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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. Pics - just use the insert pic button on the post editor here. Album. Get the album ID from imgur, and enclose it with [noparse] [/noparse] tags.
  2. This and wanting to right click control surfaces so the aircraft/SSTOs don't jerk all over the place
  3. After a usual share of desperate housewifery to get a rogue habitation module into docking position by hand, and various other zero-gravity sheninigans like chasing after suitcases floating away on their own accord after detaching from the resupply ship, orbital station POS-1 is now operational and ready for its self-deployment transit to the Mun. On its way, the crew transfer vehicle (now stripped of its solar panels and other useful systems) will be jettisoned after its Poodle engine is expended during the planned transmunar injection sequence. Or I could just leave it floating around as an analogue to the early Soviet Salyut/Almaz type DOS stations. In terms of features the station is quite a POS and intended as a docking platform / crew rest station for a munar lander campaign, anyway.
  4. Here's a shot of a Kerbal maneuvering a habitation and transport module by hand. 3 of his crewmates are still inside the hab, with the lights out and life support down after I ejected the cockpit module from this low tech crew transfer vehicle (CTV). Why did I eject the cockpit module, you ask? Well, you see, this ship has a detachable science module between the hab and the cockpit, and the idea was to detach the cockpit and the science module, attach the top to a primitive orbital station (POS-1), and have the cockpit go back to the CTV then de-orbit it using remote guidance. This all looked well and good in theory, with one crucial point of failure. Midway through the test launch of this new POS I realized the RCS thrusters on the top part of the ship were in the wrong place. They were on the materials science module, not the cockpit with its small but definitely useful monopropellant. Even more hilariously, during rendezvous ops and initial pilot's checkout of the orbiting POS-1 station, the back end of the CTV started to drift about on its own accord, necessitating an emergency EVA by the resident space engineer who promptly stomped the hab module into submission before shoving POS-1 and its attached science stack into the momentarily stationary docking port. Phew. Ohh, why did you not use KIS to detach the mis-placed thrusters and attach them to the cockpit as initially intended, you ask? It's because I left the wrench back at the space center. Here's a 200-capacity fuel tanker and cargo supply module sending the wrench and some other essential things (like life support) to the POS-1 primitive orbital station, testing a new soft-docking port at the same time.
  5. Nothing exploity here - just disable being allow to fill ore tanks / start mission with filled ore tanks in the assembly facility, or give the ore a cost to purchase, that way manufacturing fuel on the launch pad gives little or no profit. I for one would welcome the opportunity to manufacture fuel off-world and sell it to other space agencies at a hefty premium. Now how's that for a late game space tanking contract - deliver X units of fuel to an orbiting customer station!
  6. I recently discovered something fun to do - getting big is an exercise of patience, which gets on my nerves sometimes when everyone is playing cautiously and equally big. I might decide to play 'torpedo boat' by shooting mass into the small green spiky stuff, causing a green spiky thing to be cloned and shot out of the opposite end at high velocity. Totally decimates large slow moving objects but be sure to run far far away from the resulting feeding frenzy
  7. Indeed normally this would have been catastrophic but I just synched up at the last second by eye because the rescue ship had no fuel for a plane change and I thought the suit thrusters are going to have more deltaV than the micro-shuttle inbound. Using the shuttle's last bits of fuel for a plane change would have stranded them both around the Mun, and I thought to let the Kerbals have a go at re-enacting the scenes in Gravity where suit thrusters and Mk. 1 Eyeball were used to zeroise velocity at the last minute and hand-capture the target It wasn't as difficult as I expected - just remembered that, if a surface to air missile were heading for your cockpit it would seem stationary on the canopy - I just flew Jaca's suit until the microshuttle was stationary relative to it and burn 'backwards' until she ended up on its windscreen.
