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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. Just finished rigging the action groups for all doors and windows, added solar panels to roof, added chimney. Craft file link in the OP
  2. For Sale! Lovely 2 storey kolonial house currently situated on Kerbal Space Center, Kerbin, 3rd planet Kerbol System. Masses only 19 tons unfurnished and 4 meters wide. Commercial or Residential zoning depends on landing site. Sturdy and suitable for both terrestrial and starship transportation. Comes with 1 toilet built out of parts found lying by the side of the road. Download Craft File for viewing! $19,036 Negotiable
  3. This is probably still my ultimate craft, even if it's my first working SSTO design. It's a rotary-winged rocket that generates lift for the first 3000m of flight via a rotating center section supporting a massive thrust-winged rotor (1940s German concept: Triebfluegel). The rotor can also be used as a fixed X-Wings for forward flight, or acting as a spinning airbrake and autorotating rotor for unpowered landings after re-entry. The rotor system is articulated and rotor mode is controlled by setting the relevant pitch angle. 10/10 will construct for 1.0.4 whenever B9 is updated.
  4. Rigged the TXR-3 for SketchFab. First time messing with custom lighting angles.
  5. Told my colleagues at work "hold my beer and watch this!", EVA from 10,000ft intending to walk on the floats/airfoils, slipped off, fell 10,000ft and survived. Kerbals don't need parachutes.
  6. After completing a collaborative supersonic bomber project to the tune of Nancy the Tavern Wench (oh my!), I'm now drafting a plan to add a Tavern Module to my career space station, which will be christened The Sunk'n Norwegian Is this how pirate space programs start? In which case, I can create a new KSP series when the boys in blue show up? Seriously, Alestorm is not just good rocket lunching music, it is great! Who doesn't love space pirates with such cute names as Captain Jack Kerman?
  7. This might sound wierd but... I name spaceplanes after Goddesses. I will eventually have a whole line of it but I haven't got to the Goddess of the Moon yet Rockets have names of Gods from classical mythology like what NASA does.
  8. In partnership with Garrison Chisholm a fellow forumer, developed a fictional successor to the Avro Vulcan bomber. Christened the TXR-3 Valiant, this Mach 3.6+ strike aircraft is capable of intercontinental range and certainly looks fetching with Concorde style engines and a circular tail feathers! Craft thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132933-TXR-3-Valiant-Mach-3-6-Successor-to-the-Avro-Vulcan-inspired-by-Militarized-Concorde-Concepts?p=2167832
  9. TXR-3 VALIANT Mach 3.6+ Fictional Royal Air Force Supersonic Bomber Download Craft File at KerbalX Background: A fellow KSPer, Garrison Chisholm built what he thought to be a fitting near-future Royal Air Force strategic bomber in 1.0.2. His design incorporated several elements of the Avro Vulcan, giving it the appearance of an advanced technology supersonic flying wing. Having followed my aircraft prototype development on YouTube for some time, Mr. Chisholm commissioned a feasibility study to develop a successor to the famous Vulcan bomber in 1.0.4 utilizing supersonic aircraft knowhow from the HX-1 Artemis Circular Wing Project. Execution: Due to the aerodynamic model changes in 1.0.4, Mr. Chisholm's original design no longer worked due to reduction in lift force generation by stock airfoils. To work around this issue, the craft was made significantly smaller, and the wing planform was altered considerably to resemble a smaller scale Concorde. The new design features an annular tailplane which was proven on HX-1 to provide significantly improved efficiency and control, while maneuvering at stratospheric speeds and altitudes. The build time is estimated to be in the range of 4 hours. Flight Test Program: Flight testing progressed smoothly, with no vices found in the aerodynamics. In fact, the TXR-3 prototype attained a maximum speed of Mach 3.6+ at 19,000m altitude, while achieving a maximum height of 32,000m following an aero-ballistic trajectory departing from KSC Runway 9 with unlimited climb clearance. Maximum range tests were also conducted over the past 2 days, with a maximum endurance of 5 hours at 17,000m with a speed of Mach 2.0. Maximim theoretical distance at Mach 3.0 at 20,000m is in excess of 2,200km with fuel consumption rate of 1.0 units of liquid fuel per second in optimal supercruise. Action groups are provided to shut down one pair of engines in order to conserve fuel, restricting top speed to Mach 2.0 / 660m/s. Do note flying with external payloads or with significant trim deflection will cause a subsequent reduction in maximum range and time of flight.
