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Everything posted by Warzouz

  1. @GoSlash27, your ship has no fuel ? For my part, I don't have screenshots, but I did a test mission few weeks ago (here). When it was time to return, it was late, I wanted to get back before bed, It seemed I missed the window. But I was eager to return home. The Jool SOI escape burn was not that bad, but arriving at Kerbin SOI, I was already around 5000m/s. This speed would incease up to nearly 7000m/s when touching the atmoshpere (with only 1600m/s of fuel). Even if the ship had a big heatshield, I failed to slowdown. I tried several approaches, but the only one that didn't destroyed my ship didn't capture me. Well renetry was not part of the test. The mission was a success even if the crew didn't survived ;D
  2. True, but Planetary orbits stays, especially moons. Planets orbits auto fades when you zoom in. But moons' don't.
  3. Ha, finally I found what I wanted. Default mode 3 seems to be better. When you're out of target SOI, the trajctory is drawn in current SOI (some curly line), but as soon as you focus on target SOI, you get the hyperbolic line. I'll switch back to default mode, then.
  4. Defaut KSP is mode 3 (relative). As many suggested, I switched to mode 0 to ease encounter. But after a while, I it would be nice to have both drawn.
  5. Is there a way to have BOTH draw modes at the same time ?
  6. It's possible to add most of those sounds to stock engines using Module Manager. I was tweaking around it few month ago. It's about reusing KW rocketry sounds and edit Part files. There is not much development in it. Maybe few light modifications to smooth things
  7. Check the sound of this video for example (try to ignore the music). Sounds come mainly from KW rocketry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONP9jS14toE
  8. I don't know where to post this topic. I want to do a dual screen wallpaper such as this one : http://i.imgur.com/AhHmbbe.jpg I want to take screenshots of every planetary bodies (including moons). I think the easier way to do that is in Tracking station, as it's very easy to zoom, but I need : to remove or hide skybox to remove or hide planets orbit lines Do you know how to do it ? Further more, I don't want every planets to be the same size, but not either the real size (the small ones would bee too invisible). I think I use a cubic root or a double square root on their size. I'll post some calculations and results later
  9. I use MJ quite a lot, BUT I don't feel it should be part of the game. Some (many) features of KER should be stock Some feature of KAC should be stock Most of sound improvement mods should be stock Most of graphical improvement should be stock (until reasonable stress on display)
  10. Here is what i suggested not long ago http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129962-parts-which-should-get-their-part-file-modified/
  11. I think @Snark suggested that the Tracking station would have an alterate "ship" display where nodes would appear. That way, we would be able to handle several missions at the same time. This is a smart and simple idea which would be a nice user-friendly KAC equivalent. Snark's suggestion here
  12. But escept in IVA you're not IN the plane (even if in space that would mean no sound...). Also, there could be some stress sounds on the ship/plane as one mod (I forget it's name) was about.
  13. Sound doesn't have to be realistic. If so, in the classic external view, we shouldn't get any sound. It should be impressive and immersive. I'm not agains a sonic boom even if unrealistic. Just look at @maccollo video on RSS trip to Venus. Sound design to a LOT to this video. Further more, there are a LOT of missing sounds (RCS, docking, airlocks, Kerbals). Rockets have un very unimpressive sound (listen the KW rocketry sound design, it's much much more impressive) Music could be improoved too. More contextual music (per planetary body as another topic suggested). Event related (planting flag, landing, final aproach...) It's very sad that this part moslty rely on mods... In the end, I hope that KSP 1.2 will be about sound and graphic improovements
  14. This mod is very nice. It's a very nice work. Ill probably start with it in 1.1 ! BTW is there any plans to add Vesta and Pallas equivalents. And what about other dwarf planets ?
  15. Nice one. Further more, you can get level 5 kerbals from such a mission,even without landing on any planetary bodies : check the school bus topic Around 5000m/s from LKO and no more than 3 hours of game play (including ship design) I think I rush to Jool when 1.1 will be available.
  16. Thx@blackrack, When I use Eve and Scatterer at the same time, I have Z fighting on water (even on Kerbin). I tester removing the 2 shaders files from Eve folder but still the same. BTW, should I get that on Eve ? (NB, there is no EVE mod installed)
  17. Thx @Poodmund, that did it. I didn't figured that because my Tylo stuff was all right. I find the Dx11 display has quite strange colors (especially water). Can I switch to dx9 ? EDIT : Well, things are the same. The water has dark patches and looks very wierd on Laythe and even Kerbin. I also have black lines around KSC. The strange thing is I don't remember havong those when I first try the Eve+Scatterer+Planetshine (a simple flight to the island) EDIT2 : forget it this "bug" doesn't seems related to scatterer.
  18. I have an issue with this mod when I go to Laythe. The FPS somewhat 0.1. It woks fine with Eve, Kerbin Either i DX9 or DX11, It's the same. When I remove Scatterer, it's fine. The same in orbit or landed. I tested with or without Eve, it's the same. The KSP.Log show some errors. Here is a part of it. Do you have any idea or test I can do ?
  19. @FancyMouse, you're right about the "switch to", I though of the "Jump to" from KAC
  20. @Geschosskopf, most of what you described ("Switch to" button, autosaves/backups...) are a KAC mod feature. In stock game, only persistent.sfs is saved when you load/unload a scene. The "Revert" button reloads the persistent.sfs file and is not allowed if you changed scene before (preference.sfs was updated).
  21. If I understand your question : When you land somewhere, you would know how to get a flat landing area so your lander would not fall down the hill. When you land,, what ever technic you use, the slowdown makes your landing aera change. Even though, the body rotation makes it change too. So It's quite hard to get a precise landing zone. KER gives some indication of the slope around the projected landing point. But The precise value is known very near the ground. Usually, I target a quite flat aera, and I design my landers to be not too high and qith a quite large base. My Mining lander is able to land on a 27° slope (tested) maybe more (not tested). When the slope is too high, you can do a little hop as soon as you touch down, this usually throw you toward a lower and flatter aera.
  22. Well, I disagress with @ineon, On my 1.0.4 career game, I had : 2 vanishing ships 1 flag disappearance (I took great care with positioning this one...) 1 space station explosive wobble 1 partially dysfunctional lander (legs not working) Several "warp to next node" that didn't stopped (5 or 6 before I stopped using this feature) 1 Kerbal / Ship collision bug that partially blow the lander (Now I keep clear of the landing struts...) I keep numerous persistent.sfs backup files (before a new mission, before SOI change, before docking/undocking manoeuvres, before EVA while landed...)
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