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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Nah more like if something (maybe a mod)? was stock? some other adjective? and it's █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ it'll █ █ █ █ █ █ █ rock your mind .
  2. Looking forward to seeing what our heroes will do! There seem to be many more missiles there than can be dodged. BTW, can somebody remind me if the kerbulan vessels have to be unbloaked to fire missiles? And if so, why?
  3. Thanks! I meant to do that in the last release, but I forgot. I'll get it done in the next release.
  4. Yes, and you don't even need to delete the save in almost all cases, KSP will simply remove the craft that have modded parts in them.
  5. What engines haven't been modeled realistically for RO yet? I've almost finished my NK-33 and I'm thinking about what to do next. I know there are no realistic NERVA models, but is there anything else?
  6. Version 2 now out! Includes the new texture: https://spacedock.info/mod/1207/NK-33?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E
  7. New link for the technical webcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUDLxFUMC9c
  8. We're live! http://multistream-player.com/SpaceX E: Only SpaceX FM
  9. Can anyone tell what the laser will be powered by? There didn't seem to be any solar panels on it in the video, and using an RTG seems silly.
  10. Sometimes the hype trains have DDoSed the forums, not to the point of a server crash, but enough that 502 pages would come up when you tried to view the forums.
  11. If you use realism overhaul, you'll be glad to know that it now supports this mod. Not the latest release, but the master branch. A patch to realistic stats in stock KSP would probably be unbalanced, but I could make one if you don't use RO. As to the textures, I'll take a look at firespitter's texture switcher. I was thinking of making some of the other variants too. Thanks for your feedback!
  12. I will reply with a question I asked back in 2015: Seriously, it never flew, so they're both correct. Do whichever you prefer.
  13. The fenders look a little weird to me. Note how these fenders slope forward all the way to the front: You could try going to a less enclosed cockpit, more like the above image than this: I don't honestly think that looks very good even on the real thing.
  14. Oh, I don't know, sorry. Maybe you could copy your existing KSP to a new location, then use steam's "check local files" thing to redownload it?
  15. Welcome to the forums! That looks like a very useful application.
  16. Do both! Just download a fresh KSP to a different location and install RO on it.
  17. To add to 3 and 4, you can get the 1.1.3 RO from CKAN, and most of the mods on the list are recommended and suggested by CKAN automatically.
  18. New texture! EDIT: This isn't in the download yet, there's still some seams on it. SoonTM
  19. Thanks! That sounds like a good next project, I'll take a look at that after I finish my new texture for the NK33.
  20. I made this test rig: The barrel isn't necessary and requires having no crash damage on, so I'll drop that. I didn't put it on the highest spot on Minmus: The payload is just a terrier + empty flt-100 tank
  21. Yep, that's what I did. How do you mean? Delta-V is a measure of rockets, not of engines. It has a specific impulse of 265 at sea level, and 310 in vacuum, if that's what you mean.
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