure! Jeb: Hey Bill, how's the other one coming? *Large rocket with even larger fairing in the VAB* Bill: Almost ready! Bill: ...hmm. Maybe a few more boosters? Thanks to Kuzzter, as always!
  3. http://kerbalx.com/Mad_Rocket_Scientist/Dres-Awareness-Car-mk-2 Here's how to fly it: Control from the docking port at the top of the tank above the car. Don't do a gravity turn. Go to about 30000m before starting to turn slightly. Circularize with the second stage. Use a transfer window planner to get a low delta-v transfer. Execute said transfer. Use the transfer stage to slow you down as much as possible when landing. (I could have landed the rover with it) Control from the probe core below the reaction wheel. Land. Dres awareness!
  4. Bill: You'll be fine, Dils! Hey, can I call you Dils? Dils: No, you can't. *T* *Z* *R* *SPACE* Bils: Oh...all right, Mister Dilsby sir, just keep those nose Vernors engaged until you clear the 'sphere, that'll keep the pointy end towards space... Mister Dilsby sir: Glad you put 'em on, Bill. This is definitely a "turn and burn" kind of ship. *Ship is in space and deploying a bunch of big reds* Dilsby: ...seventy klicks, suborbital. Ditching the empty tanks, and... Dilsby: ...Agenda one is position-your turn, Kernel! Jebs: Whoo! *Z* New page: *Laythe plane is on the ocean* Jeb: Laythe X7 is rolling! Well, floating. Skimming? Gliding? Water-skiing? Genie: No idea, Jeb. Let's figure it out later, OK? For now, just get to space. Jeb: Roger that, flight. Speed sixty... seventy... Jeb: ...eighty. Whoa! Ninety! She's starting to lift! Jeb: Flaps in! Ha haaa-this thing has way too much engine! Bill: You think so? Hm, maybe we could do it with just one RAPIER... Jeb: Not on your life, Bill! WHOOOOO! NOTE: All silly name-wordplay is mine. All real, good content is Kuzzter's.
  5. Incredible. Amazing work with procedural parts, plus working with AJE and RO!
  6. @SpaceplaneAddict: My launcher for your Dres awareness car looks like it can get to Dres with this transfer: https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/#/Kerbin/80/Dres/80/false/ballistic/false/1/4
  7. Awesome! This is going to be the best Soyuz replica I've ever seen.
  8. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/128207-spacecraft-friday-121915-the-i-can-do-it-after-all-edition/
  9. Amazing! My V2 was just fairing colored. It's a very tricky shape to replicate exactly.
  10. I made a modded little nellie a while ago, but I can't seem to find it. Got some WIP pics of it: ts Posted 6 August · Report post Yes...
  11. Just looked at it properly. !!!!!! Great idea with the thermometers! I will be stealing that. With proper credit, of course.
  12. Great idea! Sadly I can't divulge my location without breaking the forum rules.
  13. Oh, and you're right about the units. I was thinking about my math and realized that I wasn't paying attention when I got my figures for per capita energy use. It's a thing which happens to me when I'm doing math. I just do the math, and forget to check if the numbers are reasonable.
  14. I don't have enough time right now to look at it properly, but it looks amazing from what I've seen!
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