  10. I usually trawl the news feed of the Book of Faces, so thats where my KSP news come from, typically 12 hours late due to how said book of faces generates the feed.
  11. Its definitely the radial air intakes giving buoyancy, as I used them extensively to achieve proper trim. Removing the intakes at the rear will cause the jets to fatally contact water and explode, for instance. Just don't tell the passengers, they don't like exploding
  12. I just heard via youtube comments that structural intakes no longer contribute to flotation but they're nice decoration nonetheless. The top of the intakes look like planks under the wheels when the Bus is being transported. The docking port was added to the separation devices so as to make KSP turn on physics on the tyres and suspension, without telling the game it's a separate docked craft, the wheels would just clip through the floor. Even so, separating the two is only possible when the landing gear on the landing craft is retracted, as there are major physics glitches otherwise.
  13. Perfected and released the Volkswagen Type 2 Amphibious Assault Craft, with a short demonstration video depicting a beach assault exercise... With a VW Bus. No kidding Download the landing craft + VW Bus (All 100% Stock) here Original Landing Craft concept by castille7 Re-engineered for compactness and precision fit and finish by yours truly.
  14. Good news everyone! I finished the mod max project on castille7's landing craft, taking it from island vacation configuration to full D-Day amphibious assault getup. Download the 100% Stock Type 2 Amphibious Assault craft here
  15. I'm fine with the reputation system here. As far as unmoderated, automated functions go, it pretty much works as intended in my opinion. I get a lot of useful craft building tips and funny comments on the reputation notifications and they certainly make my day, all day, for the past 6 months I've been truly active on the forums. Likewise repping people seems to have a positive reaction so it allows me to leave nice comments to people and sometimes spark interesting discussions in subsequent PMs like what stock part is best for a Kerbalwagen steering wheel Considering I pretty much hide in a corner all day long and not a social person by any means, I wouldn't be here if not for the excellent craft building community as well as connoisseurs of the wacky and the never-flown aerospace prototypes from faraway Earth. Its funny because most of my +rep craft designs were probably dreamt up by my subconscious in the wee hours of the morning and don't follow any established design standards. So likewise to skim the forums in search for mods and craft that cater to my twisted desires. Like low density supersonic decelerators made of beef patties, cheese and tomato enclosed in heat-absorbing buns :3
  16. Mine is tiny, but it can be argued cats aren't very large creatures although most of the habitable space on board the Cat Exploration Vessel is filled with various types of premium fish, cardboard boxes and pillows. Yes there are actually pillows in the IVA. The CEV was built in the latter stages 0.90 and was intended to forge a new feline presence in interplanetary space, but never made it past the Mun due to release of KSP 1.0. Considering I never get out of Kerbin SOI in time for the next update, the Catnip Everclean is certainly huge, by kitten standards. Meow go see the video if you're curious, I don't keep screenshots of old versions handy :3
  17. Yours is definitely much more gentle than my approach of blowing off the entire front of the ship like a giant Claymore mine The method I used to decapitate the ramp was exceedingly simple - just two radial decouplers attached to 3 2x2 panels, they come off neatly and with a minimum part count. I am currently trying to improve the debarkation process - I got the game to let the wheels and suspension ride on the landing craft itself and move quasi realistically with the motions of the ship, but I think I can reduce the part count on the coupling between bus and ship further. To get it to work right I simply used a junior docking port and pre-attach the landing craft to the bus. Btw, I love that the entire landing craft can be used as one huge sub-assembly - we can send a lot of different vehicles or payloads over water with your setup, and you can feel free to use my reworked design as your own if you so desire, in a separate craft or subassembly release. The way your ship works is splendid in its simplicity and I just made it smaller for better balance and to reduce the part count a bit. Unfortunately I forgot to load the craft file in dropbox so I'll have to wait about 12 hours before 'working' on it in KSP again.
