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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. True. I don't have a solution for that. Maybe underground pressurized air storage? Use excess power to pressurize air, then use the pressure to generate power when there's not enough. If the solar grid is large enough to support the world's energy use, then a efficient storage network can distribute when it's needed?
  2. Alright, I'll transcribe these too. LATER: KERBFLEET OFFICERS' CLUB: Bill: Gimme another. Val: No way, Bill. You've had enough. BIll: Hey, I'm trying to drown my sorrows here! Val: And I'm trying to make sure I fly isn't designed 'under the influence'! Bill: Well, that's the problem, isn't it Val? Nothing I design works. Bill: ...my Longboat almost killed Sarge, the Laythe plane doesn't fit in the hangar. And I haven't even started on the- Val: You need help. Bill: This again? Lay off, Val- I am not going to Hydrazinics Anonymous! Val: That's not what I'm talking about! I mean you don't have to do this alone. We're a team, Bill. Talk to the others. Find out about their ideas-and then get back in the VAB and build me something awesome! Bill: Hmm... New page: In the SPH, looking at Laythe plane. Dilsby: It was really close, Bill. The wings just need to move in. Jeb: And I bet it could go a lot faster in the water without those pontoons! In the VAB, looking at.... The Longboat? Bob: The main concern is energy. That little ISRU unit draws too much power for what it puts out-you won't net enough to run the fuel cells! Clauselle: Precisement. So, how do you say? You must 'go big' or you will not go home, n'est-ce pas? New page: AND A FEW DAYS (AND A FEW DRINKS) LATER... Scene: at the launchpad. Gene: Agenda One docking target flight controllers-give me a go/ no-go for launch! Dilsby: I really I hope I live to regret this... As always, we open with a song this is Kuzzter's work and genius.
  3. That is amazingly huge! There really aren't many full-size replicas. The use of mk3 wings for the leading edge is clever, but the main wing looks a bit messy. But the tail and fuselage both look amazing!
  4. I don't want to refute you, but I don't understand why solar panels can't provide power for the Earth. My house runs entirely on solar, buying power when running very electricity-heavy appliances, and most of the time, selling power back. The EU uses 688 watts per person per year. If the entire world (7 billion people) could live at EU standards, we'd need: 4.816e+12 watts total. It costs US$0.70 per watt to buy a solar panel. That's US$490, call it US$500, per person to support the entire world's population's electricity use. Add a couple of commercial power plants (it doesn't matter what kind, since they will be used so little) and you can support the world's energy usage, IMO. Of course, this would involve world peace, plus world programs to distribute solar panels, which would cost US$3,500,000,000,000, which, if gawker.com is to be believed, means that facebook could fund this.
  5. Or even better: 128-bit community community work around. Guaranteed not to work on most computers, but stop working extremely fast! Forum-or-KSP: Will block access to any KSP community site while KSP is running, and will prevent launching of KSP while on a KSP community site. Finally you can get that Duna armada done without interruptions!
  6. Pfft. Amateur. 1-bit community workaround: When you want to run KSP in (very) slow-motion! Doubles as a light switch.
  7. Same here. My procedure is: F1, imgur.com, upload images, from computer, select images, and hit upload.
  8. My submission. Not amazingly stable, it fell over when I hit it with my plane.
  9. Try this: @Kraken@Kraken Ohhhhh...... AHhhhhh......
  10. @Dman979: Here's a transcript of the last 4 pages: Tylo lander is is still on Mun. Bill: All right, I guess we'll figure it out when we get back. Speaking of which... Sarge: we're fully loaded, sir-fuel, oxidant and thirty tons of ore. Bill: Awesome. *Z* *Lander lifts off.* New page: Sarge: Just about getting the hang of this thing. If I squint one eye, the steering almost makes sense. Bill: Good! Just don't get too far ahead of me, OK? I need to refine more fuel as we go. Sarge: Yes, sir. Approaching Kerbin-node plotted for LKO insertion. Mortimer: So I suppose you're going to want a Giliido to pick you up? Meaning that we recover exactly none of this very expensive test flight? Bill: Nope! This is your lucky day, Mort-we're going to land this ship! Sarge, plot a de-orbit burn! Sarge: Yes, sir. ...ooh rah. New page: Gene: Bill, don't be an idiot! That thing has no heat protection, and the aerodynamics of a table lamp! Bill: Don't worry, Gene! We'll do a powered decent, see? *Lander is reentering* OK Sarge, you can hit the 'chutes now. Sarge: Yessir. Which action group? Bill: They're not on a group, just stage 'em. Sarge: Yes, sir. *Space* Bill: Sarge? *Space* *Space* *Space* *Space* Bill: ...uh oh. New page: Bill: The fuel cells. I must have taken off the 'chutes when I added more fuel cells, and I forgot to put them back. Sarge: Seeing as we're most likely going to die... permission to speak freely? Bill: Yeah, sure, whatever. Knock yourself out. Sarge: (censor bars are in bold) Of all the CENSORED OOPS for brains officers my sorry YOW! to get stuck with my first OH MY time in YEESH space... Sarge: ...I had to get the one with a UH OH the size of a WHAT? noodle and a HEY-O! I DON'T EVEN... ...WOW. Sarge: ...and another thing... *Spacecraft crashes and explodes at about 50 m/s* *Cockpit survives* Bill: ... Sarge: ...never mind. *Bill & Sarge are outside now* Bill: ...Sarge, that was outstanding! I'm recommending you for a promotion! Sarge: No thank you, sir-like I said, somebody around here has to work for a living! Gene: ...Walt, double check those censor bars on page 12, OK? Last thing we need right now is another infraction! Of course, mega thanks to Kuzzter for the comics. Don't replike me, replike Kuzzter.
  11. You could also try turning down your screen brightness. I always do that at night anyway, whatever I'm looking at.
  12. Thanks for the help! The forums now look like this for me:
  13. Nope. MadRocketScientist? He doesn't seem to be very active. Try @Mad Rocket Scientist next time. @Dman979?
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