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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. I recall the Stayputnik used to have SAS in an early version of the game, maybe 0.23.5 or something. Didn't know the SAS was removed in a more recent version; uncontrollable rocket went into the drink.
  2. Any more hype and she's gonna blow! (Anyone on IRC atm?)
  3. I'm going to be using M.R.S. extensively for my 1.0.4 career so expect some fan video coverage and epic mission montages in the near future featuring M.R.S. parts
  4. 9 hours to go and I just returned from a short overseas trip. Just enough time to go to bed and be back in time for the awards ceremony.
  5. Let us build a Batman sculpture in the SPH and run him through nuFAR's aero diagnostic tools. I wonder what his transonic drag curves look like.
  6. Excellent model, can't wait to test fly this baby. The propulsion module itself would spice up all my 2.5m ships actually, as using Rockomax tanks make all of them look boring. Must add some 'boing' to it
  7. This mod is the Burger King of mods, since you can have your rocket just the way you want it Also the procedural SRBs are really great for early game, where stock SRBs just don't give enough control to the shape, power and size of SRBs. Here's Icarus I showing the world that size isn't everything, and that there's such thing as a cute rocket ship
  8. Would anyone like to make this screenshot better? Maybe superimpose it over one of NASA's aurora pics for a wallpaper!
  9. Can you spot the hoax mun mission? Also, here's a cute ship
  10. There might be some truth to this. I started a new 1.0.4 career earlier and had a silly contract to test the Mk 16 parachute under 1,000 meters at a minimum velocity of 100m/s! The test ship was a two stage contraption with 2 RT-5s mounted above the other, with the intention of using stage 1 for ascent, and stage 2 as a descent stage to keep the velocity low enough that I don't go 'splat' before the new, realistic chutes deploy. I lit the first stage off and oh my, things were very hectic as the vehicle started dropping like a rock as soon as the first RT-5 ran out of juice. I had no time to fire off the second stage and decouple everything properly as the braking RT-5 was set to something like 25% thrust. I switched the parachute to immediately deploy at the next stage, staged the chute as close to 999m altitude as human reaction allow, heard at least some of the parachute unfurl then- CLASH POW BANG! Miraculously the rocket was just sitting there beside the launch pad undamaged. The expended RT-5 had taken the full brunt of the impact!
  11. I typically use the early Soviet designations or something based off it - classifying craft with a prefix showing the launcher class allows me to manage the entire fleet of spacecraft at once, since earlier launchers have less deltaV. Example: Also early orbital stations that are used for orbital intercept and docking training are fittingly designated "POS" or primitive orbital station POS-1 is an analogue of early Salyut or Almaz manned earth observation stations.
  12. This makes sense. Inducing airflow though the radiator makes it more effective in heat dissipation.
  13. R-1 With the current tech tree I usually get a Soyuz looking thing by R-4, R-5 is a Ares I SRB launcher and R-6 is a 2.5m/Skipper design. Putting the rocket class as a prefix before the craft name allows me to glance through the craft list in the tracking station and instantly note the projected velocity (deltaV) and tech level of the craft.
  14. I just had a chance to sit down peacefully (lol the irony!) with 1.0.4 starting a career from scratch today. I love the new aero model and agree it feels very similar to early FAR, which are my favorite of all the FAR versions in my opinion. ' Getting a bit too ambitious with Valentina's natural intuition, I sent her sub-orbital on her first flight on a big Procedural SRB with no decoupler between SRB and capsule, thinking there would be some soup-o-sphere to slow me down. There wasn't. SPLAT! It's very, very interesting to design low tech craft now because I must keep in mind what goes up must come down and at several times the speed of sound! The pseudo-RealChutes parachute deployment delay and destroyable chutes are also a very fun thing to experience. The realistic chute deployment, the re-entry heating and the new improved stock aero really come together to make the whole experience more intense especially at the low end of the tech tree where there is a very limited amount of control over where the rocket is going.
  15. OMG, which one of you created Woolsh!? LOL Btw, is there a cat one? I want to make a nation for Chairman Meow. Or Pusheen.
  16. This is great, for reference, the old circular intake looked like it was missing something.
  17. It appears the game now checks for part occlusion before it's allowed to be activated. I had a few helicopter designs that needed some engine repositioning as the jet exhaust was too close to the collision meshes of other parts. A good workaround would be to see if Squad can give us some sort of right click status display showing of the part is currently shielded or occluded. This was implemented previously in Procedural Fairings and indeed I have built air and spacecraft with parts mounted inside fairings but not shielded (VTOL engines with components hidden by fairing) or using fairings as airplane fuselages or conformal payload bays. For the latter example, yes, indeed it would be silly to simply lock out the part because it's covered by the fairing, but what Squad did was probably assume all fairings are full enclosures that disable everything inside.
  18. What I do is let Steam update the stock install to the latest version, then I make a duplicate folder of it to run my modded career on, in this case - KSP 1.0.4 - Modded. I don't recommend to do a direct replacement of the GameData folder because Squad's files for stock parts are also in there! Instead, you should check if your existing mods have been updated to 1.0.4 and install them in your new modded game folder first. As for everything else just do a mass copy and paste if you want to keep the mods and test them in 1.0.4. Make use of the opportunity to trim off mods that don't make the grade or are rarely used.
  19. I will greatly look forward to the time (pretty soon) where I shall develop invisible aircraft and transparent space stations thanks to this mod
  20. How about.... Jeb gets married. Prohibited from participating in any further aerospace flights on wife's instructions
  21. This one is alright I think. Could accomplish the required speed with a simple liquid fueled first stage with an LVT-45, throttle back and maintain 300+ m/s velocity until 11km altitude, then light off the LV-909 coupled to the smallest fuel tank you have. Ride the rocket until it crashes into the ocean or land it back on the launchpad if there's enough fuel. If you miss the contract speed/altitude parameters on ascent, remember you can continue the ascent and try to hit the same parameters on the way down. The contract's don't specify that the engine itself needs to have a certain runtime, just staged. You could even have the -909 stage with no fuel and get the contract rewards. Ditto for contracts to test jet engines in flight - they don't need to have intakes or fuel attached.
  22. I think TAC Life Support remedies that partially, a lot of pods have their battery capacity increased for life support duration reasons. -- Back on topic... There can be only one... Radiator Or if you prefer Sylvester Stallone There is no radiator. I am the Radiator! Sorry, carry on, I just can't resist
  23. I would love to see a wrap up of all the finalists and the winners, maybe a little montage of all the best nominated content, with lots and lots of explosions and epic rocket fails. Some categories, like Best Artistic, are really, really hard to score for the final round!
  24. I saw the awesome T-34 series being worked on at Facebook as well as the awesome render from the previous page, so I'll contribute something a little more leisurely just to see how the render looks. I have a few other render ideas for you but I just wanted to see if I could get a nice little Caribbean vacation for my kerbals. Subject craft: Stock 50ft fishing boat Or maybe of Kerbals flying the Jolly Roger rocket-harpooning a Kraken, your pick ps. Is Blender capable of taking on B9 Aerospace parts and craft files from 0.90? I have a ton of concept planes from Beta that I will likely not be updating for 1.0.x in a while (or plain too scary to fly again, like this Rotary Rocket).
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