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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Remember that KSP CoMs move differently from IRL ones, and any fuel left over during reentry would shift towards the nose of the craft.
  2. Thanks! I've been looking into how to get that done. Soontm
  3. I believe HP stands for H.P. Lovecraft, known for inventing Cthulu.
  4. Thanks! Here's a 1.25m version: https://spacedock.info/mod/1325/NK33 Rescaled
  5. Done! It looks like l won't be able to spread them apart, though. I could do it, but without S2 reuse I'd have to charge 5,000 more funds.
  6. Could you hold off on the Astral demo launch? It doesn't seem like there's going to be much demand for 1t to LKO lifters, and with the profit margins I'm using, it'll take forever to recoup the dev costs. I may just skip right to my next rocket.
  7. Thanks, I always forget that the name of the window is on the bottom of the window, not the top.
  8. I'm not really any good at animations myself, but here's a quick rundown of what I do know: First of all, you have to think of every scene in blender as being a frame in an animation. This is how you move along this animation: Click and drag, left and right arrow keys, and the buttons on the button all let you move along the timeline. To move an object from point a to point b, we use keyframes. A frame with a keyframe "saves" the location, rotation and scale of all objects as they are currently. Move the line on the timeline to a point where you want something to change, change that thing, and press "i" to add a keyframe. This menu lets you select what kind of keyframe to make. LocRotScale saves location rotation and scale, and is the most common. Blender will move, rotate, and scale objects smoothly between these frames. The end result when you press animate looks like this: Next up: the graph editor. This is a graph this looks like this: You can get to it by setting the view to "animation." The graph editor lets you control how the object moves from keyframe to keyframe. For example, I can change the z-axis movement like this: Which looks like this: (Note the more sudden way the cube stops moving upwards.) And the graph editor has a similarly editable curve for x,y,z rotation in all 3 axes, and scale. Finally, this cheat sheet is very useful:
  9. dv_s1 = (s1_isp*9.81)*math.log(s1_m0+s2_m0/s1_m1+s2_m0) Python
  10. I looked that up, it looks like what I'd call "sparkling cider." A company called Martinelli's makes it in the US: https://www.martinellis.com/products/single/sispc8.shtml
  11. I believe the intent was to cut soda consumption by 100%, i.e. half as much as before.
  12. For beverages, I'd suggest making your own lemonade. It tastes, I think, better with less sugar then commercial lemonade has.
  13. It probably contains surprisingly low pressures, as the entire point of a de Laval nozzle is to lower pressures of exhaust products to external pressures, which means that in space the exhaust should have very little pressure.
  14. Banned for not floating. (there's no strap on that hat, and the kerbal's in space)
  15. They show an MVac with an extendable bell @1:24 in this video: But they also show other engines being used for landing. I'm not sure if the second stage + MVac has enough TWR to land, but I suppose it'd be almost empty.
  16. Sorry for spam, but I think someone might find this useful: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TxVqi8rFGlZ6tvuTj_gyfvORmE4WvulSF_s2Qa3N1GU/edit?usp=sharing Copy it to your own account so you can edit it, then fill in the yellow cells.
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