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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. That is awesome! The refueling truck is so cute. Only one slight complaint: 3.75 is a bit big for a Atlas V in my head canon of kerbin-earth size conversions. Still, if you're not going to clip engines, 3.75 is the way to go.
  2. Congratulations! KSP deserves all the awards I think, but still!
  3. I've voted, can't wait to hear the results!
  4. All the Enterprise! Seriously, though, the TOS enterprise.
  5. 11/12, IMO the question about the magnifying glass is unclear, I was imagining the light bouncing off the object and going back through the magnifying glass to your eye. Still though, better than 82% of people.
  6. I don't see why it has to be "Badass," it seems that functionality is more important than looks. Fighter planes look visually interesting because of functionality, I think space hardware looks interesting for a similar reason.
  7. Maybe it's not EVE, but I don't think it's planetshine.
  8. Actually, the owners of the forum (SQUAD) is based in Mexico, and I think the servers are there too, so I would consider this a Mexican forum, under Mexican jurisdiction. Plus, the suers would be suing SQUAD for their forum, not the forum itself. I think. I don't actually know anything about law.
  9. The Enterprise, of course! And a crew to run it, reliable sources of dilithum, repair docks, people to run those...
  10. Actually, that's Environmental Visual Enhancements, PS only adds a light on spacecraft from planets.
  11. Interesting, I remember I put up a poll about how people use subscriptions, and a surprising number don't use it at all.
  12. Jeb doesn't move through space, space moves through Jeb.
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