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Everything posted by garwel

  1. Space Age 0.2.1 - Hot fixes Added: Landing and Orbit (disabled by default) events tracking Added: New achievements including total number of planted flags, collapsed buildings, etc. Changed: Scalar value type for achievements renamed to Funds Changed: Improved display of values in Achievements Fixed: Exception in achievements checking Fixed: Incorrect firing of certain events (e.g. Launch) Download here
  2. I am currently working on something similar but more immersive: lifetime radiation. The kerbals will accumulate it during missions and it will gradually reduce their maximum health. It's a whole new system though, so it's going to take some time.
  3. In fact, you can adjust this yourself: increase the average time before a kerbal gets sick at the KSC, increase average duration of post-disease immunity, disable messages (but note that it will also disable messages for all other health-related things, only on-screen notifications will show) or disable sickness altogether. This is all done in Difficulty Settings. Perhaps, I will fine tune the defaults in a next release. Have fun!
  4. Space Age 0.2.0 Added: Achievements module, which tracks and displays your playthrough's "firsts", records, and totals. See readme.md for more information Added: Achievements can be added, modified, or removed in the achievements.cfg Added: The readme.md file is now included in the download Changed: Text box is not displayed in Flight mode to prevent accidental staging and other disasters Download here
  5. Is it just me then who doesn't see the mod on CKAN, not even in the ALL list? Possibly, there is something wrong with its dependencies (the only one, I understand, is MM).
  6. Looks like a useful mod. Is it compatible with KCT? Have any plans to put it on CKAN?
  7. Yes, like with any life support-related mod, you should plan your missions very carefully and in advance, otherwise you risk losing your kerbals. With Kerbin, the health reduction is usually small (consider it being the result of general work stress and crowdedness of the pod). But if you give them a little bit more space, you can eliminate it. However, kerbals still won't be able to stay on EVA indefinitely.
  8. You'll have to edit your persistent file (I hope you know how to locate it). Find the relevant kerbal's node in ROSTER>KERBAL and replace the line "trait = Tourist" with the trait you need. In case you forgot it, the old traits are saved in inside KerbalHealthScenario node, as trait. If Kerbal Health works for you, an easier way will be to change its settings so that exhaustion start and end levels are 0 and wait a few seconds. All the kerbals should revive and then you can safely remove the mod.
  9. No, it works independently of the stock ProgressTracking system. In any case, the persistent file contains too little data to be useful for the Chronicle (e.g., it only records the time of your first launch, but neither vessel name, nor anything about subsequent launches). I may include such a feature in the Achievements module, which has more in common with ProgressTracking. But in general, if you install the mod in an ongoing campaign, it will start with a blank Chronicle.
  10. Right now, you can note such information with custom events. I may increase the amount of information that's being saved for each event (e.g. crew names, vessel cost, etc.) if there are specific requests. But there is a tradeoff: I want to avoid the risk of showing too much data, which will clutter the chronicle. Not sure most people want to know every single detail about their every single launch (especially if you save your vessels' designs). Next thing I'm going to focus on is Achievements module, which will record various stuff about your campaign like total amount of funds and science earned, most expensive or heaviest vessels, etc. It won't be on a per-vessel basis though.
  11. Space Age 0.1.1 Added: You can now add custom events to the Chronicle by entering their description and hitting "+" button in the bottom of the window Added: You can delete events by pressing "X" button Added: You can export the Chronicle into a text file. It is located in /GameData/SpaceAge/PluginData/SpaceAge and its name is the same as your savegame folder or whatever you enter in the text field (per @TheRagingIrishman's request) Added: You can disable tracking of certain event types in the Settings Changed: Chronicle data is now stored in a more compact, efficient way. The Chronicle events created in 0.1.0 will, unfortunately, be lost. Changed: On-screen notifications are now disabled by default Download here
  12. Thank you! Somehow, it didn't occur to me to use the values property. Or maybe I thought it would contain only values, without the keys.
  13. Well, I need the respective keys too. In my case I wanted to read a node into a Dictionary, but I don't know what keys it will have in advance (they can change and in general be user-defined). For instance, I wanted this: NODE { time = 2342 vessel = Probe 1 mass = 3.4 } to become a Dictionary with keys { "time", "vessel", "mass" } and respective values of { "2342", "Probe 1", "3.4" }. I can get the latter by calling GetValues, but there's no way to get the former part. I had to create a subnode for every value that looked like this: NODE { SUBNODE { key = time value = 2342 } ... } It looks a bit too complex, but I couldn't think of anything better.
