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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. If there's no reason to post a number, there's no reason to post as per the rules: 1. You must add or subtract 1 (+1 or -1) for each post. Assuming 0 was the last number, -1.
  2. Interesting, after I figured out the key bindings for the editor, I only used them.
  3. Oh, wings. I've hit water module slider.collider so many times I've lost count, I've had the standard canards REVERSE mid-flight after I've reverted them in some way, on a almost regular basis...
  4. I should make a list of mods for builders, with NoOffsetLimits, WASDEditorcam, KER, EE, that kind of thing.
  5. You can tweak down the color levels on the lights so they don't produce any light, but just glow.
  6. Nice! Thanks for the feature! I'll add you to the list of SCFs. The next maintainer is BlueCanary. I'm still taking submissions for maintainers.
  7. It's kind of stupid, it's just destroying the KSC with whack-a-kerbal.
  8. Thanks! It was actually inspired by this: From Eoin McNamee's book The Navigator. That thing is called a Q-Car, and it's the only bit of the book which stuck out to me. I didn't make the cabin because of part count restrictions. Feel free to use, adapt or otherwise take my designs. Hmm, that's not a bad idea, it may be hard to get it to bend without sagging too much. Thanks! No, it doesn't. I almost added them after taking apart your mega truck, but I would have had to put the crew compartment even lower, plus, it's already completely useless since it can't steer, so it might as well be fuel inefficient too. Thanks!
  9. Hello all, I'm happy to announce the latest AMRSD craft, the high roller: It will spawn on the side of the runway, that's normal. It will also destroy the runway. Also normal. It cruises at 45m/s, any higher and you're off warranty. It can get up to 50m/s on slopes, but it will begin to fall apart. You can do some awesome jumps with it: It barely steers, you have to hold the key for quite a while to change direction, but it's fast. Thanks to Jon144, who helped me with it. Enjoy! Download P.S. There's also the most awesome part, the explosions:
  10. 8/10 That's one of those anime cowboy bebop things, right? Neat shape, but why wings in space?
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