  8. Thanks for your kind reply The twin boom design is something of a small challenge for the reasons you mentioned; a workaround also needed to be found for the following issues compounded: 1) You are currently not allowed to surface attach parts onto the Delta Deluxe Winglets, a stock issue/oversight I highlighted here to the agreement of other forumers: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125442-Stock-Part-Config-Surface-Attachment-Allow-for-Stock-Delta-Deluxe-Winglets 2) If you surface attach onto the tail booms, the horizontal stabilizers cannot be offset more than half the height of the Delta Deluxe Winglets! 3) Because the "Basic Tail Fin" has been changed from a simple generic fin to the F-15 Eagle's all-flying elevator, it can no longer be used as a base for a high offset tail setup, as the resulting structure has many unsightly holes impossible to fill without TweakScaled parts. As I mentioned in the above feedback thread, the Basic Tail Fin is still flagged to allow surface attachments to it but looks unsightly as such. The Solution: I first tried using a square airfoil piece as the vertical stabilizer, in order to prove the aerodynamic performance of the Bronco's planform. This worked but was very ugly. I was about to leave it as it is and scrap the design as a sharable craft, but I chanced on the following discovery - you can over-ride / work-around the offset distance limitation by placing the stabilizer parts vertically on the tail booms, and then rotating them 90 degrees. The game "forgets" the horizontal part is way out of its allowed offset limits, so long as you do not move it. If you take a look at either of the OV-10 replica craft files in SPH, notice you can rip out the vertical stabilizers and the center section remains floating? They're actually attached structurally to the twin booms and not the Delta Deluxe parts! The angle of incidence of the horizontal tail sections are pre-set before rotating them 90 degrees, then the vertical stabilizers are aligned to them after the center of lift is confirmed within the 'tolerable stability' zone. Filling up the center part of the horizontal stabilizer was easy compared to the above workaround - just take a similar airfoil section and place it in between, then connect the "loose" end with a strut internally, meaning, zoom in the camera until it clips inside the part, and attach a strut to both endplates of the airfoils you want to connect, with the strut hidden inside the part itself. The width of the twin booms are simply set via offsetting the engine nacelles, until the tail parts line up perfectly.
  9. A hoax Munar mission never intended to go to the Mun actually went to the Mun. Naturally there are huge problems. No thrusters for guidance. Not enough fuel to escape the Mun's gravity. Our unlikely heroine, a first-time space pilot, decides to use the falling descent module as a springboard to achieve Munar orbit using suit thrusters. And uses said suit thrusters to align orbital planes with and intercept a micro-shuttle diverted to make one and only one pass near her, from its initial 800km flyby mission with barely enough fuel to make the necessary plane changes and then to burn out of Munar SOI. Full disclosure here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/126010-My-Space-Program-is-in-utter-disarray
  10. My Space Program Is In Utter Disarray A pointless short story / early career AAR Long story short, being invited to be the lead engineer of a certain area of an IT project, running rotating shifts for 3 weeks. Also attending night classes 3 times a week only to see my exam results sabotaged by a pointless peer review for no reason. Effective work hours something like 4am - 1am due to ridiculous dramatic conflict started by bourgeois manglement and the proletariat workers soviets expecting me to lead them in a Hunger Games style revolution. Throughout the mind-numbing infuriating mayhem I managed to stir up no end of trouble in my extra-hard, -1000 rep 1.02 Career, including launching mission after mission after mission in KSP and not following them through to completion. Thanks to Kerbal Alarm Clock, I sort of managed the chaos pretty well but forgetfulness would lead to a near-death experience for a Munar flyby crew, which I will cover shortly. At the same time I also thought it was a good idea to send all my high orbit commsats to orbit the Mun instead to support upcoming munar missions, when in hindsight leaving the heavy commsats in place and using omni antenna signal relays is much more logical. Is this a probe, a lander or a ScanSat? Depends on mood... Mission Control personnel are in uproar over confusion in munar probe assignments. Landers became signal relays, ScanSat probes became makeshift landers and low orbit polar recon sats ended up landed somewhere in a crater on the equator. Worse, the Capricorn One mission that was not supposed to go to the Mun at all, departed Kerbin orbit using its descent stage and actually made it to the Mun. With no thrusters and no actual return stage, the first kosmonaut to the Mun decided on a highly risky suicide burn maneuver