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Everything posted by garwel

  1. I've scored hundreds hours of gameplay with development versions and haven't experienced any serious issues.
  2. Try increasing sickness duration and incubation; perhaps also the interval between sicknesses and immunity period, for balancing. It will make the sickness more of a real threat. I'm going to do it for the full version, but I'd be grateful if you tested it out and told me how it works.
  3. All events are checked at random intervals, on average once a day. The chance of curing a disease without treatment at each check is 1/SicknessDuration, so 20 days duration gives a 5% chance per day. However, in addition to "self-curing" a sickness can be cured by Scientists and Medics. Effectiveness of such treatment is determined by the TreatmentDuration setting. If the sick kerbal is at KSC, all other available kerbals with appropriate traits will try to heal him. It means that if you have more Scientists and/or Medics in KSC, the actual sickness duration will be much lower (depending also on the number of sick kerbals). You may try setting TreatmentDuration to 0 and see if it improves things Perhaps I'll change the algorithm or default values to make sickness more probable.
  4. Why don't you transmit it by radio? It works for me.
  5. A new pre-release of Kerbal Health 1.0 is ready. Main changes: added resource shielding and a new resource called RadiationShielding, changed radiation on atmospheric bodies, fixed a few issues (old and new). Again, I'm waiting for your feedback, ideas, complaints, acknowledgements, and checks. The detailed change log and download link are here.
  6. Hey, thanks for the testing! Settings are processed by KSP automatically. Anyway, I've already almost finished paging, so the long kerbal roster problem is considered solved. I meant default settings where you have base HP of 100, so 10 HP is 10%. I'll clarify it in the descriptions if it's confusing. Yes, I nerfed EVA factor. Having 10x radiation is already bad enough, EVAs don't really affect health so badly IRL, and most LS mods deal with this issue too. This is (or at least it used to be) a longtime stock issue. I'll try tinkering with it to see if it's been resolved. I may complicate things even more in the future by adding individual planet/moon modifiers. E.g., Eve should have much better atmospheric protection than Duna; Dres and Eeloo probably have weak magnetic fields, etc. It will be adjustable with CFGs. I'm not sure how hard it is to code this. But anyway, it's not very realistic to have an astronaut travel to another planet while sitting outdoors the whole trip. I do hope that the hiccups are due to logging, but in truth the mod requires a good deal of optimization. Will have to wait until after 1.0. Besides, I'm going to publish a new version soon, with many improvements.
  7. Thanks for the tip, but it doesn't reload Module Manager, which means a lot of mods (maybe most of them) won't load properly.
  8. Sounds interesting. Is it compatible with EVAFuel and KIS?
  9. I like the idea of grounding a kerbal to cure radiation. It would also work in Science and Sandbox modes where there are no funds. Thanks for the testing. - The Health Monitor UI issues is a result of my attempt to use scrollable lists when you have more than 12 kerbals. Apparently, it doesn't work as intended, so I've already removed that code. I guess I'll use paged view instead, as in Space Age. - I think you shouldn't receive Crowded malus when on EVA (after all, this is when the astronauts can stretch their legs for once), so I'll disable it in the future. Thanks for pointing it out. - The maths and values of radiation in different locations will change a bit; the new system is explained in the wiki. But the general scheme remains: atmosphere is in fact a crucial factor in stopping ionizing radiation. Its lower layers block the bulk of cosmic rays. I tried to keep all the figures realistic.
  10. Like I said, in most situations, cosmic radiation is the biggest concern, not radioactive parts. A single NERV engine without shielding only adds 250 bananas/day, which is 40 times less than cosmic radiation in interplanetary space. The latter is 10,000 bananas/day, i.e. 0.025% of max HP decrease per day. Your kerbal will lose all their health after 4000 days (about 9 kerbal years). Adding one NERV engine will decrease this to 3902 days. On the other hand, there are some very powerful engines and reactors (e.g. in KSP-IE) that produce as much as 84,000 bananas/day thereby killing an unshielded kerbal in a year. Leveling only gives you a 10% bonus, so 5-level kerbals have 150 HP while 0-level have 100. And it doesn't erase the result of radiation (e.g., a if a 0-level kerbal has lost 20% of max HP to radiation and reached level 1, her max HP will increase from 80 to 88, not to 110). I may add an option to cure radiation poisoning for a hefty sum at KSC or even do something about it while on a mission, but I haven't really decided how to do it. Anyway it's going to be really hard and probably have diminishing returns. I also think I may add some special conditions to give certain kerbals increased max HP, but it's a secret yet.
