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Everything posted by garwel

  1. Can you enable Debug Mode and share the output log and your mods list (e.g. screenshot of GameData folder)? The DFWrapper log spam is annoying (it's fixed in the next release), but it shouldn't freeze the game or cause any serious issues. Kerbal Health never changes kerbals' names, so it may be another mod's problem.
  2. Please enable debug mode and attach the log. This is too little information for me to investigate.
  3. I tried to minimize performance impact for when the mod, or its components, are disabled. So, for instance, if you disable radiation mechanics, it won't be calculated (even though the values will continue to be displayed in Health Monitor). Most factors will still be calculated even if their impact is set to 0. I may try to do something about it in the future.
  4. Signal Delay 0.2.1 Added: Antenna's EC usage is now displayed in Flight on right click Changed: Only the first link (e.g. from the active vessel to a relay) is now taken into account for EC usage calculation Fixed: Brakes should now disable when releasing brake key (B) Download for KSP 1.3.1 Download for KSP 1.3.0
  5. Which version of Visual Studio are you using? I think the latest VS 2017 supports .NET Framework 4.6.1 and therefore 3.5.
  6. I think your CoM is too high (i.e. close to the top of the craft), which makes it turn the wrong side. I used to do this thing too and I would separate the last stage at some point during reentry. But it's a bit risky (e.g. sometimes I got my lander hit by the last stage or it got stuck and prevented me from keeping the vessel retrograde), so I now prefer to get rid of the last stage early and use a heat shield instead.
  7. I just successfully landed my first probe on Duna, completely controlled by kOS. Alas, it lost its engines on landing, but it won't need them any more anyway.
  8. Is there a safe way to call Part:GetModule when I don't know if such module exists? I have basically to do this work twice: first to iterate through all the Part:Modules to find the one I need and then to request it via Part:GetModule; otherwise I risk getting an error. I wish there were Part:HasModule command or GetModule returned false or something if nothing was found.
  9. @allista Perhaps not too long before your'll have another KSP player at home! My daughter already launches stuff.
  10. Yesterday I wrote about the precarious situation Milgy Kerman and I got into on Minmus. Here is how the plan worked. After taking all the fuel and oxidizer from Dream Refinery, Milgy drove a hundred meters toward Dream Miner to collect the Exotic Minerals—the primary target of the mission. She connected the two vessels and pumped 10 tons of minerals. What's even better, it turned out that the Miner also held about half a ton of LFO, leftovers from its own landing stage. This would come in handy for the return mission, so I took it as well. The next task was to strip the vessel of all unnecessary mass. Milgy dumped her extra EVA fuel canister on the ground and dismantled an empty supplies container. Unfortunately, she couldn't detach a pump connector (KIS said it was a root part, weird). I decided to leave the top chute in place: it didn't weigh much, but it could provide some additional safety during the landing. The shuttle then drove a safe distance from the Miner and separated its side tanks. We don't want them to obstruct way for future shuttles. Now, we are ready to go. The shuttle took off and achieved an 11x10 km orbit. I didn't want to go higher than that because we needed every m/s for pre-reentry braking. Milgy went on EVA and detached the wheels. The flight from Minmus orbit to Kerbin's vicinity was uneventful, which is good. We still had a few hundred m/s to reduce the vessel's reentry speed. Still, the landing module entered the atmosphere at about 2,700 m/s. Its heavy weight (remember about the 10 tons of valuable Exotic Minerals?) prevented it from slowing down quickly and the ablator was running out. The shuttle only went subsonic at 20 km above sea level. By then it had depleted more than 80% of its ablating shielding. Had it came in just a bit faster, a disaster would be almost inevitable. Good thing we had some fuel for slowing down before the reentry! Chutes deployed, but it turned out that the vessel was indeed too heavy. It ran into ground at 8.5 m/s crushing its base. Fortunately, the Exotic Minerals containers and the crew pod survived the rough landing. I was very wise to leave the top chute in place! The mission, after being on the brink of failure, finally brought to Kerbin 4,000 units of Exotic Minerals giving us $435K.
