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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. That was amazing footage! Close up of the landing burn, transsonic bowshock, nitrogen thruster plumes. And S1 telemetry all the way down! Well, goodnight again.
  2. The TED talk is here! Hey, TED talks embed! EDIT: no, they don't. https://www.ted.com/talks/elon_musk_the_future_we_re_building_and_boring#t-2156
  3. First stage toto sensor? Am I just barely awake? Or did I actually hear that? Too bad. Oh well, back to sleep.
  4. It seems like they're having the technical webcast guy do the narration.
  5. Good, then it won't have to be locked. Doubleclick?
  6. Go to this link and click "add to my feeds" or something similar. Check the checkmark to the right of the title to make it your default feed, which makes it show up at the top of every forum page, right next to "mark site read." It's called settings because that was what it was called on the old forum software. For others with old forum nostalgia: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/discover/110/
  7. A couple of handy links: http://bit.ly/2puphXG http://www.patrick.af.mil/Portals/14/documents/Weather/L-2 Forecast 30 Apr Launch.pdf https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/04/25/nrol-76-launch-preps/
  8. Will there be a problem with this being the new boring company thread? --The forums auto merged this-- Some new news: https://boringcompany.com/ http://www.teslarati.com/elon-musk-boring-company-machine-outside-spacex/
  9. Maybe you can just route them onto a different lane? Probably like that but if every car's autopilot was networked. I don't know, I guess this would make it safer and faster, but why have cars in the system at all? Why not just those plexiglass bus things that were in the video?
  10. As always, Kurzgesagt has a great video on this topic: EDIT: Interesting website in the OP too, thanks.
  11. It doesn't seem like we have a thread for this yet, unless it was also assimilated by the Blue Origin thread. A official video from The Boring Company was recently released at a TED talk: This is not what I expected. Who will pay for the little carts? I get that it solves the problem of emissions from gas cars underground, but it definitely adds complexity for electric ones. Discuss!
  12. Not really, signals travel from your body to your brain at around 100m/s max. http://www.biologymad.com/NervousSystem/nerveimpulses.htm (Scroll all the way down to the bottom.)
  13. I believe that if you want RO to support your mod you write a MM config and put it in RO's suggested mods folder. You should test it on your personal install of RO, then open up a pull request on the RO github. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul At least, that's what I did to have my mod supported by RO.
  14. I do, and I plan to try spacedock's CKAN indexer. There's a problem with putting them both in the same download; the default one has RO support, while the 1.25m one doesn't. Since I think most people who use this mod want to use it with RO, I don't want to add extra unsupported parts in the same download. EDIT: To clarify, you're right, I should clean up the structure of the folders that are installed, so the parts go one folder for both mods. I'll do that on the next release when I make the textures DDS and get surface attachment working right.
  15. It might work, but it doesn't fit with rapid, cheap reusability.
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