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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. In 1.02 I can pull ridiculous amounts of aerobraking and cross-range maneuvering, perhaps because of whatever body lift multipliers Squad added. But if you fly at zero AoA you should enjoy greatly reduced drag. Then pitch up 20-30 degrees and you see what I mean, it's like pulling the handbrake!
  2. Forgetting the decoupler below the upper stage engine of a munar rocket. What else to do? Try and burn the bottom stage off
  3. I need something decently heavy and dense so I don't eat every 5 minutes. I also need something cheap, to allow me to increase duration of life support. Thus my favorite 'in flight' snack is those ten packs of frozen hot dogs. Have you eaten 10 hot dogs in a row? Quite filling!
  4. Yes. You should right click yourself so the "EVA Report" button appears. Time your left click so you hit the button when you're tumbling in mid-air, allowing you to collect "EVA Report when in-flight over stairs".
  5. Lol! That's amazing. Check out the size of the DC-3's aileron though I wonder if anyone had successfully done a "Flight of the Phoenix" before, crashing a twin engine aircraft and flying away with the remaining half, with some modifications.
  6. That should be sufficient time for me, so long as the server room doesn't blow up when I'm away, users/managers/fellow kerbal engineers don't stage a riot, etc. There are a couple other judges also submitting their votes though.
  7. Lol! ^ I am pleased to report due to Scott Manley and RoninPawn and many others, my awesome-o-meter has broke after spending hours pegged to the max. Unfortunately I need a day or two more to go through all the channels. There's a lot of incredibly awesome talent out there and I don't want to rush it. I will end up wasting hours on a single channel when I see a particularly epic series of explosions. Or spacecraft made out of recycled materials. Or Scott Manley vs kids in a deathmatch over Kerbin City
  8. With TAC life support I sent a low tech micro-shuttle to do a Munar flyby with a free-return flight plan, without adding additional life support canisters to the stock Mk. 1 cockpit. It was a mad rush to get Jeb home before he ran out of oxygen (running out of food or water gives some margin. Electrcity or oxygen out is rapidly fatal. Placing a tiny probe with life support and modest fuel supplies around Munar orbit seems to be a good idea to play with.
  9. Hello, I am far from being an 'expert' like the legends of KSP on YouTube (ahem, Scott Manley ) But I've been poking at KSP videos since 2012 albeit with a huge huge absence for the past 3 years thanks to a certain sci-fi MMO. I'm working on my 19th and 20th KSP short video this year and I think: Recording isn't a problem per se, as there are a number of free software options that encode video in real time. Since nVidia ShadowPlay doesn't seem to work (a pity, could use the GPU optimizations), I use MSI Afterburner. It does have push to talk mic recording you can use for real time narratives. Also, it's free: http://gaming.msi.com/features/afterburner I use Windows Live Movie Maker. I am proficient with professional video editing software but WLMM is simple, quick and provides enough options for simple snipping, speeding up and adding simple transitions. Due to CPU bottleneck on my laptop I often use 1.5x to 4x speedup depending on part count, to approximate the expected real visual speed of the craft. The type of video editing software you use, I'd say would depend on what kind of features you need. I just want simple craft showcases so WLMM is more than adequate, really. Suggest to do a test recording on your laptop and see if real time narration is okay. For my case due to framerate issues at 1080p, I would add narration in post processing if I wanted to narrate anything (currently, I don't). Otherwise ingame narration +4x speedup = chipmunk. Custom captions, image overlays, etc is where pro editing software has the edge over WLMM, as you could do much more than just text captions. I don't provide narrations as I would bore people to death or sound like a robot (when I'm not yelling like a drill sergeant:D ) so I will leave others to provide recommendations if standard laptop mics are adequate. I would recommend maybe a quality headset if I'm feeling impulsive. It's usually better than the default built-in mic but you never know - do a test first and see how much, if any needs to be improved in terms of audio quality.
  10. ^ Somewhere, out there, some aspiring genius of KSP aerodynamics is going to make the "Untitled Space Craft" fly with that funky wing design
  11. I also realized as deadly as new stock re-entry could be, I have found an easy way to 'pull the emergency brake' and decelerate very rapidly in the stratosphere by using SAS to pitch to ridiculous angles of attack and holding it there. Good way to escape from the atmospheric frying pan of re-entry Anyways back on topic - where is 1.03? It will be ready when it's ready and fully tested to purrrfection! No point rushing Squad otherwise there will be more rushed implementations and fixes that cause more yarn to come undone and it isn't the cat's fault. So be patient, crash more kerbals
  12. Yes, there are such things as cursed ships. Or haunted, or possessed by demonic entities. CoL and CoM setup just right, but acts totally and completely off, but to be fair it's because I was attempting to 'bluff' the game into ignoring aerodynamic parts by doing such things as using procedural fairings as cargo plane fuselages! I've had possessed ships when I create a design that requires a very high part count or adds a metric ton of nods to the SPH/VAB display, especially when I continually take the office-building-sized thing apart to remedy structural defects (oh my) while continually using the Undo command when inevitably, I click something by accident that causes total disassembly of the vehicle or mutates it into a ten winged crooked monster of evil. Sometimes I would not even detect the part symmetry errors until the first test flight, weeks later, and wonder why the CoM is far off the actual centerline of the craft. And further messing around with massive numbers of structural beams and struts inevitably causes the craft file itself to break! In such a circumstance, I highly recommend exorcism as a cure - start afresh with a reference screenshot of the cursed model in hand, rebuild it with a careful hand and an eye to reduce part count and simplify (sub) assembly configuration, etc. Two of my 'cursed' designs can be found in this obsolete showcase thread of obsolete aircraft with obsolete designs. Obsolete enough yet? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107690-Strategic-Bacon-Lifters-Obsolete-Planes-of-Pure-Pork-and-Utter-Crap
  13. Trees. I'd like to have them and they looked great in previous versions but whenever I see pine trees appear in 1.02 I cringe in fear and huddle behind a large pillow as my framerates plummet from a constant 80 to single digit levels as I descend below 10,000 meters or when the ground and those infernal pine trees are in view, followed by a crash. I have since, disabled terrain scattering due to these new Pine Trees of Eternal Doom.
