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Everything posted by LN400

  1. The Return Of The Pink Panter: When John came back to the gym, the trainers knew it was going to be a long day.
  2. Riders Of The Lost Ark: When the rodeo machine breaks down, the locals despair. Then an archaeologist comes to town and he has with him the solution. Star Wars: Attack Of The Cones. The temperature rises when two Hollywood divas find they both wear the same dress at the same party. Only way to cool down is to distribute ice cream left and right.
  3. Possibly the biggest breakthrough I ever had when it came to fine maneuvering was to have a dedicated set of keys (through the controls setup) for anything translation using RCS (look for translation movement in the ship control section). My setup (for whatever that is worth) is Forward H Back N Arrow keys where up = up, left = left etc You may find a different combo that suits you better. The distance between the H/N and the arrows makes it easy for me to have full control over translating movement. This made a world of difference for me when it came to steering the prograde/retrograde markers around on the navball. Mind you, the slower you move relative to the target, the more efficient the key presses (and fuel consumption) become.
  4. Ah alright, thanks! Well, the answer is in the OP which doesn't have a checkmark but I'll mark my previous post then.
  5. Answered. See OP. Thanks for your time anyway.
  6. Good to know, thanks tons! I would however, like to see the return of these parts, if possibe so the search continues. Some of my slightly older designs depend on those parts and I really enjoyed the look and functionality of these fairings.
  7. After letting the latest version of KSP mature for a bit and letting modders catch up, I'm now in the process of updating my mods list. One thing I wonder if you guys could help me with is: When it comes to fairings, could someone give me a quick guide on the fairings situation? I notice there are at least 2 procedural fairings mods out now, only one of them is somewhat familiar to me (the old procedural fairings). Would you prefer stock, the original PF or the new PF or a mix? How do the different parts kits hold up to the others, in your opinion of course? Do they all work the same way, in reducing drag, or is one or the other noteably different and if so, in what way, for better or worse? Hope to have some inputs from those who have given these alternatives a try. Thanks. EDIT: In the older versions, I had a fairings kit (both aerodynamics and structural) with separate base and fairings parts. My memory is not great but for some reason do I recall them being part of the Modular Rocket System mod. I could very well be wrong though so for the time being, I am reluctant to pester Necrobones about something he has no idea about. Does it ring a bell to any of you, this fairings kit (part of a larger mod) with separate bases and fairings? Any idea where it can be found? I REALLY hope these parts haven't been phased out as they are the only way I know of to make rounded nose cones AS WELL AS "interstage" cargo bays where the fairings carry whatever is on top of them. This is something I badly want to see back in my mods collection. EDIT 2: About those missing fairings parts: I just fired up 0.90 and I found the parts there and the manufacturer is Keramzit Engineering. Can someone help me recognizing which mod has those KE parts? EDIT 3: I am a dunderhead. Found it. Turned out it was me who for some reason overlooked the old procedural fairings mod when reinstalling the mods. The parts were there and now with PF installed, everything looks bliss.
  8. You will have to charge us for those. Waiter, Minas Troney is in the soup.
  9. Sorry, you were a little too late. Note the date
  10. Swig Time: Lucky Garnett must raise $25,000 to pay his bar bill before his fiancé starts asking questions about his promised wealth.
  11. IC Age: Various animals are asked about their opinions on the future of Moore's Law. America His Oryx: Uncle Sam gets a pet. Here To Invade Next: A nation declares its intention of starting a queue. Suicide Quad: When Mark tells his friends to come to the field so he can show off his brand new quadcopter, little did he know he had mounted the gyro the wrong way. Aging Sharks: A shark attack goes very wrong when the shark turns and swims away while muttering "I'm getting too old for this s**t". Dark Tie: If you are insisting on being attacked by a shark, don't be disrespectful. At least dress for the occation. Lake Plaid: When the tourists put on their khaki shirts, it does not go down well with the locals. Bad Moo: When the moon is full, all hell breaks loose at the dairy farm.
  12. The Sound Of MUSC: A woman leaves an Austrian convent to become the inhouse caretaker and stepdancer at the Medical University Of South Carolina. Olive Twist: The tale of an orphant's apetite for dancing and martinis. Old Diggers Of 1933: A millionaire rescues retired graveyard workers with a new play. On The Tow: Three sailors on a day of shore leave in New York City look for fun and romance before their twenty-four hours are up. The 4th guy, a flat broke quartermaster is along hoping for a free drink or two. The Sith Sense: A young boy, a talented pod driver, who is tired of his droids beeping "wrong way, turn right" every 5 seconds, seeks the help of a discredited fix-it-all. Tins Of Evil: A vacation goes horribly wrong when a group of vegetarians are captured by a sect that worships Swedish fermented herring!
  13. Kampus: When the Kappa Sigma fraternity attempts to adopt a cultural phenomenon they know nothing about, they get everything wrong. The SoCal Network: A movie about roads and railroad tracks in the sun.
  14. The Green Beets: Two teams of beets find themselves in a pickle. All Quit On The Western Front: At the last day of the war, suddenly the soldiers regain their senses. The Hose By The Cemetery: Driving through the forest, Jack and Jill come by a disused cemetery and decide it needs some cleaning. The Decent: A group of female friends comes face to face with a bloke who is ok, really. Altered Stats: When the role players cheat, the game master snaps. Grinhouse: Anyone who enters the house, falls over laughing.
