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Everything posted by garwel

  1. I've never checked. You can try it out and share your experience. But I don't see why it shouldn't be compatible, unless they try to do the same thing, in particular intercept user control.
  2. Perhaps, it's true for most (DLL-based) mods. References and .NET platform changed for all plugins in KSP 1.8, so don't expect them to load in 1.7.3 and earlier (and vice versa).
  3. No. Kerbal Health has a simpler radiation model; radiation is getting lower the closer you come to the planet. You can only define how strong the planet's magnetosphere is (the stronger, the less radiation) and whether the planet itself is radioactive.
  4. I recommend that you disable USI-LS habitation, because KH basically does the same thing but in a much more detailed way. Otherwise you will have to track both health and habitation values. The only conflict that may arise is if both mods start simultaneously turning the kerbal into a tourist and back.
  5. Good to see Star Theory team emerge from the shadows! I hope it will become more of a custom
  6. Here you go: https://mega.nz/#!muJxDaCC!Fk7wUM6O5wtxm8k3GDlifL7M4yYIVpdeEtydCunA1l0
  7. https://mega.nz/#!SiREQAqa!Iuk_Wv72qHWsHhTicSSi_N9Zp2jusbmV8bfTT8GhLhs
  8. KCT for KSP 1.7.3 seems to have a bug related to locked parts check. If I have a contract to test an undiscovered part, KCT doesn't let me launch this craft because the vessel allegedly contains unavailable parts.
  9. I didn't know that. But apparently KJR is a very simple mod, so it wasn't really affected by the change of the underlying platform. But unfortunately it's not the case with most others.
  10. All plugins (i.e. mods with DLL that actually affect gameplay) are broken in KSP 1.8 until they are updated. You need to wait or revert to KSP 1.7.3.
  11. Kerbal Health 1.3.8 Compiled for KSP 1.8 "Moar Boosters". Not compatible with KSP 1.7.3 and below Download here
  12. Urgent Contracts 0.1.1 Compiled for KSP 1.8 "Moar Boosters". Not compatible with KSP 1.7.3 and below Added: More contracts from Contract Configurator Added: Can now apply rules to contracts based on their title (Title key in the config file) Download here
  13. (Exactly one year since the previous release) Timekeeper 1.0.2 Compiled for KSP 1.8 "Moar Boosters". Not compatible with KSP 1.7.3 and below Fixed: Incorrect tooltip in the Settings Download here
  14. Signal Delay 0.2.11 Compiled for KSP 1.8 "Moar Boosters". Not compatible with KSP 1.7.3 and below Download here
  15. Space Age 1.1.1 Compiled for KSP 1.8 "Moar Boosters". Not compatible with KSP 1.7.3 and below! Added: Ability to award score (and therefore funds, science and reputation) for Total-type achievements (untested) Fixed: NRE when checking for Max-type achievements and the value is <= 0 Download here
  16. I very rarely buy games immediately on or before release; I almost always wait for (1) some reviews and comments to decide if it's worth the money and (2) price drops. But in this case I'm going to make an exception and buy KSP 2 as soon as I can.
  17. Guys, please don't fight, especially since there is no real conflict. Thank you both for your ideas; I now see how it can be done, perhaps even better than originally planned.
  18. Yeah, I'm already doing it. Besides, are VesselModules loaded in the Editor? Perhaps, I can attach an ID to it?
  19. I'm not sure if MM applies here, but I see what you mean. If I add a field to a PartModule to initialize all crewable parts with some IDs in the Editor, I can then check if the crew is trained for these specific parts in-flight. It may not be the simplest solution, but it is actually more flexible (should work with docking etc.).
  20. The mod treats anomalies according to stock rules. TBH, I don't know if the alternative launch pad and airfield are considered anomalies, because I don't use them. If they are, well, you are lucky because you get an extra quirk.
  21. I want to add a system that allows kerbals to "train" for a particular vessel before it is launched, so that they are more efficient during the mission. So I need a way to know that they have been trained for this vessel (or, as an option, for something very similar).
  22. Thanks, but it is bad news. I need to somehow associate the vessel in the Editor with its launched version. If the part persistentId is available both in the editor and in-flight, I guess I could use the root part... Or I can try to make some sort of a hash function that takes all parts into account and will be the same for identical vessels (which suits my needs just fine).
  23. How can I read the persistentId of the vessel in the Editor? I tried using ShipConstruction.LoadShip().persistentId, but it causes terrible glitches (basically, the vessel on the screen is duplicated for every call of this method). Also, will this persistentId be the same for the ship when it is launched?
  24. Well, judging by the description of it in the Snacks' thread, this feature is more like the Confinement system in Kerbal Health. I don't think they'll conflict (i.e. intervene in one another's work), but it may be confusing to use both at the same time. So I'd suggest that you disable one or the other (in Kerbal Health, you can just set the effect of Confinement to zero).
  25. Indeed, it's difficult to impossible to change parts that can be reconfigured in-flight. I have the same problem with MKS. So I include some generic configuration for these parts. I guess it shouldn't be hard to do it for Pathfinder.
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