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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. In light of recent Kraken incursions against the Kerbal Space Program, this Council of Nations has agreed to activate the X-KOM project. Good luck, Commander. Render by esinohio - request yours today at: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93628-Esinohio-s-Blender-farm Want the craft file? (it's stock!) http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/X-4A-Enforcer-Assault-Transport
  2. 0.90 definitely looked very pretty with all the mods, but crashed every half an hour.
  3. I was in KSP IRC and talking to transitbiker who posted this image after an SRB failed to separately cleanly and smacked into a core stage engine of his Vulkan style super heavy lifter. The first thing that came to mind was November Rain www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SbUC-UaAxE
  4. Lol! Food themed craft are the best. Here, have a burger rover. It never really caught on as an orbital restaurant for obvious reasons From prev page: From Xacktar: http://i.imgur.com/xC7j6sz.jpg ^ OMG the Reapers are coming! From parameciumkid http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/17/27/45/47/screen25.jpg ^ This looks to be an epic torchship. What are the orange thingies? OMG so cute. Btw I have started to use pink, green and cyan for my 'orientation lights'. I tried the full rainbow but that killed the framerates lol.
  5. I stuck a docking tower on top of a cupola. Someone on KSP IRC helpfully pointed out I just ruined the point of having a cupola - the windows. I sat in it anyway, fired up the rasterpropmonitor displays. Looked at the blacked out windows and thought - hey, in a galaxy far far away a long time ago, this really reminds me of some reactor control room if we had some way to project imagery onto the blank windows in front of the operator's console. That's it, cupolas for engineering sections for me. Infact that's what I did on my Interplanetary Cat Exploration Vessel. It has a cupola facing the main drive section for monitoring, diagnostics, maybe get a tan from all the radiation too. It's not very visible in this pic because the auxiliary fuel tank is still docked to the back of the ship, but once it's gone, clear view of engines, secondary ion drives and the control stations for the ion drives and solar wings. (Yes, kerbals actually sit in the cargo bays where ion drives are mounted!)
  6. Oh my word, this has to be the most amazing compendium of unusual craft. I like cantab's decoupler "torpedo boat" for the sheer number of little parts, those are rows upon rows of decouplers!! Streetwind's 'wrecking ball' is so hilarious and the figher looks a bit like The Last Starfighter. Those interesting spaceplanes and Sharpy's X-Bow launcher (Does it work!? I wanna see a video if you have one!) And I do agree Levelord's space fighter like craft and starship looks pretty authentic and well made. Esp that circular section of solar panels (if those are solar panels)
  7. Oh wow, look at the text editor thingie on each new post - did you see that light blue button with the white cube on it that looks as tasty as cream cheese!? Just beside the add URL, image, and video icons? That's the SketchFab button and I just saw it today. Squee! While SketchFab embedding has been supported here for some time, not many people use it for craft showcasing or posing 3D 'screenshots'. Allow me to demonstrate the awesomeness of SketchFab with this ridiculously complicated tiny little low tech space station. Notice the creator of the model can write annotations and automatically pan the camera to them, making it very useful for describing how the craft is intended to function!
  8. Episode 4 of the Primitive Orbital Station series. Next episode. half the station will be detached to serve as a mothership for Minmus exploration, while the lab module remains in Munar orbit permanently as a research outpost / orbital tanker.
  9. Completed Episode 4 of the Primitive Orbital Station saga. The next episode will involve detaching one part of the station (the old hab module) and using it for a mothership to bring the 2 mini landers to Minmus, since, without their expendable descent stages, they will not be able to do another Munar landing.
  10. I didn't realize it until this station module was well on its way to the Mun. Depending on whether you support the Axis or the Allies, this might be an MP40 or M3 submachine gun. Certainly did not expect that result in KSP at all.
  11. Undersized stock fairings can be used as procedural nosecones for payloads one size up. For instance here is a 1.25m fairing in its new employment as a 2.5m procedural nosecone. The space within encloses a docking tower for a space station and some antennae. Below the nosecone is a cupola module required for a contract. The space between nosecone/fairing is filled with a ring of small radiator panels connected to 3 horizontally-positioned radial decouplers that shatter the assembly just like the stock fairings when staged. Why 3? To prevent occlusion of the cupola's airlock door and access panels painted on the modules' texture. The rocket went into space with a 34 ton payload, a self-deploying monolithic space station lab module, with no issues at all. The lone deployable radiator panel was neatly tucked under the radiator ring that doubled as the fairing extension.
  12. I released the craft file for a simple prop plane over at Procedural Parts http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/P-1AJ3-Motorjet-Acrobat Built a 'stock procedural nosecone' as I just needed a nose section covered. The station looks silly as I stuck a docking tower on top of a cupola (contract requirement) and is pending outfitting with more solar panels and batteries via EVA once the tanker carrying its spare parts arrives. Pink navigation lights? Oh yeah.. Once fuelled the HOS (Horrible Orbital Station) will execute transmunar injection to rendezvous with the POS ( aka Piece Of ****) to become a fully operational science platform and lander base. Oh, and I will strap 2 more of those LK-0 prototype landers to the side of the HOS too. That's what the tiny docking ports are for. On arrival at POS-1 the HOS will donate one of its standard docking ports to the POS Habitation Module, which was constructed when I only had small docking ports. This will be done by KIS / EVA as again.
