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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. An Intergalactic Viking Rowboat! Oh the huge manatee!
  2. It should run just fine. For comparison I used to play KSP last year on a 2009 laptop with 2.2 Ghz T4400 Dual Core with nVidia 103M discreet graphics. It ran alright at a resolution of 720p at low settings. Now I run KSP and record videos at 1080p with an i7 4510U and nVidia GTX 850M, plays passably well although part counts ruin the framerate pretty quick once I go above a few hundred. Your processor is a desktop CPU, 2 generations newer, and people usually compare your R9 380 with an nVidia 960, which is way better than the 850M. The problem is not really about "being able" to run KSP, it's playing a waiting game until the engine is upgraded to Unity5. Until then it's a single-threaded game that's going to fancy an i5 at the highest clock rates you can possibly run. (Since, singlethreaded KSP doesn't care about hyperthreading, multicore, etc etc). Or in my case, realizing the ancient T4400 is just as good as the 4510U in terms of running KSP. Kinda ironic!
  3. Lol I didn't know there were this many replies. I found replaying the dream events and imagining what happened is important for transferring the memory of it to active memory, as whatever's played out in the dream is not automatically 'saved'. Just hanging on to a specific scene, vision or thought should suffice to save enough detail that you can reconstruct the scenes later on. Remembering or 'playing back' the events in reverse order seems to work easiest.
  4. You're in luck, KSP can be run directly from the game folder with no registry entries, no clunky my documents folders, everything including mods, saves and craft files are all in the game folder itself. You can just copy the entire KSP folder from your laptop to the PC without any ill effects. But since you've already installed KSP on the PC, just copy the Saves (for career save and all craft files) and GameData (if desired, mods are all here) over. That's all there is to it.
  5. Could you build a really massive statue of one of the Shaun the Sheep characters? It could be a spherical fat sheep made out of airfoil parts, or the farmer or something. That's cos Shaun the Sheep Movie is coming out in the US sometime over the next 2 weeks.. lol
  6. When your game crashes every other time you revert.. yeah... might want to cut back a lil
  7. I have been having a lot of dreams lately and it seems to be good stress /comic relief telling people how ridiculous my subconscious is. Last night I found myself battling and running away from a race of atomic supermen as I soared over the red Martian soil crisscrossed by roadways of white ivory. Whatever cargo I was hauling in the trailer must have been important, as the supermen hounded me mercilessly. Eventually, I reached space and went to hiding on some forlorn little rocky moon and concealed my space truck in an abandoned mine. Suddenly I got the sense I had to run away, really fast and sent the truck spiralling down into vast caverns dodging various pieces of derelict machinery strewn about the cavern like the innards of some gargantuan beast. At some point of time the space truck forgot the former part of its designation and started to drive on wheels, subjected to gravity and all. In a bout of fear, I sought to lose my pursuers by jumping across a deep chasm and land atop an assortment of KIS cargo containers on the other side. This obviously did not work, the seemingly unbroken chain of SC-62 storage containers erupting into fissures like the San Andreas fault the moment the massive rig contacted its surface. But break the fall it did and as the rig, trailer, the whole shebang disintegrated in a pyrotechnic display of Michael Bay proportions, I came to amid a stack of brown shoe box sized parcels. Curiosity took the better of me as I opened one of them, and out oozed some sort of colorful slime - some silicate-based lifeform I presume, and I got the mental hint that they are the only surviving specimens of their species. An exchange of emotional energy and mental imagery ensued, where I learned they are a race of sentient space sheep (!!!) seeking a new homeworld, to which I replied, as an image of Duna appeared: - "All these worlds are yours - except Kerbin. Attempt no landing there." I was soon summoned to the land of the living - and sanity, by the incessant buzzing of my phone, where I started a conversation describing the above dream in enough detail that it's now permanently burned into working memory. I was also completely overwhelmed by emotions, sobbing like a desperate housewife and all because I saved an alien species I have no idea if I have ever tried to build a space trucking rig in my years of poking around KSP, but I shall do so soon
  8. Maybe this one is designed for ships that battle the Kaiju, requiring two pilots mind-melded to keep the machine balanced
  9. I managed to produce the third episode of my current Primitive Orbital Station series! It continues right where the 2nd episode (in the OP) left off, featuring a rescue mission using the micro shuttle, and deployment of the second mini lander. At the same time I used the "Merge" function in the VAB to assemble the Primitive Orbital Station complex, and uploaded it to Sketchfab with full annotations for all the modules shown in the P.O.S. videos. ps. the Kerbals manning the landers were so elated to land on the Mun, they made Munar Elation gifs to send back to mission control.
