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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. That 747/SCA is interesting! Are there any tricks to switching between the Shuttle and the 747? I remember running into the "not allowed to switch out of moving/in-flight craft" restriction all the time in KSP. Any mods or cfg tricks to work around that?
  2. This trawler was great fun to show around! Recently, esinohio made a render of the boat hunting a Kraken while flying the Jolly Roger. I made a few changes to the boat, and put it up on SketchFab. You can zoom the camera into the ship to visit the interior spaces! How cool is that!
  3. I actually did quite a lot today although I don't have many cool things to share I was bringing my fresh 1.0.4 career game to par with my 1.0.2 progress, did 'maintenance' of a craft file to bring it to 1.0.4 specs, made a video of the micro-shuttle doing a rescue mission (and video showcasing re-entry heating kept in check by a radiator panel). I also made small changes to my 50ft fishing boat / coastal research vessel and put it up on SketchFab.
  4. Sounds good! In the meantime I will be posting craft that work in the current state - ladders deployed and everything else stowed. Being able to pose them properly in future will make a lot of other craft look good - dishes and panels deployed, landing gear in correct position etc Meantime, the fishing boat esinohio recently used in an pirate ship vs kraken cute render:
  5. That looks great! I know what you mean about the aurora and not to worry, I think if I ran a black and white filter over it and added some obscure Cyrillic text, it could very well pass off as the Kerbal equivalent of an early Salyut / Almaz Earth observation station
  6. Due to an ongoing protest, many subreddits are set to private. I won't go into further details; just wait it out and see how it goes.
  7. I was once upon a time a legal secretary but I got sick of being the company scapegoat and left for (hopefully) greener pastures in the IT industry. KSP has made me a lot of friends during my first contract IT engineer job where I was the team lead and we had an infamous reputation for thinking up out of the box solutions to problems while other teams simply made themselves more and more unhappy with jealousy for the duration of a big multinational sports event we were supporting I mean, we had a permanent terminal (my gaming laptop) running KSP while we met or exceeded all the management's expectations, talked like imaginary rocket scientists chanting TWR, dV and Hohmann transfer windows all day, I got to control and set the standard of IT services for not one but 2 other nearby sites as well... Who said work needed to be unhappiness if our superiors themselves were gamers? Prospective and current employers were also a bit wow'ed at my mention of being a YouTube partner and having produced content for several YouTube channels - not surprising since this new and not-democratic-at-all country famously used to actively cull any sort of independent thought and creativity in junior school as recent as my generation. And here I am actively rebelling against all that with a strategy of moar boosters while the creative director of my KSP channel is a young lady whose interest in science, technology and moar boosters made her autism into a razor sharp weapon of creativity she aptly used to get distinction in college for 4 semesters in a row.
  8. Besides, any mention of SRMs would quickly lead to a massive exchange of fire from huge robotic war machines from the 31st Century spewing pulse laser blasts and salvoes of SRM-6s streaking off their shoulder racks.
  9. One fateful night, I lay in bed but could not enter the paradise of slumberland. Eyes agape, I lay alone, entranced by the glow of the kerbal space center in the corner of the room. I went to it, and clicked on the assembly building. I don't remember anything else from that fateful night, but for the following screenshot:
  10. Regarding the bow thrusters, in my very honest and tiny opinion it could be nice to have them as normal low thrust electric engines that don't produce any useful thrust above 1000m ASL (preventing exploits). They should also be really heavy, like proper nautical equipment. For using them it would be elementary to just toggle the thrusters by use of action groups. Or as I do in Infernal Robotics I bind the thruster keys to A and D If those thrusters were setup as normal engines, one could also use them to make hovercraft. Fun! Could you see if a big air cushion object is practical for inclusion in this mod? Give it the same density as a stock air intake and we can use it to skim across the water (and look good doing it!)
  11. I forgot to mount round-8s as life preservers on my kraken hunting, rocket-harpoon launching toy fishing boat!
  12. I think it is possible to stuff a Kerbal into a 1.25m service bay. I am going to try using my 2-man micro shuttle to carry 4 kerbals and see what happens!
  13. Sort of wondering if runners up can be given the old defunct trophy so they can put it up on the VAB as something to remember the event by :3
  14. You need to keep the kerbal inventory open then hold down G, drag the part into the inventory and release it there. Works best when you are close to the part.
  15. I can confirm all my helicopters and tilt rotors work just fine in 1.0 and above. You may have an issue with KSPAPIExtensions causing issues with Procedural parts and other mods but this is easily fixed by removing all outdated copies of KSPAPIExtensions.dll dated May or earlier. This is if you see any oddities like parts being broken in other mods.
