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Everything posted by ThatGuyWithALongUsername

  1. Serious idea: both have mentioned KSP, so let's do a twitch livestream where they try to both try to launch a mission to Duna, while answering stuff in the chat. Proceeds go to charity. Someone should make a kickstarter or something!
  2. I have ridden in a solid black car with a solid black interior. In August. I can testify that the paint does make a difference...
  3. I find that launch date completely unbelievable in the best way possible. CRS-14 is supposed to launch on April 2 on the same pad... That would mean that they would achieve like a 3-day turnaround or something! (Or maybe one of these would launch from LC-39A...)
  4. IT'S BEAUTIFUL I've heard that Musk said somewhere that Block 5 would look different... and there are quite a few distinct features on this core. The interstage looks like it's made of some carbon fiber- reminds me of the falcon 1. The logo has been moved up as well. I wonder what it will look like after reuse? Will the "thermal covering" do anything to keep the paint on?
  5. Holy kraken it's here! https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/02/first-falcon-9-block-5-readying-static-fire-mcgregor-rapid-reuse/ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  6. ...I tuned in slightly late, can someone explain who the heck Bob is?
  7. 5.75e7624578^6574545+42/5643*652861-4648746 I guess we'll see about that! I can shoot lasers from my eyes, just like everyone else! Wait, what do you mean they- uh, we- can't do that?
  8. Yes, and I think the fighter-style one should have stayed and been made into a separate part! The stock one could have its nose cut off and have a .625m attachment node, and the fighter cockpit could have better SAS, basic built-in intakes, and maybe 2 pilots! But I digress. This is a tough one... Who remembers spaceport?!
  9. TheCaycePBeggar, you seem to like this subforum a lot.
  10. I started railfanning about 3 years after the Spencer, NC NS heritage unit unveiling... that's like 3 hours away, I could have made that! ... ...but to be more original, I would tell myself to GET KSP! I didn't even know it existed until I stumbled upon it a while later! I could be enjoying free DLC right now!
  11. Taken as one of many photos during a visit to the KSC in the summer of 2016: (although probably the only one that isn't completely terrible, yes it is a phone picture) It looks a bit different today, doesn't it?
  12. The Boring Company Nuclear Reactor? ^not a ... (Let's not give them any ideas...) EDIT: Aww...
  13. It looks like KSP but the other way around- instead of "focusing" on rockets and also being able to build planes, this "focuses" on planes and you are able to build rockets. If the rocketry part ends up with the same procedural-part-esque detail that the planes do (and that engine customization), it should be fine. If not, I hope this thing will have modding support one day. As for the weapons, I'm not really a fan of that either, but I'll probably just not use them. I don't know how the multiplayer works, but maybe someone could make a pacifist server... lol.
  14. This is very promising- I really like the modular engine part! This system look more flexible and realistic than anything KSP can offer with or without mods. I wish best of luck to this guy, and I might try to get the alpha! Not really- he is simply using it as a reference point so fans will notice. After all, this game certainly doesn't have its own tag and KSP is the closest thing to it. He is not pretending that the game is KSP- he makes it very clear that it isn't. I've seen videos of smaller games that don't have a tag using the tag of the dominant game in that field. When you have such a small selection of games, the game kind of becomes the "genre" for other games. It is certainly inspired by KSP, but it isn't a ripoff- it has better physics, more flexiblity (doesn't use "parts" in the same way as KSP, seems to use individual components that would have been clumped into a unchangeable, rigid part), and has superior sounds and graphics. I think one of the vids said something about multiplayer, too. Not to mention it is designed around airplanes, instead of rockets.
  15. Happened to me before This isn't exactly the same, but- Once I also deorbited by decoupling the capsule while spinning the ship and hoping for the best. It worked, somehow.
  16. Uh, are you really just assuming that they're working on a concept you just created? I'm not sure it works like that...
  17. Okay, I'm critiquing the Vapor's unique engine design because it's just darn hard to make in KSP.
  18. You know he's kind of busy with his current line-up, right? These suggestions look nice, but a little out of scope for a company that hasn't even lauched anything yet.
  19. I had that idea too... different design options in ksp mods never hurt anyone
  20. I've seen it, the parts look useful, but I prefer parts with custom models and textures. On a semi-related note, I've messed with modeling and texturing before, and while it's not great, it's ok. I'd be happy to help if you'd like any
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