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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. I played the role of The Stig in testing BlueCanary's all-new 2016 model year K-150 Kraptor truck, developing a street performance oriented suspension tune, a new aero kit and did some interior decoration too! But, let's call it Kerbal Truck Simulator 2 And yes there was Kerbal Truck Simulator!
  2. Esinohio - some hints of my current craft project. If BlueCanary's K-150 Kraptor and my performance oriented variants take off, we might come knocking for some Kerbal Automotive Program renders for the trucks. I did some prototype scenes in-game just to have a feel of how I would market the vehicle with photos:
  3. Excellent feedback! I fixed the mirrors, and spruced up the interior a bit - there is now a second reserve battery where the glove box is supposed to be, and a faux dashboard/steering wheel for the driver. It's a left hand drive setup at the moment. The battery fits perfectly where the glovebox is supposed to be giving the appearance of a continuous interior. I tried using the lights as mirrors but they were too gigantic and didn't fit in well with the aestethics. Thankfully I could offset the OX-STAT by itself that I no longer need the cubic struts as supports. They stand on their own now. New S2R craft file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40889791/Pick%20Up%20Truck%20Type%20S2R.craft Latest version - 2302h GMT+8 i.e right before my bedtime Once you test this one perhaps the Type S can be redundant. Might be too confusing to have so many 'trim levels' although its certainly 'realistic'! Speaking of which, any plans for a King Cab version? Or K-350 Super Duty. Additional Tweaks: - Front downforce can be reduced/disabled by using right click - deploy function - If accidentally activated, all body panels now open outwards - making it look like a ventilation option. - Aux battery 1 (large pack) is default activated, preventing careless drivers from getting stranded after a few minutes of driving without FC or battery. Aux battery 2 (glovebox) kept as reserve. Tow truck operators shouldn't be bombarded by calls in the middle of the night now. Meanwhile, pics showing interior and 'fixed' mirrors. The craft file I'm posting doesn't have the decals and the cameras of course - this is my cinematic test rig for filming driving scenes later.
  4. Awesome! Cockpit reflection off the pilot's helmet reminds me of an F-15 Eagle.
  5. Sure I don't mind, I have been enjoying collaborative builds lately - recently I took over a structural (non flying) replica of the X-Com Skyranger and turned it into a near-legendary piece of crossover fanart. Your truck likewise has some good promo material coming up as soon as my new workplace confirms my timetable. I'll be working on videos, photoshops and maybe a render or two from esinohio over the next few weeks so I'll have to thank you for letting me get creative with your truck. Feel free to rename the "Type S" I worked on last night and edit the craft description too - it has my test driver's notes inside right now I'm KSPing in the next couple of hours but I don't think I'll make any crucial changes to the truck. The Type S is good to go as it is, great to drive, retains your unique design work and the bumper is really not important. I especially like the way you packaged the engine bay and the structure is both strong and lightweight. EDIT: Okay I did some really quick work for this one, which should be nicer to release. Features: - Side mirrors! - Brighter brake light! - New sporty front aero kit! - Aux battery relocated to where you'd expect a normal car battery to be. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40889791/Pick%20Up%20Truck%20Type%20S2R.craft I won't be doing any more to the Type S so I hope you'd like to release this one K-150 S2R Test Driver's Notes: - The lower front splitter is meant to match the suspension tuning - tighter handling, better aero stability, but less ground clearance. - The splitter provides some functional downforce and is absolutely funny when it does scrape the ground during spirited off-road driving. When it breaks off, there is a noticeable change in vehicle dynamics (oh my, how realistic! Breaking a splitter does significantly affect racing/touring car lap times) - I removed the center rear view mirror as the OX-STAT is so huge. Drivers can add their own mirrors if they so desire.
  6. The batteries act like airbags during a frontal collision and explode first instead of anything structural related. I'm not sure how the anti roll bars can be detuned as its only one strut right now It's not my stiffest configuration - bypassing the suspension altogether by using struts as torsion bars makes for fun driving on 2 wheels. The other reason why I tweaked the suspension geometry is to add camber to prevent outside front wheel from scrubbing under the vehicle during turns and potentially causing a rollover. So the strut I placed acts like a control arm, variants of which are present in all modern suspensions.
  7. I'm going to have to go to bed now as I'm starting really early, and will continue test driving the truck tomorrow. So far my final findings are: - with the new suspension geometry and antiroll bar, jumping the crawlerway is so much fun! I'm going to turn on the reaction wheel by default next version, for safety reasons. Without the ASAS activated the truck acts like its a matchbox car - way too "floaty" for a vehicle that weighs nearly 10,000 lbs. With SAS on jumping it seems to look much more realistic especially with the inertia, suspension articulation and general feel. - The batteries seem to explode really quick due to the clipping. I'll think of some way to fit in F-150 style lights, grille and regulation bumpers tomorrow. Thanks for the craft file and I had big fun playing with it! - The truck looks really epic once I installed KerbPro cameras all over it (HullCamVDS) and using the onboard cams to drive the vehicle in KSC++. 10/10 will do car commercial.
