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Everything posted by garwel

  1. EDIT: Nevermind, I fixed the bug (which I had created myself).
  2. I want to read (for my own entertainment and learning) some quality non-fiction literature about the history and future of space exploration. I'm mostly interested in technical, but not too hardcore stuff: how missions are planned, launchers and spacecraft designed, what are choices engineers face etc. There are quite a few books on Amazon on this subject, but most of them deal with very few favorite topics (Apollo or Space Shuttle programs or SpaceX) while I'd prefer something more universal. What are your favorite books?
  3. I think it doesn't mention USI-LS recycling capabilities even in its part info tooltip. I guess there is either no USI-LS PartModule or it's configured incorrectly.
  4. Signal Delay 0.2.9 Added: Patches for BDB, Tantares and Pathfinder (WildBlueIndustries) Fixed: Duplicate AppLauncher buttons when switching between vessels Fixed: Kerbals on EVA had the toolbar button Download here
  5. I have the same issue (and I don't use VABReorienter). It happened to a vessel created in VAB, then recovered back into VAB, edited and built again. When I launch it, it turns 90 degrees (i.e. horizontally) and big bada-boom! I haven't checked if the same thing happens without recovering it first.
  6. Well, my guess is, your pilot and scientist died and you respawned per your game settings. You should have received several warnings (low health and exhaustion for each at least).
  7. I'm testing it in Career, naturally. All the other modes don't support experience.
  8. Yes, this is what I do with the piece of code I put in the post. But it doesn't have any effect. Either it's because the game doesn't accept negative values for experience or I'm doing something wrong.
  9. I need to decrease XP (and, perhaps, level) of a kerbal, but nothing I tried works. Changing related ProtoCrewMember fields and properties (experienceLevel, experienceLevelDelta, experience, ExtraExperience) seem to have no effect. I tried adding an entry to the flightlog like this: KerbalRoster.AddExperienceType("foobar", "foobar", -2, -2); ... PCM.flightLog.AddEntry("foobar", Planetarium.fetch.Home.bodyName); PCM.ArchiveFlightLog(); PCM.UpdateExperience(); The experience entry is added to the flight log, but it doesn't affect experience. Perhaps, negative values are not supported? Anybody has an idea what can be done?
  10. Kerbin's settings are used by default for all bodies that don't have custom configuration.
  11. I always wanted to add better interaction with inflatable parts, but never came around to doing that. So if your PR helps this goal, I only welcome it.
  12. Well, from what you tell it looks like there was a glitch at one point and Jeb & Val's data was corrupted (perhaps they were considered dead or missing or something went wrong in an EVA). It should be reflected in your save file. Could you send it instead of a log? I also think that by editing it and assigning correct-ish figures you can resolve it.
  13. A quick heads up: there appears to be a glitch in v0.2.8 when two or even three buttons appear in the stock AppLauncher bar. I'll investigate and post a fix ASAP.
  14. It's been a looong time since I published the previous release, so here you go. Signal Delay 0.2.8 Compiled for KSP 1.6.1 (should be backwards-compatible down to 1.5.1) Added: Mod button will be hidden (in AppLauncher) or disabled (in Toolbar mod) if the vessel is not probe or there's no connection Added: Compatibility patches for CommNetAntennasExtension and ReStock+ Optimized performance Download here
  15. Nope. @Eridan is right: the log (not the mod) is in the KSP folder.
  16. I use CTT + SETI-UbM (the latter admittedly outdated). I've been in this playthrough for almost 2 years already and I really don't want to start again now with a different tech tree.
  17. I just recently installed US2 (I had to get rid of all the US1 vessels and one of them took long) and it looks great. One question/request though: do you consider adding a CTT compatibility patch? With so many different parts and compatibility with various advanced mods, I guess it makes sense to spread US2 resources across the CTT tech tree. I might do it myself, but I'm not familiar enough with this mod yet.
  18. How do I find the amount of available science points (the value shown at the KSC)?
  19. The full list of mods with built-in support is in the first post. If you are going to make a patch for a new one, you are most welcome. I strongly recommend to use this spreadsheet (download it and insert parts' data, it will calculate recommended settings automatically) for consistency.
  20. Thanks for testing. The mod simply uses KSP-provided connection data, so it is probably the way the game works. I'll see if anything can be done about it.
  21. See the Logic section here. It may be a bit outdated, but it should work. You can also look at existing examples in KerbalHealth.cfg. You don't need to do anything to play with KH alongside other life support mods. They should work in parallel as they are; e.g. my main game is with Kerbal Health and USI-LS. The only issue may arise if both mods start changing kerbal's trait (into Tourist and back) at the same time, but it's quite rare.
  22. I'm not sure what it does exactly, but I doubt it can be useful here.
  23. @1straycat, this sounds suspicious. Have you updated/reinstalled the mod before it happened? Did you change game settings (e.g. difficulty level)? In your backup, try loading all the ships where kerbals (i.e. open them in flight mode) are and checking if change/day data updates to more accurate. If it does, there was an issue with caching (still shouldn't happen though) and if it doesn't check what eats up their health in the detailed view.
  24. All parts effects are shows in tooltips when you hover mouse over that part in the construction window. Just scroll to health modules. Maybe I'll add a detailed view some day. What stops me right now is my total lack of Unity and designer skills. To be honest, making a usable UI with code in KSP is perhaps my least favorite task. DeepFreeze support at the moment is limited to keeping track of kerbals while they are frozen (because, behind the scenes, DF marks them "dead", so the mod needs to remember they are just very, very cold). They are immune to any random events such as illnesses or accidents and neither gain nor lose health, but they still accumulate radiation like they would in real life. I think I'll get around to playing more with DeepFreeze in not so distant future and perhaps will incorporate some of your ideas. It looks like a good idea and shouldn't be hard to implement.
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