on the dark side of the Mun to exploit Oberth Effect to try and save some DeltaV, failing which she would surely end up with a Munar survival tale of Lara Croft proportions. I deliberately engineered this ship to be crap and not make it to the Mun. Instead, it landed successfully and made this epic screenshot. Oh, the huge manatee... Capricorn One skimmed the dark, deadly Munar Midland ridges and landed nearly blind save for two guidance spotlights I may or may not have randomly placed. With 400 delta V left and low battery levels after operating ScanSat equipment, it was decided Jaca would not survive the night on the Mun. There is no way to recharge its solar panels on the dark side of the Mun, and no conveniently placed there. Unable to jettison its external fuel tanks (due to el-cheapo engineering by yours truly), the same engine that brought the ill-fated ship to the Mun in the first place now struggled to impart as much horizontal velocity as possible just skimming the hilltops, and once the last drop of fuel was expended, Jaca used the drifting, slowly spinning ship as a springboard as she leapt blindly off firing suit thrusters in the general direction of prograde to make up for the remaining 300m/s or so dV required for a stable orbit. Life support supplies were minimal and Jaca could only pray a fast rescue clipper could be designed, built, assembled and launched to the Mun fast enough to reach her before she froze or suffocated to death. An X-2 micro shuttle stack demonstrates the awesome Korolev's Cross booster separation sequence. Just as all hope was lost, Mission Control managed to raise an X-2 micro-shuttle transitioning through Munar SOI on a free-return trajectory. With only 25% of its OMS fuel remaining, this shuttle was not intended for Munar rendezvous much less interception and capture of a small object travelling fast and low over the Munar surface, and subsequently boosting out of Munar SOI to convey said object back to Kerbin. The ship had no pilot (controlled by probe core), one hapless noob of a scientist on board (which means, no Kerbal Engineer-derived precision trajectory and fuel management), and certainly it was not in the mood to be re-directed at the last moment citing poor maintenance conditions and low quality replacement parts. I am serious and don't call me Shirley. Nevertheless, desperate situations require desperate housewifery, and after some consultation with fellow X-2 micro-shuttles of the same class en route to Minmus, the stubborn ship agreed to make one and only one flyby of Jaca's orbit before slingshotting out of the Mun's gravity well to return home. It was better than nothing, and all the world's prayers were directed to increasing the astronomical chances of this rescue succeeding via divine intervention. Rescue ship on a "one pass, then haul ass" rescue attempt trajectory. With some blind luck (or uncanny display of Apollo 13 style improvised navigation), the final major burst of EVA thruster usage aligned to within 4 degrees the orbital planes between improvised rescue mission and Jaca herself. All she needed to do was use the last 30% of EVA propellant to zero-ise the 250 or so m/s of velocity difference between rescue ship and kosmonaut. Jaca was even perfectly stationed for a drive-by pickup without synching orbits. This required 3-dimensional thruster maneuvering! She had one and only one chance to make a decisive leap of faith! This impossible no-nav, out of plane, suit thruster only Munar rendezvous was somehow accomplished without the button mashing, savegame reloading mayhem associated with Tomb Raider adventures, and she posed triumphantly before the cockpit of the shuttle and absolutely dominated the frontal view out of the micro-shuttle.... and was stuck there! She had run out of EVA propellant posing and donning eyeliner! Hello there, beautiful. Long story short again, the scientist had to get out and push her in such a way she could drift close to the grab handles of the empty Mk. 1 inline cockpit, and the rebellious little ship didn't even use a drop of fuel to help with the rendezvous nor did it have RCS thrusters installed due to our space program's current cost saving strategy (Astronaut Complex HVAC has been restricted to office hours only, do you expect them to give free us RCS thrusters on non-docking missions?). Now, with our heroine safely aboard the shuttle, the space program finally started to get its act together, sorting through mountains of administrative clutter to restore kosmonaut salaries, air conditioning and some semblance of order to the many 1.25m class missions flying around Kerbin SOI on a dozen odd missions. With RnD department morale restored, we can also commence drafting blueprints of a new class of non-hoax Munar landing missions and low density edible supersonic decelerators for use with the new 2.5m class ships to follow. Low density edible supersonic decelerators... you didn't think I'd actually have one ready, did you? ~ The End ~ Please note as per usual T&Cs of the Real Lifeâ„¢ MMO, Divine Creations, LLC will not refund any time wasted reading this useless article.