  14. Shouldn't be hard. I'll put it on my to-do list.
  15. Space Age is a mod for Kerbal Space Program, which lets you see important events and achievements of your playthrough. It also lets you quantify your progress with a scoring system and can optionally be used to award you for exploring the solar system. Download latest version Source Chronicle The Chronicle module shows a history of notable events in the playthrough (adjustable in Difficulty Settings): launches reaching space orbiting reentries landings vessel recoveries returns from orbit and surface vessel destruction dockings and undockings deaths flag plants anomaly discoveries KSC building upgrades KSC structures damaged tech nodes discoveries changes of SOI You can find (filter) specific events and manually add your own events (like "Construction of Space Station Alpha has begun."). In addition, you can export the Chronicle into a file, located at /GameData/SpaceAge/PluginData/SpaceAge. Ship Log Ship Log is a part of Chronicle that shows all events that involved a particular vessel. It also displays some events that are not normally listed in the Chronicle, e.g. burns, stagings and takeoffs (hops). To open a ship log, simply click the Log button next to an event related to that vessel. You can switch between displaying normal Universal Time (UT) and the Mission Elapsed Time (MET) of the event. You can also search or export events similarly to the Chronicle. Click Back to return to normal Chronicle view. Achievements Achievements module shows your playthrough's statistics, records, and firsts. Unlike the stock progress tracking, it allows you to see this data any time you want and you can easily adjust it by changing or even adding new achievements. Currently, the module tracks this data: total (lifetime) income total science collected number of launched and lost vessels and kerbals total mass of vessels launched number of unique vessels that reached space total numbers of planted flags and discovered anomalies heaviest vessel launched most expensive vessel launched most complex (by parts count) vessel launched max number of kerbals simultaneously assigned to missions max crew in a vessel (on launch) your first launch (crewed and total) the first time your vessel (or your crew) reached the space the first times you recovered or lost your vessels or crew number of destroyed KSC buildings For every celestial body, it tracks: total numbers of visits, orbits and landings (and, separately, crewed ones) and lost vessels total numbers of discovered anomalies the masses of the heaviest vessels that landed on or orbited the celestial body the first flybys, orbits, reentries landings, and returns (crewed and overall) as well as flags planted on the body Space Age can parse your save data to find and import records of previous discoveries made by the stock ProgressTracking system. This option can be enabled in the settings (default is off). This is handy if you've installed the mod mid-game or added some new achievements to it. However, the stock system saves much less information, so Space Age can only learn so much from it. Configuring your own achievements You can easily add, modify or remove achievements by editing achievements.cfg file in the mod's directory. Each ACHIEVEMENT record there corresponds to one type of an achievement. The following fields are used: name (obligatory): the internal unique name of the achievement title: how the achievement is displayed in the UI; the celestial body's name is added to it for body-specific achievements type (obligatory): set to Total, Max or First to define the achievement's behaviour to either add values, select the highest values or just mark the first time the achievement is completed valueType (only for Total and Max achievements): defines, which value to use for the achievement. Can be Mass, PartsCount, CrewCount, Cost, TotalAssignedCrew or Funds (only with Income or Expense events). Note that not every event has an association with a specific vessel, so sometimes you may not be able to access these values (e.g. you obviously can't get PartsCount for a StructureCollapsed event). onEvent (at least one): which events activate the achievemnt (see list below), can have multiple entries bodySpecific: set to true if the achievement should be tracked separately for each celestial body home: can be Only (to count only events in SOI of home planet), Exclude (to ignore events in home SOI) or Default crewedOnly: set to true if the achievement is only activated when the vessel has crew unique (only for "Total" achievements): set to true if you only want to count each vessel (or kerbal in appropriate cases) once stockSynonym: id of the relevant achievement in the stock ProgressTracking system; only makes sense for First achievements score: How much base score this achievement awards; it is multiplied by celestial body's recovery science multiplier. For 'Max' type achievements, it is also multiplied by the corresponding value scoreName: Name (also used as id) of a score category; only applies to