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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Maybe we should start a challenge, with a spot for beautiful bridges. I'm not sure how that section would be ranked though.
  2. The technology race is on: (Sorry, imgur is broken) 34t truck. 30m bridge. 56 part bridge. I score it like this: 0 Points. +34 +30 -56 =8 Points Yours scores like this: +46 +237 -428 =-145
  3. That was normal downtime for server maintainance/upgrades. There should be no new look, the software was not changed. Maybe you're on mobile mode?
  4. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/134607-AMRSD-High-roller-45m-s-100MPH-mega-truck?p=2202992#post2202992 This next-gen enough?
  5. If it's a idea for mod, it goes in the general add-on affairs.
  6. My 86 payload is a full large kerbodyne tank, it comes in the download. I see the weak connection between the two parts. I will add struts to that and reupload it. My ascent profile is this: At 1000m begin gently turning, never moving the directional marker out of the prograde marker. Continue doing that until ap=100,000m, then orbit.
  7. Fluorine seems to react with anything. I did a bit of research, and I found a list of applications for fluorine, which includes air conditioning. No thanks on the fluorine AC.
  8. -16 As much fish as a fish squishing squid could squish.
  9. Are those science parts? 1839? I think when your part count can be mistaken as a year, it's way too high. BTW, I think that puts you above zekes' shuttle.
  10. That's great! Just a tip: I've been testing mining rovers, and two large fuel cells will drive two drills and a ISRU module, plus a bit left over for wheels.
  11. You can put a link in your signature, it's not in poor taste to advertise your creations of your signature. Go to Settings (On the top of the page) and hit Edit Signature, on the left-hand sidebar.
  12. *Tries to think of something to say* *Time passes* *Completely fails* Congrats!
  13. Actually, I could imagine using the goliath for huge SSTOs, and the juno for small ones, but the fighter jet jet and the basic jet don't seem super useful.
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