  15. Godzilla vs Motha: Godzilla threatens the hood and one girl won't have it.
  16. Max Mum Overdrive: The schools are closed and the kids are home and mum is having a rough day. It Conquered The Word: The gripping tale of a man's journey from childhood to adulthood and vice precidency, then old age, in search of the proper spelling of "potato" True Git: The "slow" son of a "slow" father who was killed botches up the murder investigation. Bi Jake: Jake can't quite decide what it is he wants. All In The Saddle: When Rocklin arrives the town, he finds all the townfolks desperately wanting to leave. There is, however only one horse in town.
  17. Taxi Diver, a movie about a cab driver on top of a cliff, who wants to become a pilot, and finds it's not as easy as it sounds. Dog solder When a lost dog finds a broken radio as the tornado closes in, he must learn and learn fast. Fat and Furious When Dominic Toretto realises a diet consisting solely of deep fried lard is not going to help him win the race, he attempts to storm off in his 2CV Aw A kitty tries to be scary by shredding an origami mouse with its tiny claws.
  18. Be Hur: About a man in ancient Rome who does everything right, all the time, and wins on horses. Ben Ur: A Cockney fellow who does everything right, all the time, and wins on horses. Rootmonster: A treelike gorilla in a diving suit tries to take over the world E.: A trippy adventure film about a spaced out extraterrestrial and how he befriends the kids on planet Earth Fit of Fury: A young man is told he can't go to watch the martial arts tournament. Fist of Fur: A warning of all the things that can lead to blindness. Lord of the Rins: The life of a Japanese man whose wealth is not great, who must find a pawnshop to put some family jewelry in hock before the landlord finds him. The Night Of The Living Dad: When his wife goes out of town, he goes to the nightclubs. The Thin: When aliens threaten to beat humanity in an eating contest, only one man has the stomach it takes to restore peace. Irates Of The Caribbean: The great story of how they cleansed the sea of banditry. Dead Sow: A WW2 pig returns to cause concerns for the locals. Inchcliffe Grand Prix: An inventor who lives on a very small rock, builds a very small race car. The Trollenberg Error: When aliens land near a remote alpine resort, things do not go as planned. The Even Samurai: A village is threatened by a band of samurai and hires a band of samurai. Will the fight ever end?
  19. Too many I like, too many I listen to, to name only one, or fill a page with names. One is Tom Waits
  20. RC helicopters and planes first and foremost (as much as weather, time and money will allow which means I don't get to fly as much as I like). Music (played for most of my life, now it has taken the back seat for that RC time and money vampire, still hugely into listening to music) Smaller hobbies: Listening to ATC recordings. Kennedy Steve is a riot and I get my needs to nerd out satisfied. Flight sims (FSX in particular) + other sims like Silent Hunter 3
  21. Worth a few reruns Also, while this might not be, strictly speaking a flight vid, then at least it's connected to aviation
  22. I just thought I'd ask here as well seeing this community has some pretty amazing modders around as well as people with a general interest in computers. If this is the wrong place to post, let me know. Alright, onwards to the point. I'm doing some small scale, simple modding for Flight Simulator X (FSX) like adding/altering panels, gauges, windows and such like. Most who have played FSX have probably noticed the lack of maps, charts, diagrams that are useful for a more complete sim experience. I did find _a_ way to fix it, but it is far from optimal. Here's what I did: - Got a large collection of charts as pdf for various airports, including approach charts, taxiway charts etc. -For each chart I made a bmp image to be used in a custom made window in the sim's 2d/3d environment for whatever aircraft I choose to edit the panels.cfg. This works and I can bring up charts in flight. Problems are -To have all the available charts for a given airport, I would need more menu items than FSX supports in the toolbar View tab (9 in total iirc, including neccessary stock windows). -To have all charts for all airports in the sim, and sectionals for every region would leave this in an unholy mess if it was possible in the first place -Right now, the charts available in the cockpit are set once FSX has started and can not be changed mid flight. -When FSX is starting up, it loads all the bits and pieces, custom made charts included, and too many charts would wreck havoc on the computer memory (one single regional chart I found was more than 14,000 pixels wide! and several 10's of MB in size). Before I continue, there is an addon (APCharts) that shows airport diagrams but many, me included can't get it to work on a Win 8.1 system. Also, it only includes airport charts and nothing else. So, I was thinking it would be nice to have a custom made gadget in the sim world environment where one can load a single chart or a few selected charts when needed. Here is a screenshot of poor quality (in actual gameplay they are crisp and of the same quality as the original pdf images) Would anyone with the know-how be interested in joining in on making such a gadget? This includes finding solutions to how one can circumvent the "apparent" limitation that is all the bits and pieces are loaded once and for all when FSX starts. I am in no way experienced enough to undertake this on my own. There is an FSX SDK that allows external software to communicate with FSX but I haven't had the opportunity yet to look into it. If someone would be interested in joining, I would find the opportunity.
  23. I'm thinking of opening a new thread here but before that, just a quick question: Any of you two into modding of any sort? I'm fiddling around with minor mods in FSX but could need some assistance from experienced modders. (More precicely, I found I could have real world charts in the 3D cockpit as windows but considering the number of possible charts, I would need some new functionality to select which charts I want to load into any aircraft at any given time)
  24. A fellow FSX "pilot" cool! What sort of plane(s) do you fly there? Airliners? Military? Or you're like me, goofing around in one of the smaller propeller aircrafts? (I should learn how to fly those jets one day).
  25. Now THAT is a genuine Kerbal Disaster.
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