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Everything posted by garwel

  1. Not yet, but I'll look at it. Many mods work without patches though.
  2. It was my intention to avoid making the player spam Hitchhikers (or any other parts) to achieve a long-duration mission. I also think it is closer to how real-life missions and vessels are designed. Basically, some ships are intended for short-term stay only (anything from Vostok to Space Shuttle), from a few hours to a few weeks. And some are designed for long-term/indefinite stay: e.g. you could theoretically live at ISS for years (if we discount radiation and bone loss), the same applies to a future interplanetary spacecraft. It is not like your regular life support mod where you should take this much food to stay alive this long. Health can degrade and repair itself depending on the situation. I imitate this in the mod by adding Recuperation parts, which supposedly have various stuff to mitigate long-term health issues. Moreover, consider that "indefinite" stay is not guaranteed even with recuperation. With Kerbal Health, you can have accidents, sickness or you may need to do a long EVA, which is an additional risk. The kerbals also collect radiation and their health is slowly, and irreversibly reduced. You need to take it all into account. Future updates will add new things to take into account like individual characteristics of your kerbals. Of course, real human health is much more complex than anything we might ever have in KSP, but I want the mod to provide a manageable challenge with multiple ways of achieving your aim. In the next release (which, besides, you may download from a link a few posts above), Recuperation will receive crew caps. So you won't be able to simply spam 3 or 4 cupolas and forget about everything. You'll still have to manage living space and other factors. I hope it will improve the balance.
  3. At the moment, it's not possible for parts to affect kerbals not on the same vessel. I want to add this feature eventually, but don't expect it very soon. Will check ! vs ~ syntax, thanks.
  4. I hate it when mods break things after updating. So I wanted to make sure the game wouldn't quietly become unbalanced because of the change in default values. Perhaps, it's better if the mod fixes the values automatically, but will let the player know what it had done (because there's like 1% chance that the player actually changed the values on their own).
  5. It is already there. In fact, that file is synchronized with my local spreadsheet as I edit it. (It also means that sometimes figures there may be something I'm playing with at the moment.)
  6. A new pre-release of v1.1.0 is out: Added: Living Space and RadShield values for stock cockpits Changed: Living Space has been lowered for most parts from pre-release 1 Changed: Crowded factor default base value is now -3 instead of -5; a message will warn you to change it manually in an ongoing game Fixed: Cupola and some cockpits still had RadShield capacity when they shouldn't have (thanks @Fraz86 for pointing out) Download here As always, it is recommended that you visit your every crewed vessel after updating to make sure new Kerbal Health values are applied. I'm going to release KH 1.1 on January 20, one year since publication of the first alpha.
  7. I think in these cases, you can simply assume crew capacity to be less than the actual one. E.g. maybe use 9 or 12 instead of 18. Also, the Recuperation's 1 ton per kerbal rule is not strictly mandatory, of course. E.g., I'm going to add Recup to some mods' parts that don't conform to this rule but make logical sense. Recuperation, as well as the Crowded multiplier, also affects living space, so it will still be somewhat balanced. In general, I try to make sure that every part pack that has lots of "advanced" crew parts has at least one part with Recup (and therefore doesn't force you to use Cupolas or other mods). As to Microgravity multiplier, it affects Living Space, but doesn't affect Crowded. Multipliers shouldn't influent one another or we can have unintended consequences with loops in formulas.