achievements with score > 0 The following events are available for onEvent field (for events in italic you can access mass, parts count, and crew count): Launch ReachSpace Orbit Reentry Landing SOIChange Recovery ReturnFromOrbit ReturnFromSurface Destroy Docking Undocking Death FlagPlant AnomalyDiscovery (untested) FacilityUpgraded StructureCollapsed TechnologyResearched Income Expense ScienceAdded Score This feature is tied to the Achievements system and it tracks your overall game progress by awarding you score for certain important achievements. Number of points depends on the achievement (e.g. landing is worth more than a flyby), celestial body (proportional to its science multiplier for recovery) and whether it was a crewed vessel or a probe. It should be compatible with all planet packs and works in all game modes. Achievements in the following categories award score: First suborbital flight First reaching orbit First flyby of a celestial body First orbiting a celestial body First docking in a SOI of a celestial body (this category that doesn't distinguish between manned and unmanned vessels) First landing on a celestial body First return from orbit of a celestial body First return from the surface of a celestial body Earned score is displayed in the Score tab for each category and each (unlocked) celestial body. If you have unlocked this achievement only with an unmanned vessel, it will be in yellow and with a U mark. If you have unlocked it with a manned vessel, the number will be preceded with a green M mark. The total score is shown in the bottom. You can set the game to award you funds, science and/or reputation for gaining score. Just set the desired amounts per score point in the difficulty settings. These values can also be set by third-party mods using Module Manager (but still can be amended manually in-game). To define your own score categories or change base score values, you may edit the Achievements.cfg file or use Module Manager. See chapter Achievements for details. Supported Mods Space Age doesn't need any mods to run, but it supports features of these ones: KSP-AVC Blizzy's Toolbar Space Age changes almost nothing in the universe, so it shouldn't affect playability of save games Tracking of returns from orbit/surface is far from perfect (it uses the stock system, which was intended for internal purposes) and can sometimes generate too many events. Delete unnecessary ones or disable tracking it in the Settings. The mod has minor issues with Kerbal Construction Time, which handles technology discoveries and facility upgrades in its own way. You can simply disable or manually delete these entries. License The mod is distributed under MIT license. The icon has been created by Delapouite (http://delapouite.com) and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0. Enjoy the mod? Buy me a coffee! Change Log
  16. Anyone got an idea how to get a list of keys (or key-value pairs) in a ConfigNode? I have only found lists of sub-nodes and of values. I want to basically convert ConfigNode contents into a Dictionary without knowing in advance what keys it has.
  17. I had a strange issue with Field Research. I had a contract "Help a scientist perform experiments on Minmus". I did all the contract required, but it wasn't marked as complete (as if I didn't run the experiments, which I'm sure I did). I then used Alt-F12 menu to do it manually. Some time later, I took a similar contract, but I never got the scientist mentioned in it (so I can't complete it "legally" either).
  18. Looks like it was really AmpYear's fault. The ReservePower storage didn't fill up because I'd disabled it, but EC generation stopped. Sorry for bothering!
  19. ReservePower is a resource from AmpYear. Indeed, it can be the cause of this. I'll try tinkering with its settings and see.
  20. Nothing special: besides the Salamander pod and the solar panels, a few DMagic's scientific instruments (all disabled), the Klaw, a fuel tank, an engine, a heat shield, chutes and an antenna. From the other side and with MKS dashboard:
  21. But I'm not using any USI reactors or fuel cells. I use stock solar panels.
  22. After one of the recent updates, I noticed that my vessels never go over 95% of their EC if they have a USI part (such as Salamander pod). And technically, they are not colonies or bases or stations, just ordinary ships. I don't know much about the logistics system, but looks like it is to blame. Is it intended behavior or a bug? I hope it's not going to happen to other resources as well?
  23. I wonder if KSP 1.3.1 will be released soon and will break FAR. It's becoming a tradition already.
  24. Yep, CKAN seems to believe 0.15.9 is for KSP 1.2.2 and marks it as incompatible for the 1.3 install.
  25. I would like to have AmpYear support a part module introduced by Kerbal Health. It's added (via MM) to various parts and its EC usage is calculated in the module's code (it depends on the number of kerbals in the vessel). How hard is it to make it?
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