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Everything posted by Sgt.Shutesie

  1. Small stream, at most 1-1.5 hours. Will record maybe, if I actually do stuff. Lasted 25 minutes, got tried, and no viewers so no reason to game...
  2. My breaded pork cutlet I'm having for dinner looks like a Gemini Capsule... Coinsidence, I think not!
  3. At the most I think it's just Soviet probes, since Beale has Tantares, the Russian side of the stock alike history is covered.
  4. Since there is always a satellite contract that asks for a science bay on your probe, could we get a BDB themed .625 or smaller materials bay?
  5. I have a set of craft files that are very out dated, I will,see what I can update today. I have figured out the nesting I think, so expect to see that. What are the real life names of the rockets so I can build them? Edit: STREAMING ME MAKING CRAFT FILES, join in if you'd like to contribute descriptions/listen to music/help me assemble them.
  6. It's not actually a gemini analog anymore, Beale is making that. I think this issue will be tackled next update by Cobalt, so just keep tabs on the forum, and you should get a fix.
  7. I think the true feeling of being lonely sets in after about an hour of queen and the beatles with no one but yourself to enjoy it on the stream. *Shamelessly plugs every aspect of his twitch account*
  8. I'm streaming now, come down for some Beatles music and messing around with BDB. Stream over, did a lot of stuff with Corvus and such. Will return later tonight, thats the plan anyway.
  9. I think it will be neat to put a hull cam on the fairing of a PF fairing as it separates from the rocket. I would like to stream today, say like 8,9,10 am, I don't know and then a followup stream later tonight, just so I can appeal to people in different time zones. It will be a copy of the BDB testing save that I will add mods to, so prepare to see some Corvus action, and if I can find the mod I'm looking for, some A****o action as well.
  10. If anyone else is still craving a stream, I can get on twitch. Just say the word! My twitch is http://www.twitch.tv/sgt_shutesie So just stop by an follow for the occasional KSP thing when Cobalt isnt on.
  11. I wouldn't count on it until after 6, because I use my dad's computer and I asked him for permission to get OBS and he said to wait, so after 6 at best.
  12. I might try streaming to entertain and break the mod. That is if you guy will be able to stand my horribly high pitched kid voice.
  13. Question, why do some textures decide that working is not part of their job description and show up white? It just gets kinda annoying, since they worked *glances at imaginary watch* 3 1/4 hours ago, but now some of the don't. Restarted the game, still the same. Which sucks, because your textures are amazing!
  14. I brought it up a while back, but anyone that is willing to type all that gets a shot at.... the wolf.
  15. What I was doing was more of an experiment, seeing if using a Titan II ICBM was a good strategy for dropping payloads into atmospheric planets. Perhaps I'll try Duna next time.
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