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Everything posted by ThatGuyWithALongUsername

  1. In the 0.18 demo, I remember my first orbital rocket.I don't have any screenshots because I didn't know how to take any, but it was a very ridiculous almost whackjovian rocket. It was a tall, thin stack surrounded with at least 3 layers of hammer boosters on 6x symmetry. It was also very overpowered, because I didn't actually do any gravity turns, because I didn't actually watch any tutorials and figured it out myself. I called it the "Arthur Dent". Still my best rocket name. I'm not very good at rocket names.
  2. I can't wait to mess around and do stupid stuff with the cargo ramp. I just can't wait.
  3. YEEEAAH!!! That's the spirit! - - - Updated - - - I guess... - - - Updated - - - Wait, if it comes out on Tuesday, than... wait... That's my birthday! Best birthday gift ever! - - - Updated - - - Okay, maybe not the best... - - - Updated - - - I wonder how many times I can keep updating this post?
  4. I can't wait for this either! Porkjet's being too awesome for me to keep up with! There's too much awesomeness! What do I do? ... Wait, what about the other parts? You know, the handy compact landing legs and the orbital orb. Are they just not done yet or are they not being revamped? I would really like to see a new orbital orb. - - - Updated - - - That would be kind of hard to do, I imagine.
  5. Originally the time the devnotes came out was about an hour and a half from now. Recently, they have been coming out 2 hours late. So you are about 3 hours off, unless they post it on the blog first because I'm referencing the daily kerbal for this. So relax. You're not as hyped as I am, trying to estimate the exact time the devnotes will come out Hmm, what's the average second that the devnotes come out? - - - Updated - - - Ninja'd. Oops. But also yay! That's a good sign!
  6. Yep. Don't worry, devnote tuesday is tommorow. There's sure to be some hype then. This is the local route, after all.
  7. Aww, you beat me to it... I was just getting ready to post it... Long live the dental drill anyway! - - - Updated - - - Nope, the radiators are the same. (The first screenshot was me first testing 1.0.3. I never experienced the bug that was in 1.0.4, so I never actually installed it I'm definitely installing 1.0.5, though...)
  8. Sure we do! Hydrodynamics is a thing now! 1.0.5 HYPE!!!!!!
  9. Yay, HYPE! I can't wait to use all the new parts! - - - Updated - - - Oh, right... One ticket please!
  10. 2.5m seems like a bit too much, but as long as KSPX still has parts, there will still be a need for more stock parts. And yes, electric props could be nice, but I can't see them not being OP... Oh and those engines look nice!
  11. Oh, I think I get it. An engine with varying ISP, thrust, etc. based on how many views a livestream has, how many comments, etc... That's a clever idea...
  12. I just realized that I forgot to press the save button... Today I will remake the tank. - - - Updated - - - Ok, I made it again - - - Updated - - - The stripe is in the middle now.
  13. Hey, a reply! At this point on my other mod, I had about 50. Whether anyone cares or not, I am continuing to work on this. I made another tank, this time the small one. All I did was chop off the bottom of the medium tank, so its appearance is a bit different than in the concepts, but it works so why not. Anyone? Thoughts? Or is this one going to pass by unnoticed?
  14. I don't know where @Aurum6 is, but I guess he's in charge of this now. Of course, this probably means this is dead... He can either abandon it, or make a new thread. So, this one's locked.
  15. Don't worry, I don't need any help on the parts. I only need help with the planets. - - - Updated - - - Yeah, I phrased that badly. I only need help on the planet height, color, and normal maps. Maybe some configs too, but I think I can do the configs by myself. The part mod has nothing to do with this. I'm doing that one by myself.
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