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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. Full disclosure (parental advisory, graphic textual violence) - I was trying to pose him so that he looked like he got stuck under the overturned truck and needed the Jaws of Life to extricate him, then the game glitched, the truck shifted right on top of him and just about all his bones were literally broken! Thanks for the kind compliments Curiously, the aircraft itself is based off my Minmus Surface Lab module. It's practically unchanged from this strange contraption: Like the ambulance, I made a custom flag for it too.
  2. Did a craft release in the middle of a busy work week where I stay back after hours to help out with systems migration and generally prove to the world a legal secretary is awesome as an IT engineer supporting ridiculously important medical systems. I have no idea how I managed to do a craft release but here it is, 2 lanes wide, 6.5 tons of American pride. Top of the line in utility sports, Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts! KMC M3 Kanyonero Stock SUV!
  3. Mods are how you play KSP 1.0.4 when the official version is 0.23.5, and KSP 2.0 when the official version is 1.0.4. And how is it cheating if the most popular and largest mods exist to add difficultly, realism and huge layers of complexity to enhance the stock game by making it closer to real life space exploration?
  4. Hahaha yes, when I saw just how wide this "light" "air-mobile" jeep thing turned out, I decided to play along with the Canyonero theme of a gargantuan SUV! This chassis actually does fit into a Mk.3 cargo bay, albeit with inches to spare. If you want to try air-dropping it, simply remove the roof and maybe reduce the negative camber of the suspension. By coincidence it also fits perfectly in the parking spaces in the new scenery mod Kerbin-Side Kampus.
  5. Pro tip: The parking space in front of the houses in Kampus are the exact same width and length as a Mk3 cargo bay. I accidentally designed an SUV that fits perfectly in that space. Craft Thread: KMC M3 Kanyonero Stock SUV
  6. Kanyonero! 2 Lanes Wide, 6.5 Tons of American Pride! Download Stock SUV from KerbalX Conceived as a light patrol vehicle for security forces, the lack of any actual security concerns at KSC meant the Kanyonero's eventual entry into the civilian Sport Utility Vehicle market. Completely dwarfing most denizens of the morning rush hour, the massive Kanyonero is the current favourite of soccer moms, where its impressive all terrain capability is used for overrunning curbs and occupying parking lots meant for the disabled. Due to creative interpretation of Kalifornian laws, this gigantic personal vehicle may be driven in High Occupancy Vehicle lanes thanks to fuel cell hybrid propulsion.
  7. You will need Kampus for the latest KSC additions - some of us look like we have very densely built KSCs due to other mods or own base construction using Kerbin-Side. ---- Totally downloading new KSC2. 10/10 will do proper video review soon.
  8. I had the issue with having both Kampus and medsouz in gamedata. Removing medsouz indeed fix it Kampus is great to drive around, there are some surprise interactive animations - the gate at the recycling center - and the detailing on the new buildings is excellent.
  9. My apologies, I was on mobile data most of this month and it just had to run out last weekend. The craft discussion thread is here And here's the KerbalX craft download page. Looks great on SketchFab too!
  10. phew, after about a week of working on this thing on and off, I finally got it off the ground and performing regular air ambulance services. Craft thread
  11. Thanks for the compliment! Update 28 Sep 2015 Removed that tiny little navcam - HullCamVDS no longer listed as mod requirement on KerbalX. Bonus - Sketchfab model looks great!
  12. AL-5D Pyralis "Firefly-class" STOVL Mobile Lab VTOL Air Ambulance Download from KerbalX! The AL-5 series vertical takeoff and landing laboratory is designed to provide fast response medical support to humanitarian crises. The design is based on the iconic Firefly-class ship with stardrive removed and nose section lowered for better aerodynamics. Nacelle tilt is actuated by Infernal Robotics Rework Pre-Release, which is available here. I accidentally left a hull camera on the craft file, which I will remove in an update tomorrow - for now, HullCamVDS is also required. Closed wings provide excellent stability and handling at subsonic speeds. High altitude dash speeds of up to Mach 3.5 is available for urgent conveyance, albeit only practical with a heavier fuel load in STOVL mode. That means nacelles at 45 degrees for short takeoff! It can also be used as an aeromedical evacuation unit as shown in the craft showcase video.