  11. Well, it may deplete (e.g. water may become contaminated after some time), but it's not the point here. What I have in mind is to allow some resources to provide additional Shielding when present on board because they have good shielding properties IRL (e.g., Water and Lead) or because they are supposed to contain medicine and such (e.g. USI Colony Supplies). In this case, I could also add an abstract resource called RadiationShielding to crew parts. This would use the same code and would be easy for the player to control. Besides, I've added a page on Radiation to the Kerbal Health wiki with some explanations of the new mechanics. Some figures there differ from the pre-release version, because I've already tinkered with them, but most stuff is correct.
  12. I'll try to do that; just about to test some code that uses this data. Shielding is needed not just for the radioactive parts, but most importantly for cosmic radiation, which is usually of greater concern than artificial. E.g., in interplanetary space just outside Kerbin SOI you get 10,000 banana equivalent doses/day from cosmic rays and only 250 from a NERV engine. There are some truly powerful reactors (mostly in KSP-IE) that produce great amounts of radiation, but most "normal" parts are much less dangerous. So you still need shielding even if you have a completely nuke-free vessel in deep space. But I like your idea of having a shielding slider for some parts; I may add it in the future when (if) I implement resource shielding. Maybe make it a feature of manned parts?
  13. Health and radiation data is updated every 10 seconds (when not on time wrap), otherwise it would be a slideshow. Still, it can cause hiccups, especially when many kerbals are in physics range. I plan to do optimization as soon as all main systems are in place, which is about now. I've thought about it, but it's harder than it may sound. First, AFAIK, there is no simple way to get the distance between parts in one vessel. I'd have to calculate it myself, and it would require lots of coding (you'd have to pass the ship's part tree, find the distance between connected nodes, take parts orientation into consideration, etc.) for a rather small benefit. For the vast majority of vessels, cosmic radiation will still be a much bigger threat than their reactors. And it can also cause massive lag, at least until I do the optimization pass I mention above. I could find a simpler approach: e.g. require that radioactive parts didn't touch crew parts directly; calculate the number of parts, not the linear distance, between the crew module and the nuclear reactor/engine; or give trusses a special property of shielding against vessel radiation.
  14. Shielding is measured in half-thicknesses, which means that every additional unit of shielding reduces received radiation (in the mod, it's called Exposure and is measured in %) by half. Shielding values of all relevant parts in the vessel simply add up. It doesn't depend on the actual location on the part, so it's somewhat abstracted. The higher the vessel's crew capacity, the more shielding you will need. The main formulas are: Radiation = Exposure x (LocationCoefficient x (SolarRadiation + GalacticRadiation) + PartRadiation) Exposure = 2 ^ (- Shielding x CrewCapacity ^ (-2/3)) SolarRadiation = NominalSolarRadiation x SunDistance ^ (-2), where SunDistance is measured in AU For example, a simple 1-man pod with a 1.25m heat shield will have a shielding rating of 1 and an exposure of 50%. It means that 50% of radiation (both cosmic and artificial) will reach the kerbal inside. A shielding rating of 7 will bring this value to about 1% (because 2^-7=0.0078125). But a 2-seat vessel will require a shielding rating of 11 to achieve the same exposure. These figures are shown in the Health Report window in the Editor. Amount or even presence of ablator is insignificant, only the shield base is important. It is both easier to code and perhaps more realistic (real-life ablators are low-Z materials that have bad radiation shielding capabilities). However, I may add resource shielding (and resource radiation) in the future, so that amount of specific resources on the vessel will affect its radiation-related properties.
  15. For those of you who like this mod and want to help with bug hunting and balancing, you may try the pre-release of Kerbal Health 1.0. It features numerous improvements, changes, and fixes. The most important are: Radiation, which permanently reduces kerbals' maximum HP, depends on the location and on presence of radioactive parts (reactors and atomic engines), and can be reduced by shielding the vessel with heat shields and panels Detailed view in Health Monitor displays more stats including individual factors for loaded kerbals Support (radiation-wise only) for Deadly Reentry, Kerbal Atomics, KSP-IE, SpaceY Difficulty presets (Hard difficulty recommended) EC consumption of all health modules reduced by 50% I am looking for bug reports, balance suggestions or any ideas for improvement. You may download the pre-release here.
