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Everything posted by ThatGuyWithALongUsername

  1. You just did exactly what you said was cheating, CHEATOR!
  2. To do that you type [noparse][img]URL here[/img][/noparse] Also, image hosting doesn't work with most websites. Try uploading it to imgur. You don't even need an account, and it's free. Then you can just copy the "BBcode" line.
  3. I made a fighter jet... [I]That actually works! [/I]It's not too often that any of my planes actually work! [img]http://i.imgur.com/dcBejuh.jpg[/img] It looks pretty nice, though the fairing nose could be a bit better.
  4. Unlimited fuel is cheating, and you can use the debug menu for that. This all adds parts that are not already in the game because they are bigger, and there will also be boosters and rockets. I'm just starting with tanks because they're easier to model.
  5. Nice, really nice, a lot more stockalike than Kerbol plus... ... I would like to say something clever about the enhanced redundancy of my pretty-much-dead planet mod, but I can't think of anything. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Wait, Christmas? That's when 1.1 is supposed to come out! That will probably break kopernicus! Of course, I doubt they will succeed in getting it out by Christmas...
  6. -999999/10 totally not because I'm jealous that I can't build spaceplanes.
  7. That almost made sense! This is the internet, CHEATER!
  8. AWWW ITS SO CUTE Granted, but a new KSP patch breaks it. I wish I could, uh, come up with a question (wait, didn't I already say that?) I wish I could come up with a question that I didn't already ask!
  9. The cost of air conditioning has risen due to overwhelming demand forcing the space program to remove the AC units and get rid of all the windows! Hmm... If we could find out how that works, the modding community could mod transparent windows to the KSC! I've seen the "sea level rise" in danny videos, but not the window thing... Now we have to find out everything we can about how that part works! This bug could be the foundation of a pretty cool mod! - - - Updated - - - ninja'd! BUT STILL! - - - Updated - - - Not just the VAB, but all the windows in every building...
  10. 999999999/10 nuking a rocket into orbit? Sounds fine to me!
  11. Well, there technically is an easter egg underwater already, but It's not like a monolith or anything, just a It's still kinda hard to visit...
  12. Yes, great for space whales. Or even underwater whales. What do you mean it has other uses?
  13. I can confirm this. It looks like there's going to be a 1.0.6
  14. I would like a stockalikified asteroid day telescope (and the other parts, but they're not scientific) except you can't discover asteroids everywhere, only in certain places. There would be some Near Kerbin Asteroids, but most would be near Dres. Also, some orbiting around Jool. This still counts as science because there's a science experiment to go with it, right? If there's not, there should be one. - - - Updated - - - And yes, it should. - - - Updated - - - And some of this stuff, like the dirt scoops. The core drills can be added to the existing drills. Don't know about the other stuff. I'm fine with the mystery goo, though.
  15. Yeah, claws are buggy. But more importantly, 1.0.5 might be out today! WATCH THAT ARTICLE THINGY!
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