  8. Ok, guys, here is the part balancing spreadsheet. Download it, open in Excel and use the 1.1 tab in it. A few comments: Com? — set to 1 if the part can be used as a command module (with crew or not) and to 2 if it can be used as probe control. Lab? — set to 1 if the part has a science lab or some other very specific primary function (e.g. a greenhouse or a power generator or something); for labs with data capacity other than default 750, use formula (0.5 + DataCapacity / 1500). Lock? — set to 1 for parts that are not supposed to house kerbals such as airlocks (it zeroes out their Kerbal Health values). EffCrew — calculated automatically based on the values above and crew capacity. Basically, it is a measure of how much space crew uses in the part (the higher, the more cramped the part is). Recup — like I said, if a part is relatively big (something like 1 ton per kerbal or more), is supposed to be used for long-term habitation, and has no other primary purpose, it can have recuperation. In most cases, Recuperation should be 1%, but it can go higher (say 2%) for very heavy and advanced parts or lower in some other cases. Space efficiency (col O), Space, and Crowded multiplier are calculated automatically. mG, Lone, Conn, etc. — multipliers for Microgravity, Loneliness, Connected, etc. Set them to appropriate values for relevant parts, use stock parts as reference. Remember that Connected factor is positive unlike the others. EC/k is EC usage per kerbal per second. That column provides the total usage, from Recuperation (1 EC/k per 1%) and multipliers. You may have to look at the formula and calculate it manually if you have several health modules. Columns Y to AH are for testing purposes: they allow you to see what values the vessel will have with a given set of parts and crew (defined in the lowest rows). Note that it is not 100% accurate in some complex cases. In-game Health Report should give you the real values.
  9. I actually calculate most of these values in a big, 32-column wide Excel spreadsheet and manually copy them into configs. It doesn't make sense to do it in the plugin and the formulas are too complicated to be used in MM patches. The one @Fraz86 cited is not correct any more; I've made a lot of changes. I may upload the spreadsheet to Google Drive for everyone to play with, but it's really complex to use correctly. With Recuperation, I decide it case-by-case. Basically, if the part is big (something like 1 ton per kerbal or more), is supposed to be used mainly for long-term habitation, and has no other primary use, it should probably have recup. I rarely look at the parts' visual models; in fact I usually grab all the data I need from parts' config files. I'll look at Ven's Stock Parts Revamp for what can be patched. Your patches look ok to me, @wile1411.
  10. Here is the promised beta release of Kerbal Health 1.1.0. Added: (Almost) every crewable part now provides Living Space, which is used to calculate Crowded factor instead of seats number. Generally, heavier and more expensive parts tend to provide more space, but factor multipliers and Recuperation are also taken into account. Added: Recuperation now has crew cap and can't go higher than the highest Recuperation value among your parts. E.g. a Cupola provides 1% Recuperation for 2 crew => 4 Cupolas give 1% Recup for 8 crew (not 4%!). Added: Support patches for Atomic Age, FTmN, FTmn-New, RSCapsuledyne (thanks @linuxgurugamer for these), and DSEV mods Added: Recuperation is now shown in Health Report Added: Some parts (stocks as well as from mods) now provide bonuses to Loneliness and Connected factors Changed: Health modules can only be enabled or disabled if they consume resources (EC). Therefore alwaysActive keyword has been deprecated. Changed: All parts' values have been rebalanced Significantly improved performance for vessels with a lot of crew NOTE: As all parts have been rebalanced, be careful when updating a live save file with ongoing missions. Check that your kerbals are ok after updating and change settings accordingly (or rescue them before it's too late). Download here Send me your bug reports (be sure to enable Debug Mode and attach the output log) and feedback re new mechanics and balance.
  11. I don't plan to add any parts to this mod. It is supposed to work alongside existing part mods as well as in a stock-only setup. Some mods (e.g. MKS) do have a med bay, which is supported by Kerbal Health. Their effect is a dramatic reduction of Sickness effect and provision of a huge Recuperation bonus (currently 8%, but I plan to lower that a bit) to kerbals inside these parts. It should be good for recovering kerbals that had suffered from accidents etc. Medics and scientists already provide bonus to sickness healing, and a medic counts as two scientists for this purpose. It's a rare occasion though. @Fraz86 Thanks for your ideas. I think some crew cap is indeed required and maybe lowering Recuperation bonus or adding diminishing returns mechanics. Hold out for a beta of KH 1.1.
  12. I've been thinking of it lately. I may adjust the recuperation system in the next release where I'll change a lots of maths. Recuperation is supposed to be used for long-term habitation, in stations and bases. I don't want to force the player to spam cupolas (or any other part). So for most practical purposes, having a Hitchhiker and 2 Cupolas, or vice versa, and a few extra seats should be enough for a crew of 3. It may not be balanced for very big crews though, but those make little sense in a Career campaign anyway. I guess adding a relatively high cap for recuperation parts should fix it. PS: Yes, crew cap is not currently implemented for recuperation, regardless of MM settings.