  13. Kampus is great! I love the look of the buildings. Conveniently, it also had a hospital for my new parody KSP series based off a 70's EMS TV show
  14. EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! Considering our usual Kerbal casualty rates, do you provide Kerbal medical services? I was pretty curious thanks to a recent RL career change, so decided to play EMS in sandbox to see how it felt. And oh a friend of mine, who did the narration for the below parody video, suggested I make some references to the old Emergency! TV show! To explore this topic in the name of fun and giggles, I constructed an air ambulance out of an existing Minmus surface base module and used a new building added in recently released Kerbin-Side Kampus as a hospital. I was in for quite the surprise. It was very fun - Time constraints, having only 30 seconds of reserve fuel, lives in danger, impossible landing on a mountainside, all in a day's work! Except Jeb did not think it was so fun. He was meant to have 'simulated' having spinal injuries but in the course of production actually ended up losing all motor function! In the scenario, Jeb and his girlfriend embarked on a road trip to the "Central African" mountains and managed to spontaneously overturn his 1989 Ford F-150 replica. An AL-5 air ambulance on standby at the Kampus Hospital helipad was sent to retrieve them while Jeb threatened to post about his 'faulty' truck all over the Kerbal equivalent of Jalopnik. After no small effort to maneuver what is indeed a space station module with tiny wings and huge engines onto rather treacherous sloping ground (required creative use of nacelle angles), one of Valentina's many sisters attempted to stabilize the casualty; Jeb having suffered spinal injuries during the crash. In his zombified state was not able to climb up the short ladder into the ambulance's side door so was unceremonially shoved inside and off she goes! Full disclosure: The cripple could either stay there and get roasted by the afterburners, or use the 'dishonorable' revert function, so revert it was to simulate being shoved into the ambulance anyway! The air ambulance raced back to KSC at transonic speeds to generate cool visual effects, landing on the hospital roof with barely 5% of fuel remaining; it might have just been a 50km rescue but turboramjets are not exactly the most economical of engines and I couldn't use basic jets as they don't generate enough thrust to be useful in this application. Thanks however, to one Joss Whedon, visionary of Earth, whose iconic Firefly-class cargo ship served as the engineering basis for converting a Minmus base into an air ambulance / mobile lab! So, I thought to share my Kerbal EMS story and ask - what do you do to keep your Kerbals alive (if any )?
  15. Built various aircraft replicas back when very basic C7 Aerospace parts were state of the art, and aircraft had to be launched vertically on a rocket as there was no runway launch option. KSP was at the time, free. There was a rudimentary runway to land on but it was very dicey on landing skids that had no suspension to speak of so large, long Mk2 style aircraft pretty much snapped their backs on touchdown! Wandered off to waste time with RL and MMOs for several years, lurked around since 0.23.5 and became active again in the latter stages of 0.90, building you guessed it - more aircraft replicas. And I've not bothered to even get out of Kerbin SOI all these years...
  16. I would actually like to see something like my X-1 / X-2 Micro Shuttle as a stock craft, with the boosters pre-attached to it. Small winged spaceplanes are a logical step up from Mercury capsules in the low tech career stage, and are good exposure to the benefits of having a re-entry vehicle with functional cross-range capability for precision landings and runway recoveries. The microshuttle even works well without landing gear tech, as it can land on its service bay doors after descending via parachute. The micro shuttles I built in career pretty much paved the way for spaceplane development, acted as analogues for historical X-1 and X-15 supersonic research aircraft, and allowed for safe experimentation for various re-entry profiles.
  17. Good points. For 1), there is a mod that shows the Kerbal's profession in the tiny crew displays on the bottom right of the screen. Alternatively one can use TextureReplacer to differentiate the suits by profession. I can't remember which mod t hat adds the profession display on the crew graphics though, I'd like to try it. For 2) there is Final Frontier, available here, which provides a very detailed log of each astronaut's achievements and mission statistics including time of flight, number of missions, number of dockings, reaching X velocity and Y g-loading in atmosphere, etc etc.
  18. Never left Kerbin SOI but... I'm not done recreating these kinds of ridiculous things though .. hence no rush to get out of Kerbin SOI
  19. It's alright, real life comes first and no pressure, the community appreciates your contributions to the collective Right, community? lol
  20. My craft release won't make it for Friday; there's quite a bit of feasibility testing to do and I want to make sure everything works right before I release the craft file. And then I might as well get a narrator to do the voiceover for the showcase video.
  21. Oh my this is glorious :3 I shall be sharing this on my channel along with Kampus soon.
  22. It's coming out Oct 1 here. Ads are all over the place and on those huge LCD TVs at shopping malls and transit hubs.
  23. Omg, koylent green is kerbals? Kerbal soup for the soul? #ohthehumanity
  24. I'm thinking you could modify the ISP somewhat so you get useful thrust out of it in atmosphere, as aerospike nozzles are useful over a wider range of atmospheric pressures at the tradeoff of some vacuum efficiency. You could then make some of the fabled nuclear cruise missiles and aircraft of a bygone age!
  25. From observation it seems the testers' schedules are quite packed with awesome craft this week; I'll delay my craft release until next week (or can missed crafts make a guest appearance at the next SF?)
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