  11. What, no one likes baaaaa-d jokes? She's just a fan of Aardman animations (including Shaun the Sheep). Considering the mental state I found her in originally; serious mental illness stuff that wool-ed be fatal in professional and social adult life, which I cured through therapy and own expense, this tendency to adopt a fleecy personality to am-ewe-se persons in our families when watching certain DVD programmes is really completely harmless. Also, I am a very catty person. Meow :3 I didn't know attack aircraft had marriage rights. How about heavy bombers, and cargo haulers? Do they have marriage rights too or are privileges of sacred unity reserved only for armed aircraft? We all know the fighter community despises the 'trash haulers', but I hope the new administration will be less discriminating against hard-working cargo planes
  12. This is very interesting and I will give this mod a try very soon. I previously tried other failure mods but they were either too random or too non-interactive for my tastes. TestFlight however has a well designed structure and allows the player to perform 'proofing' runs to ensure crucial systems perform to spec before a 'real' mission, so I'll definitely be interested to give it a shot. What would happen if I run TestFlight and Dangit! together, I wonder. Epic fails everywhere? Many booms?
  13. My girlfriend addresses herself as a sheep (to be precise, a Hungarian sheep with the awesome spiral pasta horns) and makes sheep noises in daily comunication. Also more explosions make for good theater. Therefore I endorse Jeb Kerman for President lol
  14. That sounds really hilarious and epic lol. We might see a burger go into the sun or get shot out beyond Jool never to return...
  15. Name: pandoras kitten Job: Builder Why do you want to do this job: I have an eye for detail and have built a huge array of ridiculous KSP craft never before seen in KSP, such as mobile restaurants, aircraft with ridiculously complex rotating or folding wing designs, and large helicopters (roflcopters?!) nearly 100 tons in weight. All are flyable and certainly decent at their job, if operated within realistic expectations. Also, a ! Aww...Wait, did I proclaim "never before seen in KSP"? Like this ? Yeah...Previous Work: Please refer to my YouTube channel (see signature) and maybe my imgur galleries for a selection of elegant craft riding on the edge of practicality. Well, recently I have built some low part count utility aircraft... If you want a showcase of my KSP craft, feel free to take a look at my page on KerbalX too. Oh and a , in response to a Twitter post on 1st April this year from SCS Software, makers of the real Truck Simulator games
  16. I had a small motorcycle that I got for cheap in near junk condition. I like restoring and maintaining such horrible stuff that people usually find not worth restoring. Anyways I discovered some flaws from its old design, including losing considerable engine power when passing or being passed by heavy vehicles, as the low pressure zone would suck all the air out of the airbox. The fix came in the form of... ADD MOAR INTAKE! I simply drilled a few holes in the airbox cover so air entered the box directly in front of the filter, and the bike sounded and performed better ever since. I also made my own 'water injection system' using discarded plastic bottles and air lines from a fish tank, and although it's just a gag project to make me look like a mad inventor, the thing actually worked, making the little 200cc engine produce absurd amounts of power on hot days for about 15 minutes like some parody of a Luftwaffe methanol-injection system for 'war emergency power'. And yes, the bike had problems with hot weather performance before that. On a side note I also mastered how to tune a carburetor because local mechanics always made them run lean at operating temperatures, and I got sick of the lame stock powerband that required maximum throttle and RPMs to produce any useful torque. I simply got to work with a screwdriver and reversed it, producing maximum torque at low RPMs like a proper cruising motorcycle.