  11. Nope! I'm playing with EVAFuel, so pushing uses up monoprop.
  12. I'm in the middle of a Mark Watney-like situation. Not that it's been planned, but you know how it happens and all. So, for background: I'm playing a Career game with very challenging settings and lots of mods that make things even harder (KCT, Kerbal Health, USI-LS, etc.). Struggling to earn money from anything slightly less boring than launching a 145th satellite. So my Big Plan was: mine Minmus (even its name is appropriate) for Exotic Minerals ship them to Kerbin PROFIT!! Pretty straightforward, isn't it? But, with KCT, it's taken me game years (really, I'm in year 22 now) to do all the scanning and truthing, to earn enough money with the boring contracts to upgrade the R&D and to invent drills, to launch all the automated stuff, and to prepare the shuttle mission. This is the Dream Base consisting of two automated modules: Dream Refinery (in the foreground) and Dream Miner (in the background) The shuttle, bearing the beautiful name of M044 Dream XM Shuttle 1, is manned with Milgy Kerman, an Engineer. The mission plan is: launch to LKO travel to Minmus land near the Dream Base at the Highlands at equator drive to Dream Refinery, link up and refuel drive to Dream Miner, link up and grab the minerals launch and fly toward Kerbin reach LKO (direct descent is undesirable, because we need to aim for KSC) land near KSC What can possibly go wrong? Well, turns out, anything. Problem #1: The shuttle's living space is only graded for about 19 days in space. Milgy won't be able to survive much longer in the cramped conditions of a Salamander pod and she'll also run out of snacks and candy bars, which means certain death. So we have to complete the mission quickly. Problem #2: The shuttle looks like an offspring of an unholy alliance of a tower and a shopping cart. It is tall (to be used as a rocket stage) and it has to roll (to drive to the two Dream Base facilities). With the center of mass so high, it can easily tip. Anyway, the first 3 points on our list went well. After about 8 days of travel and then waiting for the Landing Zone to turn to the day side, Dream Shuttle 1 landed safely within just 300 m of the Dream Base. It then drove very carefully and slowly toward the Dream Refinery. Nothing bad happened! Whoa! Now, it was time for Milgy to do some manual labor. She had to EVA, link the Shuttle and the Refinery, and wait for the refueling to complete. It might take some time, kerbal engineers said, because the Refinery had a relatively small fuel tank, which had to be emptied before it could produce more fuel. Then Milgy would unlink the vessels... Oh, and she also had instructions to install two extra inflatable fuel tanks on the Refinery. But the moment Milgy, carrying the deflated fuel tanks and other stuff, squeezed through the hatch and began climbing down, the whole tower started moving. Apparently, the heavy tanks destabilized it and within seconds the tower tipped and fell on the ground. (forgot to take the screenshot, sorry) Milgy was ok, but there was every reason for a little panic. This scenario was seen as the most dangerous: prior simulations demonstrated that the Shuttle's RCS didn't have the push enough to raise the tower if it tipped. Of course, after the simulations, the RCS ports were moved elsewhere to give them a better leverage, but I never tested the new configuration. Anyway, Milgy couldn't even get back into the vessel while she was carrying these heavy fuel tanks. So she installed them on the Dream Refinery and returned to the command pod. Then she (or I, whatever) tried to raise the tower. She enabled RCS, disabled wheel brakes (so that the wheels would add momentum) and pushed, pushed, pushed. Nothing happened, at first. But then the vessel began moving, very slowly and its top raising from the ground. At last, it was fixed in the vertical position. Milgy very carefully left the vessel again--and it didn't fall down! Hurray! She connected the Shuttle and the Refinery and took a picture in front of the Wheeled Tower. But it wasn't over. The Shuttle now had to refuel: it needed 19 t of LFO, but it currently had less than 7 t (including the fuel in the Refinery). The rest would have to be produced by the Refinery and it would take... wait, let me check the calculations... oh no... it will take 30 days! Problem #3: It turns out the mining rate of the Refinery is very low. Milgy will die of hunger or the extremely uncomfortable conditions in the pod in like 12 days, long before the needed fuel will be produced. So, what do we do? We don't have time to prepare and launch a rescue mission. Increasing fuel output appears impossible. Even if Milgy removes the drill from the Dream