  10. Pre-Weekend Update! I managed to produce the third episode of my current Primitive Orbital Station series! It continues right where the 2nd episode (in the OP) left off, featuring a rescue mission using the micro shuttle, and deployment of the second mini lander. At the same time I used the new "Merge" function in the VAB to assemble the Primitive Orbital Station complex, and uploaded it to Sketchfab with full annotations for all the modules / detachable craft shown in the videos.
  11. I just checked - they're all in the OP and appear fine.
  12. Thanks for the compliments! I am toying with the idea of making the 'primitive orbital station' a series. The POS as shown in the video is carrying 2 mini landers to plant the first flags and footprints on the Mun, and the micro-shuttle is hitching a ride so it can be used to recover the crew of another micro-shuttle which made the mistake of trying to go too far into a polar orbit and promptly ran out of fuel. With the profit from both Kerbin and Mun space station contracts, plus that of the Mun flag contract, I should be able to recoup funds spent on launching the POS, upgrade the research facility, and likely continue building around it with a science lab and proper sized docking ports. Doing the TMI with junior ports was quite risky due to the possible degree of joint flexing between the ports. Thankfully I was able to use Kerbal Engineer to minimize thrust torque during the first big burn out of LKO. (nope, I don't get the 1.25m ports without upgrading the research facility!)
  13. Oh right! How could I forget, I was focused on other stuff and it was late last night when I commented here. Boosters! We need to document moar boosters and give excessive gratituous detail on how they majestically separate in a Jebediah's Cross on the aft facing camera view on the IVA (RasterPropMonitor mod lol). Or if using cone-shaped boosters from Procedural Parts, separate cleanly then suddenly all the boosters veer towards each other and explode!
  14. I agree that some orbital data should be masked in a difficulty option - both for realism and also, more instruments to carry to the planet = moar science options = moar fun = increased snack budget!
  15. The Primitive Orbital Station complex successfully performed transmunar injection today, deploying a lander to investigate a target of opportunity soon after Bob went EVA to take this photo for science and general awesomeness. There's a video too (also created for general awesomeness) which I posted in this thread to avoid spammage (I just made a video of the POS station yesterday!)
  16. I just want to say you have a great teacher and any subject with KSP in it is a sure winner. There's a lot of expressiveness and spacey references that anyone familiar with space would get, so no worries. I did wonder what Jeb's rocket hit on the way up though - that's definitely something Capcom missed calling out (orbital debris? stratospheric flying bird? lol) and would definitely not be overlooked. @ nigelvn - I grew up in a country that shuns creativity and "disciplines" people who express themselves too much. Imagine the fun I had in the latter part of secondary school when I found out the English teacher was a Star Wars fan. It was custom made ships modelled after mechanical pencils, protractors and other bits of stationery vs a Death Star III lol!!
  17. Here's a very small cinematic: "Transmunar Injection" featuring the Primitive Orbital Station, because research facility upgrades are too expensive. Background: A lady friend helping me through depression asked me "What's the point of KSP?", to which I pondered throughout the day. With video recording software in hand I went through the motions of performing a transmunar injection with my Primitive Orbital Station. 2 hours later I was armed with a selection of video clips that summarized what KSP really means to me: It's beauty in motion with a deep underlying layer of technical complexity that took my years to learn to appreciate. (And no, I haven't upgraded the research facility, nor have I left Kerbin SOI
  18. Because classical music all but puts me to sleep, I had no choice but to source for something less classical and with moar bass (just like boosters, moar bass is better). "This is Commander Shepard and this is my favorite club in space!"
  19. How about the time where I said "Hold my beer and watch this!!!!!" attempting to skydive from 10,000 ft, without parachute, onto a fishing boat off the KSC coast? Oh and btw I was showing KSP in my office too! Suffice to say, Valentina was most displeased at both the sight of random Kerbals falling from the sky, and her fishing boat being utterly destroyed.
  20. The only downside is struts now add mass to the ship so I try and minimize them where possible... They do make great window frames though!
  21. SketchFab is quite easy to use If you need any tips let me know. Here's one of my other sf uploads. Notice some parts are missing, like the struts I use to make the windows on the lower bridge. Fuel lines will not appear as well as sketchfab currently doesn't support procedural parts, or tweakscaled parts.
  22. I believe the Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod allievates this somewhat by significantly dampening physics forces on load.
  23. The Energia was a monster of a heavy lifter that was used to send the Buran into space. The Vulkan was a monster of a heavy lifter, with our moar booster strategy applied. No further explanation required. I mean, look at it, it's like a Soviet SLS that could have existed 2-3 decades ago in a far-fetched alternate timeline.
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