  14. Apologies for the wait, I understand some of my fellow judges had already submitted their verdicts. I will have two judging slots this week before my schedule goes straight to total war levels this weekend; tomorrow, where an 'elite force' of engineers and I can get a lot of stuff done before it's even daylight US time, and on Thursday night / Friday morning US time, which is my first off day since forever. That means... judgment day is coming!
  15. I'm starting to have a lot of fun with those RoboStruts. Might trying making an IR bicycle next. Maybe a 2 story tall penny farthing for lulz.
  16. Definitely will need tweaking. I've had entire seaplanes sink into the water in BB. Firespitter parts with variable buoyancy would be most welcome, but I wanted to keep it as a stock craft.
  17. I made a fishing boat Full disclosure at: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/122869-50ft-Fishing-Trawler-for-all-astronaut-training-leisure-cruising-U-Boat-chasing-needs%21-Stock%21
  18. 50 ft Coastal Trawler. Built in KSP v1.02, stock parts. Craft file available on KerbalX I once read NASA Astronauts make extensive use of aquatic environments to simulate spacewalks, so I decided my little green spacemen and women need to take heed from the masters of space exploration, by building a fishing trawler out of spare airplane parts (aluminum is light and strong, yes?) and exposed girders from when Jeb decided it was a good idea to try and land a helicopter the size of an office building on top of the VAB. Having also read Kerbin's water is some sort of gelatinous mass, I also decided not one but two full sized jet engines from an antique bomber was a suitable means of propulsion. Who needs fuel efficiency when fuel is nearly free? With all the napkin science worked out, I started building the boat, laying out the keel and structural framing to get a rough idea of how the vessel will turn out. As hull plating was applied, redundant structure was removed and I soon inverted the ship to fully plate over the bottom side, its shape dictated by the airfoil parts available in stock KSP. Once done, I flipped the ship the right way up and used the exact same airfoils to create the main deck, offset slightly down so the boat had a reasonable gunwale height. The superstructure consists of living quarters at the bottom, a flying bridge, and an air conditioned high tech conning tower comprised of a humble Mk. 1 lander can. Putting the ship to sea was easy - just make a gigantic rover with a basic chassis and jettison it once in the water. If the rover frame gets stuck on the ship just go to space center and delete the debris. The trawler has a top speed of 16 knots (8 meters per second) which is quite decent for a coastal vessel. Endurance and range depends on payload - the craft shown in video has a minimal fuel load for a short 20 minute builder's trial, while the configuration supplied in the KerbalX link above has two aircraft fuel tanks and should be good for about 2-3 hours of sailing.
  19. Aquatic activities play a huge part in NASA astronaut training. Therefore I decided to send my Kerbals on a fishing expedition on a stock 50ft trawler
  20. I saw you over in the KAX thread and thought to check if KerbinSide, the whole shebang, worked fine in 1.02. Saw the thread title and downloading whole said shebang right meow :3
  21. The part limit is to encourage a trend of efficiency and to encourage innovation - sure it sounds counter-intuitive at first, what with innovation being stifled by restriction, but it's not necessary to construct a 500 part monstrosity when 50 parts with a thoughtful layout can do the job better and with much higher framerates. You also get to lift the restriction to 255 parts in short order. Which is plenty.
  22. I just read an article on Jalopnik about someone getting a ride in a V-22 to the San Antonio. My that was an awesome piece. Pity no video of it
  23. "You use an Acer laptop? It sucks!" Dude, I get it. You read about and owned maybe a few poorly engineered pieces of mobile computing garbage. But so have we all. But I don't go around looking over what the other guy is using and state "HP sucks" or "Compaq sucks" or even "Apple sucks" because they don't - there are lemons in every product line. And I have used and loathed LOTS of lemons. And there are awesome models with great stats and bargain bin prices (because of the bad rep? Who cares?), like my Acer gaming laptop. Sure it ain't the best or most powerful but it has a good GPU, good screen, good design and awesome battery life, in part because I chose a less powerful processor on purpose. Oh and yes huge discount when I bought it. Specs > brand name anyday.
  24. I hope to start my judging soon, as I'm involved in organizing IT support for a large multinational sporting event over the next 3 weeks. Shift work is a bummer. In the meantime I'm also building some example craft for a work in progress mod update.
  25. Impressive. I for one have no qualms about welcoming the new mini-shuttle prototype well, the Indians have had indigenous space launch capability up to GTO for quite some time, and this new prototype of a re-usable vehicle appears to be completely indigenous, this is an accomplishment for the Indian aerospace industry. I see no reason to mock the sub-orbital test - after all, we all do sub-orbital tests in KSP for aerodynamic proving before risking real payloads on the vehicle, right? Remember, this is a nation that has the chutzpah to buy Russian high tech military aircraft and develop their own aerospace industry to support them. They also fly some well known Western high end aircraft like the C-17 Globemaster III too.
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