  13. Thanks for the report. I'll see if it can be fixed on my side. Meanwhile, you may either disable tracking of kerbals' deaths in the Settings or manually delete such events from the Chronicle.
  14. Well, the symptoms are very similar: pods behind heat shields heat up so fast they explode before any significant amount of ablator has even burned up. It happens with various pods and it definitely didn't work like that in the past. I suspect it might have something to do with FAR+DRE combination. If it's intended behavior, I understand, but I'm still surprised why I didn't see it before.
  15. I want to add compatibility for Kerbal Health but I can't find a link to the source in the OP. Do you have Github or something?
  16. Looks like the same issue I had. I hope you'll find a solution. I had to uninstall DRE after several catastrophic reentries.
  17. It should play well alongside most life support mods except in the rare circumstances when those mods try to fight with it over making kerbals into Tourists and back. I personally play with USI-LS and have no issues whatsoever (other than the need to disable USI-LS habitation mechanics). As to RemoteTech, the only issue is the Connected factor, because RemoteTech currently handles connections in its own way incompatible with stock mechanics. You may simply compensate it by disabling Assigned factor. When RemoteTech 2.0 is released, which is supposed to use stock CommNet, the problem will be solved automatically.
  18. I'll see how it can be improved. BTW, ablator doesn't affect shielding; it's a separate resource called RadShield, which you can add to the heat shields and other parts. But heat shields provide pretty good shielding by themselves.
  19. Did your pod have a 2.5m heat shield? Then it could be the single best shielded part of the vessel (because it's heavy). You may also use metal panels for better shielding instead, they are very cost-effective.
  20. Cool. Usually, I make and manage the compatibility patches, but if you have any specific ideas about balancing the parts or their special roles, you may keep them.
  21. For atomic engines, I just used the rounded value for heatProduction from ModuleEnginesFX. If the engine has several modes, I took their average. As a rule, most crewed parts have the maximum amount of RadiationShielding resource equal to their crew capacity (but it is empty by default). This is added by an MM script in Kerbal Health automatically, but you can override. Exceptions include lightweight parts such as stock landers (they have 50% max RadShield) and parts that are very exposed, e.g. cupolas, plane cockpits, etc. Heat shields, metal panels, and very large cargo bays have some embedded Shielding values: 10x their mass (so, for instance, a small panel weighs 0.075 t and has 0.75 Shielding) plus they have a RadShield capacity of the same value. In some exceptional cases these values can be greater or smaller (like with the inflatable heat shield). With habitats, I'm going to revamp the Crowded factor in the next release, with a beta hopefully out within a week or two. Until now, I've been setting the values manually aiming to maintain a balance between stock and mod parts. If the revamp works good, I'll have a clear formula. So perhaps it's best to wait a bit, unless you want backward compatibility with KH 1.0.
  22. It look ok. Radiation in KH is measured in "banana equivalent doses", or approximately 0.0001 mSv, not in rads. The formulas are: Radiation = (CosmicRadiationRate * (SolarRadiation + GalacticRadiaiton) + PartRadiation) * Exposure Exposure = 2 ^ (- Shielding / (CrewCapacity ^ 2/3)) CosmicRadiationRate depends on your location (e.g. it is 10% in low orbit). PartRadiation is 0 unless you have nuclear engines or something like that. You can check your Shielding and Exposure values in Health Report and Health Monitor. You may use this spreadsheet to calculate radiation in different situations.
  23. Kerbal Health 1.0.2 Added: Health modules now reactivate automatically when enough EC is available Changed: DeepFreeze CRY-0300R freezer can't hold any RadShield resource Fixed: Radiation readings in Health Monitor weren't updated for non-available kerbals Fixed: Sick Tourists would never cure at KSC if no Scientist was present Fixed: Exception when kerbal died or went missing Possibly fixed: Issues with calculating part effects after undocking (needs testing) Download here Meanwhile, I'm working on v1.1, where I will revamp the way parts affect health (specifically Crowded mechanics).
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