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Everything posted by Sgt.Shutesie

  1. Yes it is, thankfully it doesn't impact the whole no dependencies thing. I forgot the download for subassemblies, so I'll get that to you guys by morning. Edit* Scrap that, I got the chance to come down tho the computer, here you go, booster sub assemblies.
  2. Ayyye! More craft files uploaded/updated! Some (like 75%) of them don't have descriptions yet, so beware. I made a notebook to write them out, so I can make them during school while I have extra time. Have fun, there is even a readme.txt! How awesome.
  3. They are on my drop box, when they are 100% and their parts won't be modified for 6+ months or so, they will go on KerbalX. I'll edit the link into this post in like 10 minutes.
  4. Should I use real time or game time for the booster burn times, so you know when to ignite the core. This is titan III btw, It'll have 2 versions one with and one without transtage, and booster subassemblies. Sound right?
  5. What kind of voo-doo magic do you use? With math (Solid Fuel/Consumption) I get a totally different number than just timing the burn with a stopwatch on the SRBs. Am I doing something wrong, or is there some real voo-doo going on here.
  6. While you are checking that, could you make a structure for the 500+ atlas V's. You'll see what I mean on the launch of like New Horizons, for the 5.4 meter fairing atlas V. Its an interstate fairing kind of thing.
  7. I'll get you some blue prints and perhaps just make it a subassembly thing, atlas v CCB, boosters, DEC and SEC. I was originally planning to do subassemblies with only launch towers (I know some were fond of the launch towers I made), I'll even throw in radial CCBs for all the atlas V HLV fans.
  8. This is kind of a bump and kind of not a bump. Fixed the craft files (for delta II), and started working on making the Muo-V stuff. Which brings another point, does anyone else like mind numbing activities? Well just try making 19 virtually identical (looking) rockets that all have to function properly, with custom descriptions, and so on. I don't know if I want to start modding, if making craft files is this mind numbing, then I don't know how I would ever be able to model. I'd expect to see the Muo-V crafts sometime either this weekend or mid next week, possibly even later. I will probably make the hermes and the sennio or however you spell it, and maybe even Brun tomorrow.
  9. I don't have Kw on this install, so it was ww2 ships. Edit: Fixed the strut issue, I should be adding at least the first few versions of Atlas V. Have fun, test the living mystery goo out of 'em.
  10. Ok, I know what's wrong, I have the ww2 ship pack installed to make a carrier for a screenshot and it has a heavy strut. I will get that fixed later today after school.
  11. You're in luck! I've got about 11 crafts so far. Enjoy these non procedural, in beta-ish craft files each with its own custom description. As I make more, I will keep you updated. Please, Please, Please, Please, PLEASE! tell me about any issues, including misspelled descriptions, this part isnt BDB, etc.
  12. Can you get me a list of payload capacity of the different rockets and variants, I know its a lot to ask, but I would be able to get you "beta" craft files to ship out with the new release. I made a dropbox, when they are completely corrected, they will be on KerbalX.
  13. When I was going to get the new version, kerbalstuff was giving me some issues, but I will get an updated version sometime this week and try to get her afloat.
  14. I made my shot at a USS Lake Champlain, it worked out. I couldnt get the color to work and it has an issue with floating. More testing is needed... I wasn't aiming for scale, I just eyballed the living bujeezus out of it.
  15. I made it custom, it is not a part. I could make a save file dedicated to BDB Launchers and payloads etc or make a whole bunch of craft files. This in particular would be a sub assembly. I've also made atlas V launch towers, which could be added. I'll do all this sometime this week. Perhaps I'll have a save, crafts, or subassemblies or all 3 by release. *Cough* @CobaltWolf could ya give me a release with everything going into release so I don't put things that aren't in the release on the crafts *Cough*
  16. We have an in silo launch of Titan II ICBM. I'll mock up a Titan II thing for the gemini capsule. These are the launches of BDB LV so far, I'll add them in as I do them. I think I can put them all together by the end of today. Titan II ICBM: http://imgur.com/a/9DUeF Delta II Ruby Sat: http://imgur.com/a/uXiAz Hermes Sandstone: http://imgur.com/a/b0Hvp Atlas Thor Daleth: http://imgur.com/a/yXUOj
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