  16. There is already such a list in FlightGlobals.Bodies, but it's not what I was looking for. Anyway, DMagic's answer worked ok for me.
  17. Is there a simple way to find the parent body of a given CelestialBody other than going through all the FlightGlobals.bodies and checking HasParent? I don't see anything relevant in the definition of the CelestialBody class, but maybe it's somewhere else?
  18. I know. But let's do maths: the stock system has 17 celestial bodies and 145 biomes. It means that the Seismometer can take 145 measurements (with base science value of 20) and the Magnetometer 34 (in low and high orbits, base science value of 25). With similar masses and the the 15x difference in costs, the Magnetometer is 3.4 more efficient than the Seismometer. The advantage over the Thermometer (200 possible measurements, science value 8, cost 900) and the Barometer (157 measurements, science value 10, cost 880) is 2.4 times. Of course, the author can use whatever values they like and nobody must make their parts absolutely equal to the stock parts. But with a mod so deep and so popular, I think balancing is important.
  19. True, but Seismometer, for instance, is also quite high in the tree, can only be used when landed, but it costs 15 times more and has a smaller base science value.
  20. I have a balancing issue/suggestion. The DTMagnetometer part and its associated magnetosphericExperiment appear seriously overpowered. The part only weighs 0.005 t (similar to the stock Thermometer, Barometer, and Seismometer) and costs 200 (compared to 880-3000 for the parts), but it gives a base value of 25 science, which is 1.25-3 times higher than the similar stock experiments. As a result, using the magnetometer feels like cheating, getting lots of science for almost nothing. You could balance it by significantly increasing the mass (a bad solution because existing vessels will suffer) or cost or decreasing science yield. Or perhaps combine the two latter things. Similar stock experiments cost about 75-300 funds per base science value. So you might want to make it something like 15 base science and 2500 funds per unit. It would still be one of the most advantageous science parts compared to stock, but at least somewhat balanced.
  21. Space Age 0.2.2 - Stock ProgressTracking compatibility Added: Importing achievements from stock ProgressTracking system, useful when the mod is installed mid-game (enable in the Settings and change scene) (per request by @jlcarneiro) Added: Achievements tab is now split into pages, like the Chronicle Added: Anomaly discoveries are now tracked by the Chronicle and Achievements (untested!) Changed: Small UI and text improvements Changed: Orbit events are now tracked by default Changed: Flyby events are deprecated, replaced by SOIChange events Fixed: NRE in the Chronicle window when no events have been recorded (reported by @wile1411) Fixed: NRE when not in Career mode Fixed: Flyby achievements should now trigger correctly in all cases Download here
  22. Hey @wile1411, thanks for the good words. It's this kind of thing I'm making my mods for. All the sickness-related mechanics is based on random events. Basically, on average, every day (the period is also random, can be more or less) the mod checks chances that a kerbal gets sick, cures the sickness or loses immunity, depending on their current state. The chances are determined by the sliders: e.g., the Avg. Untreated Sickness Duration slider set to 10 days means that, every day, there is a 10% chance of the sickness being healed. TBH, it's not really an accurate estimate based on the theory of probabilities (the actual average sickness duration is a bit shorter than that), but it's easier for the player and for me. So, TL;DR: there is no min or max duration of sickness, depending on your luck it can heal in a day or go on for months. Yes, I'm going to add disease severity levels (mild/normal/severe) and/or different diseases at some point. But given that sickness is already quite rare and there is enough randomness to it as it is, it's not of high priority. I'm still learning KSP's UI, so if I find how to manipulate individual labels, I'll do all kinds of decorations. So far I only learned to change all fonts at once. Not pretty. It shouldn't be hard. I'll think how to handle it well. On the other hand, I guess there are already mods out there that punish you for killing kerbals. As far as I understand, I can't create my own icons for messages, but I might pick another one or change its color. Will look at it.
  23. The multiplier only works for a certain health factor (e.g., Microgravity), but most of them are negative, so multiplication won't heal anything. You should better use hpMarginalChangePerDay; something like 3% is quite good already, means up to 4.5 HP/day. You may also use hpChangePerDay, which gives a flat bonus regardless of any other factors, but it's a bit cheaty.
  24. Thanks for the report, I've already fixed these issues for the next release. The problem only happens before you launch any vessels or achieve anything (with the mod installed).
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