  8. Yep, I saw your note on the rear wheel steering Prefer to leave it off at mission start, though, as some test drivers may not know to toggle it off before trying to lap the Top Gear test track, and possibly fail the moose test. I might do something to the bumpers in a later round of vehicle development, the small hardpoint does look odd sticking out like that. I have a few ideas, ranging from standard regulation bumpers to a set of bull bars. The batteries in the corners are... interesting. I used it to jumpstart the truck when I forgot to turn on the fuel cells once. I'm also trying to do a "Type R" sports truck with lowered suspension and adding a spoiler to the truck bed, but I need to find someway to make it look good. I-Beam650s don't exactly have the right length to fit on the bed, and structural intakes clip into the cab. I might even do yet another version - a "rollin coal" config with vertical stacks behind the cab and O-10 engines providing industrial light and magic, and that will allow me to use 650s for the bed wall.
  9. Alright, it's time to officially start Kerbal Hagwalah Program!
  10. I did some test driving! Tweaked suspension geometry for more stable cornering (original was really wobbly), added anti-roll bars, added light bars and brake light (actuated with B key), and hid a little probe core under the truck bed. So the Green Stig can summon his truck without getting out of bed I also disabled the reaction wheel and rear wheel steering by default, for more realistic suspension action See if you like the changes meow? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40889791/Pick%20Up%20Truck%20Type%20S.craft Hey I have a new thing to do to cheer me up - Kerbal Hagwalah Program!
  11. Hahaha omg I lol'd so hard at the name. It does remind me of some sort of 80s small pickup truck, wanted to name it a Koyota Kilux or something for extreme Top Gear inspired cheesiness (they claim the old Hilux is "indestructible"). I'm downloading right away and when I have time I'll piece together some sort of car commercial. I might put some cheap paste-on 'mods' from the local in the production if you don't mind, need ram scoops, coal rolling equipment, trailer hitch, Katyusha rocket launching rig, flame stickers that add +50 hp, the works ps. Would you consider uploading the trucks to KerbalX.com? I would so love to spam Reddit with my tailgate parties.
  12. Lol don't worry about it. Sometimes I understand things in a different way. Like putting less boosters instead of moar
  13. Since its my personal space program, why can't I use pink and green navigation lights? http://imgur.com/LFIxKJD
  14. Gif: Where we come from, we don't need no landing gear. The space program administrator was happy for the cost savings, and nonchalantly pocketed the change.
  15. I don't need landing gear when I have service bay doors. Gif: http://imgur.com/LNrvqg4
  16. I'm fine with MRS Craft Fridays being on US Friday. I'm on the far side of the world but well used to running on US time. We're just one day ahead of you (and you're behind time ) Pro tip - GMT+8 is ahead of GMT-5 or whatever.
  17. Hey, that's pretty cute! I need to try that design with stock parts. Much more compact and lightweight than mine.
  18. Wow! It's actually airdrop tested. Great, I was wanting to build an air deployable rover to put in the Skyranger replica. Let me know when it's in the showrooms. 10/10 will buy using kash from space program budget for "testing" purposes. Will credit you as craft designer if it appears in my future videos.
  19. Truly speechless. Flower wings, bird wings, washboard wings, space invader wings, trident wings. Any more sight of wings and I'll actually go out and buy KFC chicken wings! Ok, on to one of mine. This design never caught on for obvious reasons. It's a massive rover styled like a diner. In order to boost public acceptance a fellow YouTuber made a video of sending it offworld to claim its namesake as the McDuna Restaurant. What resulted was a Minmus skycrane landing followed by this: Fast N Kerbal: Minmus Drift Can't go wrong with full opposite lock in microgravity!
  20. I was having fun with sharing Rufledt's video again and made a gif from the video above: Fast n Kerbal: Minmus Drift! Can't go wrong with full opposite lock in microgravity!
  21. I challenged a fellow up and coming YouTuber to take my ridiculous food themed restaurant off-world to expand the McDuna franchise. The result: Fast n Kerbal: Minmus Drift! Full Opposite Lock in Microgravity!
  22. I think this is how new players will embrace the concept of setting up a transfer, and they will understand this procedure much easier than "transfer window".
  23. vitekc45c - That's an awesome VTOL! Reminds me of the Terminator gunships. BlueCanary - OMG that's so awesome. I'd like to build something similar to use in tailgate party cinematics lol!
  24. The "X-KOM" crossover fanart is really taking off! Nearly 10,000 views on your original image on imgur, and pushing 7k on my slightly retouched version after I shared it on Reddit to /r/KerbalSpaceprogram and /r/XCom subreddits. I was guilty at first for throwing a whole wall of concept text at you but the result is stunning and the X-Com redditors loved it so far. We are also going to collaborate to build more X-Com craft, like the Raven and Firestorm interceptors which will definitely push the limits of my small-craft engineering knowhow to the limits - it's not easy building augmented fighters with that much power crammed into a tiny airframe! So far, no one has commented about the trees, I'm fine with it as they are lol. The windmill, if we insisted on having it there, might look out of place due to the perspective you settled on (that looks splendid). I was playing Enemy Within today, and was treated to an awesome cutscene with Big Sky setting the Skyranger down in an urban area! Just swooped down the street and disgorged the troops out the ramp. Take as much time as you need if you want to continue with the urban scene - I was thinking you can actually set it up so that you can have multiple takes of the same/similar area, to enable production of a simple webcomic or photo story, first showing the aliens trashing the place, flipping trucks and scaring Kerbals out of snack shops, then an image of the Skyranger swooping down the street, doors open and flaring to land, with the camera in the jet wash behind the craft and lots of snack wrappers flying around in the blast.
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