  17. I play War Thunder. Doesn't have the silly 'gold ammo' issues and excessively hostile community of World of Tanks, much better 3D engine and absurd fun blasting things across the map once you learned to keep hull down, front towards enemy and don't do silly things after a hundred hours learning from the University of Hard Knocks. Multiplayer gameplay is quite interesting in Realistic and Simulator modes - target spotting is manual so cover, concealment and knowledge of rangefinding and optics is crucial to hit anything beyond spitting range.
  18. Me playing as the ~~FAT COW~~ grazing anything in my path. After a long while I got really fat and a wingman appeared in the form of the ~~TINY COW~~.
  19. Consider me part of the 'couldn't care less' or 'watch things explode' camp. People are going to do what they like to do and honestly a few creatively installed improvized weapon systems or combat mods aren't as bad as screwing up the launch of a large spacecraft sending 200 kerbals to their doom. A great number of gamers / Kerbal enthusiasts may have had backgrounds in wargaming or have a passion for military history, and if they decide a few antiship torpedoes or AMRAAMs are wanted in the game, that doesn't make them evil or inappropriate. Who knows, you might need those weapons to defend against evil alien invasions in future. As for me, I tend to make stuff without weapons but sometimes, making improvized demonstration ordnance out of stock parts is so fun, especially when a real airplane replica may involve simulating something like "STOL light airplane with ridiculous amounts of external stores". Why not just expand the scope of gameplay and say there are some 'security issues' around the KSC requiring a new surveillance and light attack aircraft to deter unauthorized incursions into controlled airspace, serve the space center's monitoring needs, and protect important space assets from sabotage?
  20. I remember in Beta and before I would use the Basic Tail Fin for T-tailed designs but now the Tail Fin had been changed to an all-flying design similar in shape to the F-15 Eagle's horizontal stabilizer. Without TweakScale to construct filler parts, it's difficult to use the Tail Fin as a static support structure. Ironically too, other parts can be attached to the current Tail Fin even if it's inappropriate to do so, being an all-flying control surface. So now the Delta-Deluxe is one of the few low-tech stock parts that look decent as a vertical stabilizer.
  21. Powered by KAXNorth American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco Counter-Insurgency Aircraft Small, deadly, and highly versatile, the OV-10 Bronco is the premier light attack and observation aircraft of the Cold War era. With a ridiculous number of external hardpoints and a easily reconfigurable science/cargo section, I intend to deploy this aircraft in a variety of early/mid career missions including scientific survey, surveillance and security functions. Speaking of 'security' functions, reading about the OV-10's impressive combat record on an automotive blog turned combat aircraft discussion site made me put on a full loadout of demonstrator ordnance just for the fun of it! The Kerbal replica of the OV-10 is noticeably larger and more powerful, with a greater wingspan. This was due to reasons of practicality (roll rate would be really slow with one set of ailerons) and to preserve a fully stock airframe. It is maneuverable and STOL capable. With a bit of tweaking you could even make a VTOL or STOVL out of this craft. The craft files can be downloaded from KerbalX: Light Strike variant - KAX and TweakScale Unarmed survey variant - needs KAX mod only
  22. I wanted to build yet another stock or near stock light survey aircraft but reading about the ridiculous combat record of the OV-10 Bronco just made me want to mount demonstration ordnance on the thing just for fun.
  23. Thanks, I didn't notice the S & DD forum before. I've posted this suggestion over there. Mods - feel free to nuke this thread into oblivion
  24. This feature request is really hard to put in text but those of you who have used low tech parts would notice you cannot attach stuff to the Delta-Deluxe Winglets, and may force you to build a boxier looking craft as a result. Here's a simple OV-10 Bronco replica as an example: Scroll through the gallery above and you'll see some comic irony - the fragile Basic Fins can be used as basic hardpoints, but the Delta Deluxe cannot be used to support the tailplane of the aircraft. Setting Allow Surface Attach = 1 makes for a much sleeker and true to life appearance for this aircraft's tail assembly, as per the image below. It's not a big problem but thought for consistency's sake in community craft sharing, I thought it would be nice if future KSP updates could incorporate Surface Attachment = Allow for this part.
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