  13. Do I qualify for vintage points if I bring something from the 1930s? I doubt my stock dummy bombs can destroy even one building, though.
  14. Here's your plane, fresh from the hangar and with landing gear newly optimized. The thrust from the jet at the back is slightly reduced as it now has a basic jet engine. Still plenty of combined power output to do loops, storm barns and scare the boffins over at the research center. http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/P-1AJ3-Motorjet-Acrobat
  15. Lol I spoke Chinese all my life, also know a bit of Portuguese from international relations but I don't confuse the two. They are similar, but not identical enough to cause Freudian slips.
  16. Is it too much to ask to add cows, roads, random outhouses, windmills, huge tracts of farmland, and herds of sheep at the same time
  17. It might be a waste of dV but all my Minmus probes go up in equatorial orbits then do plane change. I do this because I have had experiences in Beta trying to do inclined launches and finding out much later I launched into the wrong inclination. Ofc with Kerbal Engineer I don't have the problem of launching into the wrong angle, but without it the navball throws me off when it switches from surface to orbital mode and the heading is read differently. For much heavier manned or persistent presence (ahem, stations) vehicles I now enjoy using the Mun for plane changes, after reading how lunar gravity assist has been used to save satellites launched in an improper orbit. Anyways I think the Mun is perfectly positioned.... back in the days before maneuver nodes were ever implemented, I used to fly seat of the pants to Munar encounter all the time. Going from "I don't know a thing about orbital mechanics" to impacting a rocket on the Mun gave endless elation years ago. A bit inspiring to learn how to do it a proper way, really, as retrograde direct ascent plowing into the oncoming mun is not exactly healthy
  18. I would like to try welding as I build craft with excessive amounts of tiny parts and fittings but - - Is there a welding mod for 1.0.4? - How does welding parts affect craft sharing? Do I have to zip/email/convey by pony express the welded part cfgs?
  19. So totally this and I might add a couple points to the newbie accessibility and further learning curriculum if I may - - The Mun is every KSP newbie's first experience in not just being Neil Armstrong, but opens his or her gateway to the outer planets too. For me, the discerning experience of a KSP career is not only landing on the Mun, but that of using a Mun gravity assist to get to Minmus in half the time with just a 100m/s for orbital correction. Seriously, if the Mun weren't this close, I would have never bothered how to plan and execute gravity assists and I would not have so much fun flying Level 1 micro shuttles to Minmus. - The presence of the Mun close by encourages new players to aim for it and beyond. The realization that Minmus is an easier landing target due to the microgravity-like environment is a discovery everyone makes for themselves. People actually have to go there to know how good mint ice cream is, not just for the refreshing taste, but for the low dV requirements for landing and escape. A Minmus first landing is not without its challenges as a badly designed craft may not handle direct return from Minmus if not configured to handle the extremely high thermal loads imposed on the vehicle. It thus does not matter that Minmus is an easier first landing target than the Mun, because this is knowledge we transfer from previous KSP experiences. It is important for new players to have achievable targets, the function of the Mun being so close by is an easy source of gravity assists that those new to space can experiment with cheaply (accessibility and low risk encourages experiential learning - which is 100% the point of KSP) And that's my 2c. Don't fix what ain't broken, mod the solar system if greater realism of challenge is desired. For me, I'd make Minmus to have a comet-like orbit and put the Mun in place of Minmus just for fun, and I certainly have no desire to impart this change on everyone against their will without notice - the stock game affects a lot of people!
  20. I also have this, which are seats in the cargo bay close to where all the avionics, the useful-data-generation-thingies like that tape recorder thing, the batteries, the auxiliary fuel tanks, the storage containers. To simulate the work environment of traditional "real" Victorian-era engineers, no air conditioning! So it's alright if engies don't have their own engineering section of the starship, I will engineer my own. Hehehehe! I also use the Mk1 Lander Can as the engineer's monitoring station aboard orbital stations, because in RasterPropMonitor it is MFDs galore!
  21. This! I would like a stock option for unmanned start, with sounding or model rockets and trailer parks. But make it an option, so anti-barn activists can start instead with Mercury rockets while pro-barn enthusiasts like me will spend weeks and weeks driving pickup trucks, having tailgate parties and launching model rockets all over the place until random science is achieved. Infact that's how I start off my craptastic -1000 rep, no money careers. With a sounding rocket mod
  22. Holy moley, that looks sweet. You could release it right meow (as Atlas v2? Cos I do like your old Atlas too for the dull brushed metal look) and I would use it for -everything- I build in a retrofuturistic kind of theme. Also Mad Max, all shiny and chrome lol. I don't mind that it doesn't have the mirror effect of real polished metal, we do have our game engine limitations after all.
  23. Welcome aboard. Do not worry about your lack of interplanetary experience - I have played since 2012 and haven't ventured out of Kerbin SOI
  24. Would it be possible to extract the barn model somehow and use it as a part mod?
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