  16. I have a laptop of similar specs and live in equatorial hell where temperatures are like, 34 deg C and it feels like walking through a convection oven outside in the day (lol) My gaming temps can exceed 90 degrees C and that's fine to me. The computer won't meltdown or anything so long as its vents are not blocked and fans are running. The max temperature for 4th Gen mobile i7s are something like 105 deg C and it will throttle itself down to avoid destruction. I also had a decommissioned former office laptop, a T4400 dual core with discreet nVidia GPU running KSP at around the same temps. If you're really worried about the heat just go to Advanced Power Settings and dial down the max. processor usage to about 80-90%. This will limit how far the Turbo Boost goes and cap the heat production, while reducing CPU throttling (this may give you more stable framerates, since, the Turbo Boost isn't smart enough to stop overclocking to the max until it reaches throttling temp). A laptop cooler doesn't do anything in my opinion - at least, not in this kind of climate. It doesn't move air fast enough to compete with my collection of super powered desk and/or industrial fans. A strategically positioned desk fan and elevating the laptop off the desk is a marginal solution, escaping to an air conditioned room is best and highly recommended Yes yes people will always tell me I am abusing my hardware but who cares, 30 years of equatorial hell living experience here, and never blown up a PC or laptop from gaming, ever.
  17. Hehe just for lulz and comparisons, this is how a 'hand assembled' bridge looks like on a famous battleship I tried to make in 1.0.2. I animated the steering wheel (or whatever a nautical steering wheel is called) using Infernal Robotics.
  18. I would also add that if there is any indication of abnormal heating, like not being able to dissipate heat and blowing up too early at high altitudes - delete the physics.cfg in the KSP root folder or reinstall KSP to ensure you get the correct 1.0.4 aero and thermal simulation. A Mk. 1 capsule by itself can conduct ballistic re-entry no problems due to its blunt shape. It can also conduct orbital re-entry without a heatshield provided there's no additional mass stuck to it. Counter-intuitively, blunt-body re-entry dynamics means an object with a lot of drag heats up slower than one with less drag. Also more drag means starting the deceleration higher up in the atmosphere. More drag + aero-maneuverable re-entry vehicle = omg, one can avoid heating up tremendously by controlling descent rate! Also I tested and verified a radiator placed on the 'cold' side of a craft dissipates tremendous amount of heat from the parts nearest to itself. Its when the radiator gets into the leading edge and heats up that it acts like it's 'saturated' and heat loss from the ship is drastically reduced. The act of spamming radiators, I suspect is just a gag joke or practical experiment - my micro-shuttles fly with just one and are being tested with ever more aggressive re-entry angles, with no issues so far (partly because they can fly their way out of too-steep re-entry paths and transition to a ballistic coast mode to cool off)
  19. Would be great if the contract could really verify that you obtained ore samples from a target planet and gave rewards accordingly, so extraplanetary rock samples would get a gazillion funds while those "mined" from the launchpad are rewarded with a 'scarlet letter' from KASA administration... lol
  20. I would say try and disable those which are dated 2 May 2015. Those are the 'older' ones that cause the missing shape / texture problem.
  21. For recovery of moar parts I'd just make the thing into a primitive spaceplane and fly it at high alpha in the upper atmosphere to decelerate. Mini shuttle + runway recovery = fun practise for later spaceplanes. I'm confident enough currently to progress further and make larger assemblies 'flyable', so as to allow ballistic coasting or skimming the upper atmosphere until its safe to glide down for landing.
  22. This ^ It would be even more fun if the player could somehow select the site for the second launch site. So we could have secret mountain lairs, or maybe within a volcano in the middle of the ocean Once the site is chosen, players should be given cargo and personnel haulage tasks, since workmen (engineers) will be needed to build the site, and materiel needs to be transported there in classic overdone fashion like point to point sub-orbital
  23. ShadowPlay for me plain does not work, but it might be due to my laptop having an Optimus chipset (meaning, it has Intel integrated graphics and a nVidia 850M)
  24. "X-Wing" Rotary Rocket. I'll just toss the whole imgur album here because it's hard to understand how the ship works unless you're familiar with similar concepts that never flew. It's a cross between the Roton Rotary Rocket and the original "thrust wing" Triebfluegeljager of .... Germany, a VTOL tail-sitter interceptor design with ramjet powered rotor/wings that probably was designed out of desperate housewifery or something equally desperate. Tip-jet powered rotors actually work in reality - Hiller Helicopters had a few tip jet helicopters, while the Roton "Rotary Rocket" famously did go on some hover test flights and was famously regarded as the most difficult / dangerous aircraft ever. Test pilots rated it 10 on a scale of 1-10, 1 being completely docile and 10 being some infernal contraption that will probably murder everyone in sight given the opportunity. The "Rotary Rocket" flew successfully as an SSTO in everyones favorite 'realistic aerodynamics' mod FAR, in KSP 0.90.
  25. Hahah I wonder what would have happened if you didn't hit the R key and see if he lands on his feet, eventually
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