  18. KerbalWagen Type 2 Bus / Amphibious Assault barge, original landing craft design by castille7. Spent 3 hours on craft testing, re-engineering and improving fit and finish to customary precision standards. The ramp drops away and the vehicle drives off onto the beach like Jeremy Clarkson's Ford Fiesta in a Royal Marines beach assault exercise The Kerbalwagen project team / fans have several variants in the works, including Mad Rocket Scientist's hovervan, BlueCanary's Mad Max version, and even an ice cream truck all showcased in the craft thread.
  19. Working on Castille7's LCM (Landing Craft, Mechanized), making it smaller, reduced part count and providing enough reduction in hydrodynamic drag to speed along at 29.4 knots with just basic jet engines. The off-loading ramp now detaches upon landing with a display of pyrotechnics for that authentic D-Day re-enactment feel, and the vehicle can now drive off the landing craft after undocking from the boat. The docking mechanism is not intended to be reused so another staging sequence destroys the chassis to vessel support rig to avoid high centering the vehicle during offroad driving. Now we just need a Mad Max version to put on the LCM and we have a worthy contender for Jeremy Clarkson's Royal Marines beach assault exercise where a then-new Ford Fiesta was used in place of an amphibious armored personnel carrier. Although I made adjustments to nearly all the structural panels of the craft to attain customary precision fit and finish, I am not yet done with detailing the ship and might take a day or two to release a fully polished version and make some supporting media / artwork for it. Maybe esinohio would like to do a D-Day scene? If I take too long with this Schwimmwagen / LCM I will go ahead and put up the hilariously fun ice cream truck on the OP first, but sadly I'll have to catch up on sleep before doing another 12 hour work day tomorrow.
  20. What exactly were you doing with those missiles lol. I'm curious to see how complicated they are. BlueCanary could use some missiles for his Mad Max version. And my suspicions are confirmed - the VW Bus is a "lifting body" design. No wonder Volkswagen put in like 21 windows for optimal airflow. Considering how overweight and bloated some of the real life 5th generation fighter aircraft I'm not surprised even a Bus can fly @Castille7 I will be updating the OP with your amphibious landing craft when time allows.
  21. OMG yesh I always thought the seismometers looked like cups, and that big box thingie is a drinks dispenser Very creative using the solar panels as containers, and aeroplane control surfaces as counter tops and window blinds.
  22. Castille has a point actually, ultra dense objects can float on Kerbin due to the jell-o like water physics, including steel boxes or massive Mk3 parts which normally, would be expected to sink like lead.
  23. That boat reminds me of an amphibious assault craft. It looks good too! Feel free to post the craft file here; along with all the other interesting and unexpected "unintended uses" of the Type 2 Bus they're more than welcome to be shared and enjoyed
  24. You know I just got a wicked idea. You know those basic antennae can be right clicked in assembly and appear extended when the craft is spawned; this would be the perfect item to make spikes for decorative and defensive purposes. I'm also thinking for bigger vehicles van sized and above, the short I beam and an octagonal truss with command chair on top could serve as a lancer battle station. It would be quite useless in stock as the perch would upset the center of gravity badly but for a future Mad Max themed video I might use Infernal Robotics and tweakscale to create miniature rocket turrets.
  25. Thanks very much for your kind consideration. I was thinking a lite pack would benefit a lot of folks who may need terrestrial destinations to travel to, plus keeping room for a major mod or two in the game folder. I will try to dig out my archives tonight to see which packs were used in my 1.0.2 install, and will make a suggestion for you to put together a Lite pack based on airports, helibases, polar stations and a couple of alternate launch sites.
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