Miner and attach it to the refinery, that drill is configured to extract Exotic Minerals, not Ore. So we'll have to deal with the fuel we have. How much delta V do we need for the return trip? In theory, 600 or 700 m/s could be enough. But this vessel isn't particularly sturdy and we've never landed it yet, so just dropping it on Kerbin from 44,000 km doesn't sound wise. For a reentry at a safer 2,800 - 3,000 m/s (rather than 3,300 m/s), we'll need to burn additional 300-500 m/s. So we'll need a budget of 1,000 m/s for the Minmus-Kerbin trip. Still, we probably won't be able to aim for KSC, but it's better than nothing. If we ditch the radial tanks and take 10 tons of Exotic Minerals, the fuel remaining fuel will give a delta V of 930 m/s. Not good enough. Fortunately, our astronaut is a certified engineer who knows how to use a screwdriver. She can strip the shuttle of extra weight: the connector port, the empty supplies container and one redundant parachute. It will give us about 20 m/s. The heaviest thing, of course, is the wheels, but we can't remove them on the ground. However, we can do it while in Minmus orbit. It should give us another 30 m/s. If we use monopropellant, it will add some 70 m/s. Therefore, we can squeeze 1,050 m/s out of this vessel and still return the full tanks of Exotic Minerals. If at some point (preferably before it's too late) we discover that we need more delta V, we can always throw some XM into the void of space. But it's like using gold for ballast, not very practical. I'll tell you how it worked out. Continuation
  13. Signal Delay 0.2.0 Module Manager is now required for telemetry EC usage Added: Antennas use EC for telemetry when deployed; usage depends on antenna's power and signal strength Added: Support for DMagic Orbital Science, JX2, MKS, and Surface Experiment Pack antennas Changed: Commands are no longer displayed on screen in debug mode Download for KSP 1.3.1 Download for KSP 1.3.0
  14. Got it, thanks. I think it's too much of a hassle right now to make an addon solely for adding a delay to the terminal. If one day there is a more accessible way to interact with kOS (e.g. feed it a script) from another plugin, I'll be more than happy.
  15. I understand I can't implement such interaction from within my mod and need to make a separate project/DLL? Does it have to reside in kOS folder?
  16. Is there a way to add delay to terminal commands (using gui:extradelay or otherwise) from another plugin? Maybe I looked in the wrong place, but I haven't found any public API documentation for kOS.
  17. I love this mod, but I had an issue with it. After a few screens, it stops changing the pictures and the same one is shown over and over. Is it intended behavior?
  18. Space Age 0.2.4 Added: ReachSpace, ReturnFromOrbit, ReturnFromSurface events Added: Achievements for first reaching space, first returns from orbits and surfaces of celestial bodies, crewed and uncrewed Added: Captions for celestial bodies in Achievements tab Small performance and code style improvements Download for KSP 1.3.1 Download for KSP 1.3.0
  19. Sorry about it. You may have to download the correct version yourself (see the link in the OP) or wait a bit until I release a fix (probably tomorrow).
  20. I haven't used these, but have you tried Vessel.up/upAxis/down/north/south/east/west for directions and velocityD/srf_vel_direction for prograde?
  21. I never quite understood what these trim values are for. Do they affect how quickly the pitch/yaw/roll return to 0 or what?
  22. It is calculated from the nearest point of control per CommNet rules (i.e. taking into account relays, control sources, etc.). The speed of light can be adjusted in the settings. No, this mod only provides the delay. I don't plan a flight computer or anything of this sort. You may use kOS or other mods alongside for automation. Note that MechJeb and various autopilots will most likely operate without a delay. Let me know if you encounter any bugs with them.
  23. Signal Delay 0.1.1 Added: Support for kOS Added: Time warp stops when a command is about to be executed Added: Throttle sensitivity setting Changed: Delay screen notification disappears sooner Fixed: SAS in Stability Assist mode locked orientation on big vessels Download for KSP 1.3.1 Download for KSP 1.3.0
  24. It should be there. Please share the output log with Space Age in debug mode. Can you submit the issue? I think I can add it when I have time.
  25. Use a file sharing service such as Google Drive, Dropbox or Mega.nz. I didn't understand the second question: what kind of tab do you mean? Space Age has a button (with three stars, at KSC and in Flight) and a Settings menu.
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