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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. How spaceships are supposed to look. How kerbal spaceships are supposed to look.
  2. The fairing doesn't play nice and make a good shape when it's smaller, maybe tweakscaling the fairing?
  3. I love how it looks prepared for launch! Nice work, one day I should try to redirect an asteroid...
  4. Your KSP design is almost the same as a IRL rocket, without you seeing the IRL rocket before? That's great! It proves that you rocket is great design!
  5. Take a look at the large hover tank by AMRSD, I understand it's broken now, but you can see some pics on the release thread.
  6. Yep, you've hung paintings, but you've hanged humans. Surely that would transfer over to kerbals. (Looks like I picked the wrong post to stop saying "Surely")
  7. This is great: CB: I do not like horror movies. ME: Only robots don't like horror movies. CB: Yeah horror movies are the best. - - - Updated - - - Oh, this is good: (I'm first) I'm not talking to you. Yes, you are. Why? Because I said so. I didn't, why do you have such a superiority complex? To go along with your strange nature.
  8. I write a blog, and the sad truth is that hardly anyone reads it. I may gain more readers, but right now, I'm only getting a few hits a day. It's still fun though!
  9. Yes, I get that too with IE. It's sketchfab, a while ago it just didn't load the model, but now...
  10. I doubt a similarity in name would change anything relating to space. *Prepares popcorn for politics*
  11. As to fins: I refer you here: http://www.v2rocket.com/ Specifically here: http://www.v2rocket.com/start/others/survivors.html specifically here: http://www.v2rocket.com/start/others/munich.html with this image:
  12. It carried an impactor probe, but they got switched, and the impactor went to Duna. Your newest rocket fails on lift-off, and then sinks, intact, to the bottom of the ocean.
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